Chomh luath is a léigh mé teideal na haiste seo, caithfidh mé a rá go raibh mè ar bí peann a chur le par
As soon as I read the title of this essay, I must say, I was excited to be putting pen to paper.
Aon duine a féachann ar an nuacht beidh rud éigin feicthe aige faoin ábhar seo
Anyone who watches the news would have seen something about this subject.
‘Is iomaí duine ag Dia’, mar a deir an seanfhocail agus gan dabht is iomaí tuairim ag daoine faoin ábhar seo
‘God has many people’ says the proverb and without doubt people have many opinions about the subject
Ní saineolaí mise ar an domhain fós, ach é sin ráite, tá cúpla tuairim agam faoin ábhar seo
I’m no expert on the world yet, but having said that I have a couple of opinions on this subject
Ag deireadh na haiste seo tá súil agam go n-aontóidh tú liom
By the end of this essay, I hope you would agree with me