the willingness to be vulnerable to a trustee based on positive expectations about the trustee’s actions and intentions
the perceived fairness of an authority’s decision making
Four dimensions of justice:
Distributive , Procedural , Interpersonal , Informational
the degree to which the behaviors of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted norms
In what three factors is trust rooted?
Disposition-based , cognition-based , affect-based
the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement
the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return
Major Types of Power (5):
Legitimate , Reward , Coercive , Expert , Referent
What increases the degree to which leaders can use their power to influence others?
Low Sustainability , High Discretion , High Centrality , High Visibility
the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others
Most Effective Influence Tactics:
Rational Persuasion , Inspirational Appeal , Consultation , Collaboration
Moderately Effective Influence Tactics:
Ingratiation , Personal Appeals , Exchange Tactic , Apprising
Least Effective Influence Tactics:
Pressure , Coalitions
Robert Cialdini's Science of Persuasion:
Reciprocity, Scarcity , Authority , Consistency , Liking , Consensus
People want more of those things they can have less of
People will follow the lead of credible, knowledgeable experts
Looking for and asking for commitments that can be made
Obligation to gift when you receive
What are the possible responses to influence?
Resistance , Compliance , Internalization
target is opposed to request and attempts to avoid doing it
target is willing to perform request, but does so with indifference
target agrees with and becomes committed to request
Organizational Politics
actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests
Political Skill
the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others to enhance personal and organizational objectives
Networking Ability
easy to make friends, craft network of people, can call upon others to help you get stuff done
Social Astuteness
understand yourself and other people well
Interpersonal Influence
understand the situation so you can pick the most appropriate behaviors in the situation
Apparent Sincerity
appear to be genuine and forthright
Prefer to say yes to people they like (similar, compliment, cooperate)
People will look to the actions of others to determine their own
What three norms are used to judge distributive justice?
Equity , Equality , Need
What 2 rules of fair process increase procedural justice perceptions?
Voice , Correctability
What is equal employment opportunity?
Equal chance to get the job/non favoritism/do not have to hire unqualified applicants/cannot take in irrelevant information when making decision (race, sex, religion)
What four rules of equal employment opportunity increase procedural justice perceptions?
Consistency , Bias Suppression , Representativeness , Accuracy
conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness
Bias Suppression
Decision-making that overrides one's personal views and self-interests
the fact of a smaller group of people or things representing a larger group accurately, so that the smaller group is typical of the larger one
the quality or state of being correct or precise
When are procedural justice perceptions most important?
When people do not like the outcome
What two rules increase interpersonal justice perceptions?
Respect Rule , Proprietary Rule
What two rules increase informational justice perceptions?
justification rule , truthfulness rules
Justification rule
Leaders thoroughly explain process and outcomes
Truthfulness Rule
Honest in our Communications