Allahu Akbar
God is the greatest
Auzu billaahi min ash-Shaytaan ir-rajeem
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the acursed
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem
In the name of Allah-the most compassionate, most merciful
Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen.
Maliki Yawmid-Deen
Iyyaaka nabudu wa Iyyaaka nastaeen
Ihdinas-Siraatal Mustaqeem
Siraatal lazeena anamta alaihim ghayril maghdoobi alaihim wa lad-daaalleen
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek
Show us the straight way
The way of those on whom thou hast bestowed The Grace, those whose portion is not wrath, and who go not astray.
Innaaa atainaa Kal kauthar
Fasalli li rabbika wanhar
Inna shaaniaka huwal abtar
Indeed we have granted you abundant goodnes
So pray and sacrifice to ur Lord alone
Only the one who hates you is truly cut off from any goodness
Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem
Glory be to my Lord the Almighty
Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah
Rabbana wa lakal-hamd
God hears those who praise Him
Our lord, praise be to You
Subhana Rabbi Al-Ala
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High
Qul huwal laahu had
Allah hus-samad
Lam yalid wa lam yoolad
wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad
He is Allah, the One and Only
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten
And there is none like unto Him.
At taheyatu lil-lahi was salawatu
wa taiyibatu
As salamu alaika ayuhan nabi
Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
As salamu alaina
Wa ala ibadil lahis salihin
Ash hadu an la ilaha ilallah
Wa ash hadu anna muhamadan
abduhu wa rasuluh
All compliments, prayers and beautiful
expressions are for God.
Peace be on you, O Messenger,
and God's mercy and blessings.
Peace be on us
and on all righteous servants of God.
I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship
except God.
And I bear witness that Muhammad
is His servant and Envoy.
Allahuma sali ala muhamadin
wa ala ali muhamad
Kama sallaita ala ibrahima
Wa ala ali ibrahima
Inaka hamidun majid
Allahuma barik ala Muhamadin
wa ala ali Muhamad
Kama barakta ala Ibrahima
wa ala ali Ibrahima
Inaka hamidun majid
My God, honour Muhammad
and Muhammad’s family
as you honoured Abraham
and Abraham’s family
Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great
My God, bless Muhammad
and Muhammad’s family
as you bless ed Abraham
and Abraham’s family
Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great
Allahumma rabana
atena fid dunia hasanatan
Wa fil-aherati hasanatan
wa kina ‘adhaban-nar
Rabbana gfirli
wa le waledaya we lel-
Jawma jakomol hesab
My Allah, our God
give us goods in this world
and goods in the hereafter
and guard us from the torment of fire
Our God, forgive me,
my parents, and the believers
the Day we shall be held accountable
Assalamu alaikum wa
God's peace and blessings be upon you