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Rules of the country where economic activity occurs apply.
The norm for international trade
non - discrimination rules in place for foreign products
Each member state can retain its own rules as long as these rules do not discriminate against foreign products
Host country model implications
Soverignty - Limited constraints on MS power to decide the applicable rules within their territories + non-discrimination
Institutions - national legislatures + national courts
Welfare - Non-economic values can be protected compatibly with non-discrimination
Room to accommodate different preferences
democracy - Inclusive within each MS
Under-inclusive with regard to affected interest beyond the state
Dont take into the interest of all of those affected
Unitary rules adopted at the EU level that apply uniformly to all member states. Norm for federal states
Harmonization model implications
Sovereignty -
vertical transfer of power MS —> EU
join the exercise of sovereign powers
MS represented in the Council and EUcon
EU legislature
economics of scale