A gas that obeys these five postulates is a(n) ________ gas.
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Kinetic Molecular Theory
The ________ attempts to represent the properties of gases by modeling the gas particles themselves at the microscopic level.
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Charless law
________ describes the volume and temperature relationship of a gas when the pressure and amount are constant.
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Boyles law
________ describes the relationship between the volume and the pressure of a gas when the temperature and amount are constant.
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Gay Lussacs law
________ describes the relationship between the pressure of a gas and its Kelvin temperature if the volume and amount are held constant.
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Grahams law
________ defines the relationship of the speed of gas diffusion (mixing of gases due to their kinetic energy) or effusion (movement of a gas through a tiny opening) and the gases molecular mass.
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small particles
Gases are composed of very ________, either molecules or atoms.