BPK 241 Week 3

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Skin Function

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Skin Function

  • Protection (barrier from infections, UV light)

  • Themoregulation (open + close pores, control heartbeat, dilate and constrict blood vessels)

  • Sensation (feet or hands damaged when harmed)

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<p>Skin Structure</p>

Skin Structure

  • Epidermis (most closest)

    • Basal cells

    • Keratinocytes/ Squames

    • Melanocytes

  • Dermis (sweat glands, hair follicle)

  • Subdermal adipose tissue (hypodermis) - blood vessels, fat help with temp + energy storages

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  • Cause: sweating too much (exercise)

  • Secondary effects: most skin cause more friction, medication, low sugar

  • Treatment: Stay hydrated, rest breaks, prevent secondary effects, baby powders

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  • Shearing

  • Treatment: Changing socks, less friction, stay dry, prevent clot

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Calluses, corn

  • Repeated blisters in one area

  • Shear or pressure

  • Treatment: Surgically remove it

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Ingrown nails

  • Causes: Nail grow into nail bed laterally or medially

  • Secondary paronychia

  • Treatment: Proper trimming of nails, clippers, tweezers, ointment

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Fungal Infections

  • Causes: Warmth, Darkness, Moisture

  • Contamination - direct/ indirect contact

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Fungal Varieties: Tinea corporis

Body (ringworm)

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Fungal Varieties: Tinea capitis

Scalp (rash & alopecia)

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Fungal Varieties: Tinea Crotis


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Fungal Varieties: Tinea Pedis


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Fungal Varieties: Tinea ungulm

  • Nails and nail beds

  • Note responsive to tropical treatment

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Bacterial Infections

  • Causes: Direct skin to skin contact

  • Indirect contact through contaminated objects ie. towels, mats, equipments

  • Treatments: Topical and oral antibiotics

    • Isolation of affected athlete from other competitors

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Three Bacterial Infection Categories

  • Staphylococcus

  • Streptococcus

  • Bacillus

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  • Proximal & Superior to calcaneus

  • Articulates with tibia and fibula

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<p>Calcaneus (heel)</p>

Calcaneus (heel)

  • Weight-bearing

  • Achilles tendon insertion

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<p>Transverse tarsal bones</p>

Transverse tarsal bones

  • Navicular (medial)

  • Cuboid (lateral)

  • Cuneiforms

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<p>Metatarsals (MT)</p>

Metatarsals (MT)

  • I - V

  • I = medial (articulates with great toe)

  • V = lateral (articulates with pinky toe)

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  • Phalanx = singular

  • Total = 14 per foot (2 in great toe, 3 in toes 2 through 5)

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<p>Sesamoid bones</p>

Sesamoid bones

  • 2 (medial and lateral)

  • At head of 1st Metatarsal (plantar surface)

  • Gives greater mechanical advantage (levers)

  • Reinforces push or flex actions

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<p>Areas of the Foot</p>

Areas of the Foot

  • Forefoot

  • Midfoot

  • Hindfoot/Rearfoot

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<p>Hindfoot joints</p>

Hindfoot joints

  • Subtalar (Inversion, eversion)

    • Talus & Calcaneus

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<p>Midfoot joints</p>

Midfoot joints

  • Navicular with cuneiform & cuboid with cuneiform bone

  • Tarso-metatarsal

    • Cuneiforms & cuboid with MTs (Liz Frank joints)

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<p>Forefoot joints</p>

Forefoot joints

  • Metatarsophalangeal (MTP)

    • Flexion & extension

    • Some abduction & adduction

  • Interphalangeal (IP)

  • Proximal and Distal (2-5 MTs)

  • Flexion & Extension - Hinge (Big toe)

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Foot Muscle Flexors

  • Flexor Hallucis longus (FHL)

  • Flexor Hallucis brevis (FHB)

  • Flexor digitorum longus (FDL)

  • Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB)

    • All flex at MTP & IP joints

    • Also assist foot plantar flexion

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Foot Muscle Extensors

  • Extensor Hallucis Longus (EHL)

  • Extensor Hallucis Brevis (EHB)

  • Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL)

  • Extensor Digitorum Brevis (EDB)

    • All extend at MTP & IP

    • Also assist foot dorsiflexion

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<p>Plantar Fascia</p>

Plantar Fascia

  • Thick band of connective tissue at bottom of foot (calcaneus to tarsal heads)

  • Helps bend/arch foot

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<p>Foot posture: Pes Cavus, Neutral &amp; Pes Planus</p>

Foot posture: Pes Cavus, Neutral & Pes Planus

  • Looking at feet change

  • Looking at different degrees of arch

  • Symmetry? Higher or Lower? Footprints?

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<p>Rearfoot/Hindfoot position</p>

Rearfoot/Hindfoot position

Pronation & Supination

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<p>Over Pronation ←→ Over Supination</p>

Over Pronation ←→ Over Supination

Increase pressure on soft tissue

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  • Medial arch collapse down a bit

  • Comes from mid foot joint

  • Allows foot to relax

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High arch

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<p>Normal Walking Gait - Stance Phase</p>

Normal Walking Gait - Stance Phase

  • Heel-strike occurs when landing on heel, foot should be in supination

  • Midstance immediately follows with foot moving into pronation

  • Toe-off follows midstance, foots return to supination prior to & during push off

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<p>Normal Walking Gait - Swing Phase</p>

Normal Walking Gait - Swing Phase

  • Occurs when foot leaves ground & leg moves forward to another point of contact (40%)

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Once foot is always in contact with ground

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Point when neither foot is in contact with ground

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<p>Foot Arches</p>

Foot Arches

  • Four in number

    • Medial longitudinal

    • Lateral longitudinal

    • Anterior metatarsal

    • Transverse

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<p>Foot Forms of support</p>

Foot Forms of support

  • Bony anatomy

  • Ligaments

  • Tendons/Plantar Fascia

  • Muscle Activity

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<p>Keystone Bones</p>

Keystone Bones

  • Support for arches of the foot

  • Either middle of highest point of arch

  • Integral for the structure of the bone

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<p>Ligament “Staple” support for arch of foot</p>

Ligament “Staple” support for arch of foot

  • Long plantar ligament hold’s bone together

  • Underside: Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

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<p>“Tie beam/cable” support for arch of foot</p>

“Tie beam/cable” support for arch of foot

  • Plantar fascia holding two ends of arch

  • Flexor Hallucis longus connecting to plantar fascia

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<p>“Suspension” support for arch of foot</p>

“Suspension” support for arch of foot

  • Lots of suspension

  • Cable(muscles) attaching at the top of arch structure

  • Tibialis anterior (medial longitudinal arch) and Peroneus longus (lateral longitudinal arch) are the cables of the foot

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What is Windlass Mechanism?

Looks at movement of the medial longitudinal arch and how it is essential for BOTH shock absorption/ dissipation of forces AND stiff for propulsion

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<p>How is Windlass Mechanism accessed?</p>

How is Windlass Mechanism accessed?

  • Prior to heel strike, ankle is in dorsiflexion, Plantar Fascia (PF) is taught, medial arch is high

  • During midstance, PF is relaxed to allow medial arch to collapse pronation for shock absorption

  • Prior to toe-off, first toe is in extension, PF become taught again, foot is stiff for take off, medial arch is high again

  • Relies on ability of 1st toe to extend normally

  • Published values range from 45 to 55 degrees of 1st toe extension to 60-70 degrees 1st toe extension required for normal gait

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Ground Reaction Force Dissipation: Walking/ Running & Injury

Problems can arise when:

  • Foot too flexible & remains in pronation past midstance - soft tissue injuries

  • Foot is too rigid & does not pronate adequately - bony injuries

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  • Causes: Excess bony growth, increase stress on the bone/joint, too much calcium around area

  • Obesity & abnormal weight bearing

  • Faulty footwear

  • Heredity

  • Mechanism: continued pull/tension, plantar flexion will respond to stress

  • Treatment: Correct predisposing factors, doughnut pad, may require surgery

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<p>Bunion (Hallux vulgus)</p>

Bunion (Hallux vulgus)

  • Valgus deformity at MTP 1 (decrease in lateral joint angle)

  • Causes: Tight shoes, Heredity

  • Symptoms: Bone growth on medial side, increased pressure on medial metaphalanges

  • Treatment: Warm socks, Improved footwear +/ or orthoses, Wedge pads or taping, Surgery, try to decrease inflammation

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<p>Bunion Pads/ Braces</p>

Bunion Pads/ Braces

Fixes orientations of bone

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<p>Plantar (Morton’s) Neuroma</p>

Plantar (Morton’s) Neuroma

  • Usually between MTs III & IV

  • Causes: interdigital nerve becomes entrapped between metatarsal heads, Running & pounding +/ or tight shoes, when nerves gets compressed, it gets irritated and swells up

  • Differential Diagnosis: Anterior arch sprain

  • Symtoms: Lateral forefoot pain: intermittent, Spontaneous, Reduced when barefoot, Excruciating and click & pain with MT compression.

  • Treatment: Surgery

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<p>Metatarsal Pad</p>

Metatarsal Pad

Tries to recreate metatarsal arch

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<p>Arch Sprains</p>

Arch Sprains

  • Causes: Obesity, heredity, overuse, fatigue, poor footwear, hard surfaces

  • Symptoms: Pain with use, more when barefoot

    • 1st degree - slight soreness

    • 2nd degree - inflammation, drop of arch

    • 3rd degree - fallen arch

  • Treatment: If we continue to stretch, arch will drop

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<p>Heel contusion</p>

Heel contusion

  • Cause: Traumatic impact to heal

  • Symptoms: Difficulty weight-bearing , localized tenderness under heat

  • Treatment: Reduce stress (rest padding), Heel cup, taping, NSAID, Physio, X-ray all but mildest cases

  • Complications: Fracture (#), Chronicity or recurrence, Periostitis, exostoses

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  • Ligament +/ or capsule damage

  • Causes: Kicking, Crush, Twisting

  • Symptoms: Localized pain, swelling, decrease of ROM

  • Treatment: X-Ray most toe sprains, POLICE, Tape or cast, then rehab

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<p>Turf Toe</p>

Turf Toe

  • Sprain of 1st MTP joint ligament and capsule

    • Forced hyperextension of 1st MTP joint beyond 60 degrees

    • Incidence has increased with artificial turf

  • Symptoms: Pain near 1st metatarsal head, decreased ROM, difficulty running or changing directions

    • 1st MTP is red, swollen, tender

    • Pain worst at end range 1st toe extension

  • Treatment: Supportive footwear, POLICE, lower body rehab

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<p>Plantar Fasciitis </p>

Plantar Fasciitis

  • Predisposing factors

    • Pes Cavus or Pes Planus

    • Running (weight on ball of foot)

    • Change in footwear

  • Signs and Symptoms

    • Pain in medial arch/medial distal heel

    • Pain worst in morning and with sitting

    • Swelling and tenderness, heel spur on x-ray

  • Treatment

    • Adequate rest

    • Stretching exercises (include Achilles tendon)

    • Physiotherapy with ultrasound

    • Soft orthotics

    • Gradual return to exercise, supervised

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<p>Plantar Fasciitis Treatments</p>

Plantar Fasciitis Treatments

  • Plantar fascia and Gastrocnemius/ Solues/Achilles Tendon stretching

  • Surgery is LAST resort

    • American Association of Foot & Ankle Specialists Position Statement

      • Don’t do surgery for Plantar Fasciitis before 6 months of conservative treatment

      • 97% will resolve with 6 months of consistent nonoperative treatment

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  • General considerations

    • Past History, deformity, crepitus(crunchy sensation),tenderness

    • POLICE, splint, transport, X-Ray(Ottawa Ankle Rules)

  • Specific foot fractures

    • Ankle sprains: Talus, Fibula, Tibia

    • Fall or jump: Calcaneus (vertebrae?)

    • Crush injury: metatarsals, Phalanges

    • Overuse(Stress): Metatarsals, Tibia, Fibula, Calcaneus

    • Kicking injury: Phalanges

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<p>Navicular Stress Fracture</p>

Navicular Stress Fracture

  • History: Pain, often for many months

  • Symptoms: Midfoot pain, worse with activity

  • Fracture often not evident on X-Ray = therefore delayed diagnosis, bone scan, CT scan, or MRI needed

  • Treatment: Non-weight bearing cast, if not healing surgery required

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Foot - Rehabilitation/Reconditioning

  • POLICE/ Activity Modification


  • Modalities

  • Footwear modification

  • Stretching - Early “pain free” ROM

    • Include proximal joints

  • Strengthening

    • Early = Toe raise(seated), ankle circumduction, towel gathering

    • Later = running in pool, squats, cycling, swimming

    • Finally = jogging, running, skipping

  • Taping/Orthoses

  • Surgery?

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<p>POLICE/ Activity Modification</p>

POLICE/ Activity Modification

  • Avoid aggravating activities

  • Take few days off running or prolonged standing

  • Ice packs for pain, helpful with acute conditions

  • NSAIDs - Anti-inflammatory medications (if signs of inflammation present)

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<p>Rehabilitation/Reconditioning </p>


  • Modalities

    • Contrast bath

    • Ultrasound

    • Shockwave Therapy

    • Laser Therapy

    • Electrical stim

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<p>Footwear Modification</p>

Footwear Modification

  • Proper fitting footwear

  • Proper shock absorption AND/OR arch support

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<p>Stretching </p>


  • Gastrocnemius and Soleus Stretching

  • Plantar Fascia

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<p>Strengthening Exercises</p>

Strengthening Exercises

  • Towel Scrunches

  • Marble pick ups

  • Short foot exercises

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  • Low dye arch tape job

  • Calcaneal fat pad tape job

  • Orthotics

  • Heel Cup

  • Night splint

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  • Indicated in long term cases when conservative treatment fails

    • Plantar fascia release - increase its length

    • Gastrocnemius lengthening

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Ankle Rehab

  • Activity Modification/Controlled Weight Bearing

  • Strengthening

  • Balance/ Proprioception

  • Running Progression

  • Return to Sport

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