AP European History Unit 6 AP-styled MCQs

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<p>The Crystal Palace, shown above, was built in London in 1851 primarily as</p><p>a) memorial to those who fought in the Crimean War</p><p>b) celebration of British technological and economic dominance</p><p>c) performance hall for musicals and opera</p><p>d) private summer residence for the royal family</p>

The Crystal Palace, shown above, was built in London in 1851 primarily as

a) memorial to those who fought in the Crimean War

b) celebration of British technological and economic dominance

c) performance hall for musicals and opera

d) private summer residence for the royal family

b) celebration of British technological and economic dominance

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Which of the following would still be a reason that some areas of Europe still faced famines and rural poverty in the mid-nineteenth century?

a) The persistence of primitive landowning patterns that divided the same amount of land into ever-smaller plots

b) The dominance of agricultural elites in the less industrialized areas

c) the decreasing population growth

d) the increased urbanization of western europe

a) The persistence of primitive landowning patterns that divided the same amount of land into ever-smaller plots

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Which of the following ideological groups would have been most in support of government intervention to help alleviate the famine?

a) liberals

b) nationalists

c) conservatives

d) suffragists

a) liberals

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My Lord Duke,

“Without apology or preface, I presume so far to trespass on your Grace as to state to you, and by the use of your illustrious name, to present to the British public the following statement of what I have myself seen within the last three days. Having for many years been intimately connected with the western portion of the County of Cork, and possessing some small property there, I thought it right personally to investigate the truth of several lamentable accounts which had reached me, of the appalling state of misery to which that part of the country was reduced. I accordingly went to . . . Skibbereen, and . . . I shall state simply what I there saw. . . . Being aware that I should have to witness scenes of frightful hunger, I provided myself with as much bread as five men could carry, and on reaching the spot I was surprised to find the wretched hamlet apparently deserted. I entered some of the hovels to ascertain the cause, and the scenes which presented themselves were such as no tongue or pen can convey the slightest idea of. In the first, six famished and ghastly skeletons, to all appearances dead, were huddled in a corner on some filthy straw, their sole covering what seemed a ragged horsecloth, their wretched legs hanging about, naked above the knees. I approached with horror, and found by a low moaning they were alive—they were in fever, four children, a woman and what had once been a man. It is impossible to go through the detail. Suffice it to say, that in a few minutes I was surrounded by at least 200 such phantoms, such frightful spectres as no words can describe, either from famine or from fever. . . .

In another case, decency would forbid what follows, but it must be told. My clothes were nearly torn off in my endeavor to escape from the throng of pestilence around, when my neckcloth was seized from behind by a grip which compelled me to turn, I found myself grasped by a woman with an infant just born in her arms and the remains of a filthy sack across her loins—the sole covering of herself and baby. The same morning the police opened a house on the adjoining lands, which was observed shut for many days, and two frozen corpses were found, lying upon the mud floor, half devoured by rats.”

Cummins's description of the Irish Potato Famine most directly illustrated the debates about which of the following?

a) The importance of government response to problems of industrialization through an expansion of their functions

b) The importance of government reforms to transform overcrowded cities through modernization

c) Government creation of the modern bureaucratic state

d) The growth of new ideologies and reform movements

a) The importance of government response to problems of industrialization through an expansion of their functions

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<p>Which of the following was a result of renovation of cities such as Paris as shown in the picture above?</p><p>a) Compulsory education and the increased building of schools</p><p>b) modernization of infrastructure</p><p>c) Rapid industrialization, creating the need for a more modern city</p><p>d) Increased government regulation of public health</p>

Which of the following was a result of renovation of cities such as Paris as shown in the picture above?

a) Compulsory education and the increased building of schools

b) modernization of infrastructure

c) Rapid industrialization, creating the need for a more modern city

d) Increased government regulation of public health

b) modernization of infrastructure

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Which of the following would be the best reason why industry did not develop in eastern and southern Europe around the same time as in western Europe?

a) Eastern and southern Europe lacked coal reserves

b) Conservatives in eastern and southern Europe suppressed movements for change

c) Eastern and southern Europe did not benefit as much as western Europe from changes in agriculture during the 18th century

d) Eastern and southern Europe had too many ethnic groups opposed to industrialization

c) Eastern and southern Europe did not benefit as much as western Europe from changes in agriculture during the 18th century

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"The landed interest, the church, the law, the monied interest -- all of these have engrossed, as it were, the House of Commons into their own hands, but the interests of industry and trade have scarcely any representatives at all!"

Petition to the English House of Commons, 1816

The excerpt above most probably refers to the lack of representation in the House of Commons of which of the following?

A- Women

B- Yeoman farmers

C- The working class

D- The landed aristocracy

E- The upper middle class span

E- the upper middle class span

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"By the charter granted by our late sovereign the framework knitters are empowered to break and destroy all frames and engines that fabricate articles in a fraudulent and deceitful manner."

The quotation above is a formulation of the ideas of which of the following groups?

A- Benthamites

B- Anarchists

C- Socialists

D- Luddites

D- Luddites

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"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles."

The quotation above is from the writings of

A) Robespierre and Danton

B) Saint-Simon

C) Marx and Engels

D) Malthus

E) Bismark

B) Marx and Engels

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"The whole history of society up to now has been the history of class struggles. Our period, however, the bourgeois period, is distinguished by the fact that it has simplified class antagonisms. All society is splitting more and more into two great hostile camps, into two large classes opposing each other directly: bourgeoisie and proletariat."

Which of the following wrote the passage above?

A) Prince von Metternich and Viscount Castlereagh

B) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

C) John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor

D) Beatrice and Sydney Webb

E) Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone

B- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

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Which of the following statements best reflects the ideas of Karl Marx?

A) Population grows in geometric progression

B) Humans share a common ancestry with apes

C) The market is governed by an invisible hand

D) a classless society will emerge at the end of the dialectical process

E) happiness results from the greatest good for the greatest number

D) a classless society will emerge at the end of the dialectical process

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Theodor Herzl

A: believed that liberal politics could protect Jews in Europe

B: called for a separate Jewish state in which Jewish rights and liberties would be protected

C: called for reforms to benefit Jews living in ghettos

D: believed that Jews did not deserve an assurance of rights and liberties without initiating a move toward a new Jewish state

B: called for a separate Jewish state in which Jewish rights and liberties would be protected

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Auguste Comte developed the theory of ________.

A: positivism

B: the science of survival

C : evolutionary ethics

D: relativity

A: positivism

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"That the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and other disease caused, or aggravated, or propagated chiefly amongst the labouring classes by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings prevail amongst the population in every part of the kingdom...

That such disease, wherever its attacks are frequent, is always found in connexion with the physical circumstances above specified, and that where those circumstances are removed by drainage, proper cleaning, better ventilation, and other means of diminishing atmospheric impurity, the frequency and intensity of such disease is abated; and where the removal of noxious agencies appears to be complete, such disease almost entirely disappears...

The primary and most important measures, and at the same time the most practicable, and within the recognized province, and within the recognized province of public administration, are drainage, the removal of all refuse of habitations, streets, and roads, and the improvement of the supplies of water."

—Edwin Chadwick, Summary from the Poor Law Commissioners

What specific reforms were introduced in England in response to Chadwick's Summary from the Poor Law Commissioners?

A: widespread vaccinations to prevent the spread of disease

B: the building of new water and sewer systems

C: new medical practices, including the quarantining of sick patients in hospitals

D: the introduction of early air pollution controls on factories that used coal

B: the building of new water and sewer systems

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“I accuse Lt-Col du Paty de Clam of having been the diabolical agent of a miscarriage of justice (though unwittingly, I am willing to believe) and

then of having defended this evil deed for the past three years through the most preposterous and most blameworthy machinations…

I accuse General Billot of having in his hands undeniable proof that Dreyfus was innocent and of having suppressed it, of having committed this

crime against justice and against humanity for political purposes, so that the General Staff, which had been compromised would not lose face…

As for the persons I have accused, I do not know them: I have not seen them: I feel not rancour or hatred toward them. To me, they are mere entities,

mere embodiments of social malfeasance. And the action I am taking here is merely a revolutionary means to hasten the revelation of truth and

justice… Let them dare to summon me before a court of law! Let the inquiry be in broad daylight! I am waiting.”

—Emile Zola, Letter to the President of the Republic, 1898

What had the victim in this newspaper article been falsely accused of?

A. passing French military secrets to the Germans

B. serving as a double agent for the Russian government

C. attempting to assassinate the French president during the French Commune

D. stealing funds from the government to pay for a revolution against the Third Republic

A. passing French military secrets to the Germans

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“I accuse Lt-Col du Paty de Clam of having been the diabolical agent of a miscarriage of justice (though unwittingly, I am willing to believe) and

then of having defended this evil deed for the past three years through the most preposterous and most blameworthy machinations…

I accuse General Billot of having in his hands undeniable proof that Dreyfus was innocent and of having suppressed it, of having committed this

crime against justice and against humanity for political purposes, so that the General Staff, which had been compromised would not lose face…

As for the persons I have accused, I do not know them: I have not seen them: I feel not rancour or hatred toward them. To me, they are mere entities,

mere embodiments of social malfeasance. And the action I am taking here is merely a revolutionary means to hasten the revelation of truth and

justice… Let them dare to summon me before a court of law! Let the inquiry be in broad daylight! I am waiting.”

—Emile Zola, Letter to the President of the Republic, 1898

Why had evidence proving Dreyfus' innocence been suppressed, resulting in a false conviction?

A: The government wanted to cover up Marxist attitudes in France by casting blame in a different direction.

B: Dreyfus was a victim of anti-Semitic attitudes in both society and the government.

C: The guilty party was a popular government figure and the president wanted to spare him.

D: It came from a member of the German press corps and people were hesitant to believe it.

B: Dreyfus was a victim of anti-Semitic attitudes in both society and the government.

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“I accuse Lt-Col du Paty de Clam of having been the diabolical agent of a miscarriage of justice (though unwittingly, I am willing to believe) and then of having defended this evil deed for the past three years through the most preposterous and most blameworthy machinations… I accuse General Billot of having in his hands undeniable proof that Dreyfus was innocent and of having suppressed it, of having committed this crime against justice and against humanity for political purposes, so that the General Staff, which had been compromised would not lose face… As for the persons I have accused, I do not know them: I have not seen them: I feel not rancour or hatred toward them. To me, they are mere entities, mere embodiments of social malfeasance. And the action I am taking here is merely a revolutionary means to hasten the revelation of truth and justice… Let them dare to summon me before a court of law! Let the inquiry be in broad daylight! I am waiting.”

—Emile Zola, Letter to the President of the Republic, 1898

What did the Dreyfus affair help convince Theodor Herzl to do?

A: demand the immediate resignation of the French president

B: call for the arrest and prosecution of Emile Zola for libel

C: launch the European Zionist movement

D: organize the first human rights organization

C: launch the European Zionist movement

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<p>The Manet painting A Bar at the Folies-Bergère shows how ________.</p><p>A: different social classes did not mix socially in modern urban life</p><p>B: the middle classes enjoyed a life of leisure</p><p>C: the working class was excluded from most urban leisure activities</p><p>D: leisure activities in modern urban life allowed people from different classes to mix</p>

The Manet painting A Bar at the Folies-Bergère shows how ________.

A: different social classes did not mix socially in modern urban life

B: the middle classes enjoyed a life of leisure

C: the working class was excluded from most urban leisure activities

D: leisure activities in modern urban life allowed people from different classes to mix

D: leisure activities in modern urban life allowed people from different classes to mix

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Darwin's Descent of Man

A: contended that neither the origin of humans nor human character required the existence of a god

B: was a confirmation that human origins derived from an omniscient god

C: gave scientific support to the notion that biology was the basis of social success

D: gave scientific support to the notion that Europeans were biologically superior to other humans

A: contended that neither the origin of humans nor human character required the existence of a god

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The Peace treaty which ended the First Opium War (1839-1842) between Great Britian and the Qing dynasty of China.

The Treaty of Nanjing, 1842

What event resulted in the creation of this treaty in 1842?

A: competition in the Pacific due to the American opening of Japan to trade

B: the closing of Atlantic trade routes after American independence movements

C: the dethronement of the Chinese emperor which jeopardized British trade interests

D: British success against China in the Opium War

D: British success against China in the Opium War

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"As soon as I entered the Emperor's [Napoleon III of France's] study, he...began by saying that he had decided to support Piedmont with all his power in a war against Austria....

...the search for a plausible excuse presented our main problem... seeking grounds for war. [W]e arrived at Massa and Carrara, and there we discovered what we had been...seeking. After I had given the Emperor a description of that unhappy country...we agreed on instigating the inhabitants to petition your Majesty [Victor Emmanuel], asking protection and even demanding the annexation of the Duchies to Piedmont. Your Majesty would decline, but you would take note of the Duke of Modena's oppressive policy....The Duke, confident of Austrian support, would reply impertinently. Thereupon Your Majesty would occupy Massa, and the war could begin."

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Letter to King Victor Emmanuel of Piedmont, July 24, 1858

Which of the following nineteenth-century trends thwarted the Italian objectives pursued by Cavour in his negotiations with Napoleon III?

A. In the first half of the nineteenth century, revolutionaries attempted to destroy monarchical rule across Europe.
B. Austrian foreign policy aimed to suppress nationalist and liberal revolutions in central and Eastern Europe since 1815.
C. The revolutions of 1848 challenged the conservative order and led to the breakdown of the Concert of Europe.
D. The dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary was created in an attempt to stabilize the state by reconfiguring national unity.

Austrian foreign policy aimed to suppress nationalist and liberal revolutions in central and Eastern Europe since 1815.

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"As soon as I entered the Emperor's [Napoleon III of France's] study, he...began by saying that he had decided to support Piedmont with all his power in a war against Austria....

...the search for a plausible excuse presented our main problem... seeking grounds for war. [W]e arrived at Massa and Carrara, and there we discovered what we had been...seeking. After I had given the Emperor a description of that unhappy country...we agreed on instigating the inhabitants to petition your Majesty [Victor Emmanuel], asking protection and even demanding the annexation of the Duchies to Piedmont. Your Majesty would decline, but you would take note of the Duke of Modena's oppressive policy....The Duke, confident of Austrian support, would reply impertinently. Thereupon Your Majesty would occupy Massa, and the war could begin."

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Letter to King Victor Emmanuel of Piedmont, July 24, 1858

What made Bismarck's actions most similar to Cavour's, thus providing evidence to support the comparison made by von Ihering?
A. They both used Realpolitik strategies, co-opting nationalist agendas to create a unified state.
B. They both attempted to destabilize the balance of power.
C. They both employed industrialized warfare and weaponry to unify their country.
D. They were both conservatives who attempted to strengthen adherence to religious authorities.

A. They both used Realpolitik strategies, co-opting nationalist agendas to create a unified state.

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

What was the goal that Emmeline Pankhurst and her followers hoped to achieve through the tactics outlined in the document selection above?

A: equal pay in factories for men and women who performed the same job

B: better access to education for young girls under the age of thirteen

C: the extension of the franchise to the women of Great Britain

D: the opening of new jobs to women, like letter carriers, that had previously only been available to men

C: the extension of the franchise to the women of Great Britain

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

What British writer advocated for women's rights at the end of the eighteenth century and laid the groundwork for early twentieth century feminists like Emmeline Pankhurst?

A: Catherine de Medicis

B: Mary Wollstonecraft

C: Margaret Cavendish

D: Maria Winkelmann

B: Mary Wollstonecraft

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

How were the tactics of Millicent Fawcett and the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies different than those of Emmeline Pankhurst as shown in the document above?

A: Millicent Fawcett relied entirely on editorials in the daily newspapers to publish her message about women.

B: Millicent Fawcett believed that only men in British society could agitate for gender equality.

C: Millicent Fawcett worked personally with Queen Victoria to address "the women's question."

D: Millicent Fawcett believed the goals of the movement would only be accomplished if the protestors acted respectable and responsibly.

D: Millicent Fawcett believed the goals of the movement would only be accomplished if the protestors acted respectable and responsibly.

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

What was the British government's response to the tactics and demands of Emmeline Pankhurst and her followers?

A: Parliament continued to refuse to extend the franchise to women and instead arrested and imprisoned many of the demonstrators.

B: Parliament acquiesced to all of Pankhurst's demands for suffrage in order to stop the violence that erupted.

C: Parliament adopted a policy of limited voting, which allowed women to vote in municipal elections but not in national elections.

D: Parliament amended the English Bill of Rights to grant full equality to women by 1910, bringing an end to the movement.

A: Parliament continued to refuse to extend the franchise to women and instead arrested and imprisoned many of the demonstrators.

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

Based on the passage above, Emmeline Pankhurst’ views most clearly reflect influence from which of the


(A) Socialism

(B) Anarchism

(C) Nationalism

(D) Egalitarianism

(D) Egalitarianism

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

Which of the following was the most direct effect of the trend described in the above passage?

(A) Increased militancy among women suffragettes

(B) Declining support for feminists by the Liberal Party

(C) Emerging competition among numerous suffragist groups

(D) Rising numbers of women running for public office

(C) Emerging competition among numerous suffragist groups

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“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my domestic affairs. I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr. Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”

Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story, 1914

The movement depicted in the above passage also led most directly to which of the following long term


(A) The formation of labor unions

(B) Political revolutions based on worker’s rights

(C) International reform movements for women’s equality

(D) Conservative backlash and the continued subjugation of women

(C) International reform movements for women’s equality

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"Italians! The Sicilians are fighting against the enemies of Italy and for Italy. To help them with money, arms, and especially men, is the duty of every Italian.

If the cities do not offer sufficient basis for insurrection, let the more resolute throw themselves into the open country. A brave man can always find a weapon... Let us arm. Let us fight for our brothers, tomorrow we can fight for ourselves.

A handful of brave men, who have followed me into battle for our country, are advancing with me to the rescue. Italy knows them; they always appear at the hour of danger. Brave and generous companions, they have devoted their lives to their country; they will shed their last drop of blood for it, seeking no other reward than that of a pure conscience."

—General Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1860

What two ideologies motivated Garibaldi?

A. Marxism and liberalism

B. Romanticism and conservatism

C. conservatism and nationalism

D. nationalism and republicanism

D. nationalism and republicanism

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"Italians! The Sicilians are fighting against the enemies of Italy and for Italy. To help them with money, arms, and especially men, is the duty of every Italian.

If the cities do not offer sufficient basis for insurrection, let the more resolute throw themselves into the open country. A brave man can always find a weapon... Let us arm. Let us fight for our brothers, tomorrow we can fight for ourselves.

A handful of brave men, who have followed me into battle for our country, are advancing with me to the rescue. Italy knows them; they always appear at the hour of danger. Brave and generous companions, they have devoted their lives to their country; they will shed their last drop of blood for it, seeking no other reward than that of a pure conscience."

—General Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1860

What was the objective of the “brave and generous companions [who]…will shed their last drop of blood”?

A. the overthrow of the leadership of Victor Emmanuel

B. the removal of the pope as the spiritual and temporal leader of Italy

C. the unification of the Italian states into one nation

D. the establishment of a monarchy under the leadership of Camillo Cavour

C. the unification of the Italian states into one nation

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"Italians! The Sicilians are fighting against the enemies of Italy and for Italy. To help them with money, arms, and especially men, is the duty of every Italian.

If the cities do not offer sufficient basis for insurrection, let the more resolute throw themselves into the open country. A brave man can always find a weapon... Let us arm. Let us fight for our brothers, tomorrow we can fight for ourselves.

A handful of brave men, who have followed me into battle for our country, are advancing with me to the rescue. Italy knows them; they always appear at the hour of danger. Brave and generous companions, they have devoted their lives to their country; they will shed their last drop of blood for it, seeking no other reward than that of a pure conscience."

—General Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1860

All of the following events helped inspire this action in 1860 EXCEPT

A. the creation of an independent, united German state at the Frankfurt Assembly.

B. Mazzini’s establishment of the Young Italy Society.

C. the 1849 Roman Republic.

D. the Italian nationalist uprising in 1831.

A. the creation of an independent, united German state at the Frankfurt Assembly.

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"Italians! The Sicilians are fighting against the enemies of Italy and for Italy. To help them with money, arms, and especially men, is the duty of every Italian.

If the cities do not offer sufficient basis for insurrection, let the more resolute throw themselves into the open country. A brave man can always find a weapon... Let us arm. Let us fight for our brothers, tomorrow we can fight for ourselves.

A handful of brave men, who have followed me into battle for our country, are advancing with me to the rescue. Italy knows them; they always appear at the hour of danger. Brave and generous companions, they have devoted their lives to their country; they will shed their last drop of blood for it, seeking no other reward than that of a pure conscience."

—General Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1860

What government developed in Italy once Garibaldi’s uprising was complete?

A. a republican form of government that recognized universal male suffrage

B. a confederation of city-states led by a relatively weak executive council

C. a monarchy led by the Piedmont king Victor Emmanuel

D. a military dictatorship led by General Garibaldi

C. a monarchy led by the Piedmont king Victor Emmanuel

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"[May 1]...[N]ever...has a war been incited so shamelessly...as the one that Bismarck is currently trying to start against Austria.... Austria is supposed to be mobilizing against Prussia! Any child knows that the opposite is the case.... We...must come down on the side of the unjust cause, because we cannot tolerate the possibility of Austria gaining the upper hand in Germany.

[August 19] ...[W]hat enviable luck...to have seen this turning-point in German history.... For years I have envied the Italians that they succeeded.... I have wished for a German Cavour and Garibaldi as Germany's political messiah.... I bow before the genius of Bismarck, who has achieved a masterpiece of political planning and action...how precisely he knew and used all the ways and means—his king, Napoleon, his army, the administration, Austria and her forces."

Rudolf von Ihering, a liberal German politician, two Letters on Otto von Bismarck's policy of war with Austria, 1866

What made Bismarck’s actions most similar to Cavour’s, thus providing evidence to support the comparison made by von Ihering?

a. They both used Realpolitik strategies, co-opting nationalist agendas to create a unified state.

b. They both attempted to destabilize the balance of power.

c. They both employed industrialized warfare and weaponry to unify their country.

d. They were both conservatives who attempted to strengthen adherence to religious authorities.

a. They both used Realpolitik strategies, co-opting nationalist agendas to create a unified state.

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"[May 1]...[N]ever...has a war been incited so shamelessly...as the one that Bismarck is currently trying to start against Austria.... Austria is supposed to be mobilizing against Prussia! Any child knows that the opposite is the case.... We...must come down on the side of the unjust cause, because we cannot tolerate the possibility of Austria gaining the upper hand in Germany.

[August 19] ...[W]hat enviable luck...to have seen this turning-point in German history.... For years I have envied the Italians that they succeeded.... I have wished for a German Cavour and Garibaldi as Germany's political messiah.... I bow before the genius of Bismarck, who has achieved a masterpiece of political planning and action...how precisely he knew and used all the ways and means—his king, Napoleon, his army, the administration, Austria and her forces."

Rudolf von Ihering, a liberal German politician, two Letters on Otto von Bismarck's policy of war with Austria, 1866

The excerpt best reflects which of the following nineteenth-century trends?

a. Nationalists encouraged loyalty to the nation in a variety of ways, including political unification.

b. Liberals emphasized popular sovereignty and individual rights.

c. Governments promoted compulsory public education to advance the goals of nationalism.

d. The reconfiguration of national unity in Austria-Hungary recognized the political power of the largest ethnic


a. Nationalists encouraged loyalty to the nation in a variety of ways, including political unification.

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"That the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and other disease caused, or aggravated, or propagated chiefly amongst the labouring classes by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings prevail amongst the population in every part of the kingdom...

That such disease, wherever its attacks are frequent, is always found in connexion with the physical circumstances above specified, and that where those circumstances are removed by drainage, proper cleaning, better ventilation, and other means of diminishing atmospheric impurity, the frequency and intensity of such disease is abated; and where the removal of noxious agencies appears to be complete, such disease almost entirely disappears...

The primary and most important measures, and at the same time the most practicable, and within the recognized province, and within the recognized province of public administration, are drainage, the removal of all refuse of habitations, streets, and roads, and the improvement of the supplies of water."

—Edwin Chadwick, Summary from the Poor Law Commissioners

What specific type of reform did Chadwick's Summary from the Poor Law Commissioners help promote?

A: hospital reform

B: sanitation reform

C: medical vaccinations for children

D: government-provided medical care

sanitation reform

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"In every large works...the following rules shall be strictly observed....

(1) The normal working day begins at all seasons at 6 a.m. precisely and ends...at 7 p.m.... Workers arriving 2 minutes late shall lose half an hour's wages....

(3) No workman, whether employed by time or piece, may leave before the end of the working day, without having first received permission from the overseer....

(7) All conversation with fellow-workers is prohibited....

(10) Natural functions must be performed at the appropriate places, and whoever is found soiling walls, fences, squares, etc...shall be fined....

(12) It goes without saying that all overseers and officials of the firm shall be obeyed without question, and shall be treated with due deference. Disobedience will be punished by dismissal.

(13) Immediate dismissal shall also be the fate of anyone found drunk in any of the workshops....

(15) Every workman is obliged to report to his superiors any acts of dishonesty or embezzlement on the part of his fellow workmen."

Factory Rules at the Foundry and Engineering Works of the Royal Overseas Trading Company in Berlin, 1844

The ideas expressed in the excerpt contributed to the conditions that fostered what subsequent event?

A. Industrialization in Prussia allowed that state to become the leader of a unified Germany.
B. Industrialization promoted population growth and lowered infant mortality.
C. Economic motivations for marriage diminished as the notion of companionate marriage was adopted by the working classes.
D. Leisure time centered increasingly on the family or small groups.

A. Industrialization in Prussia allowed that state to become the leader of a unified Germany.

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"When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class for oppressing another. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organise itself as a class, if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class.

In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all."

—Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto 1848

What specific economic and social conditions were Marx and Engels referring to in this selection?

A. the social order that developed following the French Revolution
B. the impacts of the revolutionary upheaval of 1848
C. social and economic order that emerged with the Industrial Revolution
D. the societal concerns created due to Irish immigration after the potato famine

C. social and economic order that emerged with the Industrial Revolution

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Which reformer would have been LEAST likely to advocate for government intervention into these conditions?

A. John Stuart Mill

B. Robert Owens

C. Friedrich Engels

D. Adam Smith

D. Adam Smith

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Which reform act charged a tariff on imported wheat?

The Corn Laws

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Which British reform changed working conditions for women and children?

The Factory Act

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By what term did the working class become known as?

The Proletariat

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What is one of the main reasons the putting out system slowing disappeared?

It was replaced by the factory system

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What is the "Iron Law of Wages"?

Wages will usually be at subsistence level.

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Where did the Industrial revolution begin?


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What was the main focus of the first industrial revolution?


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Who wrote the "Iron Law of Wages"?

David Ricardo

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Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Congress of Vienna?

Influence Latin America revolution

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What violent group attacked machines for taking their jobs?


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Which social class became almost irrelevant during the Industrial Revolution?


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What was the focus of the 2nd Industrial Revolution?

Consumer goods

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which country was not invited to the Congress of Vienna?


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Which of the following would likely agree with Edmund Burke's view on conservation and the French Revolution?

Klemen von Metternich

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which of the following was NOT a reason the Industrial Revolution began in Britain?

Tons of cotton

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