Traditional elite and values would preserve stability. Believed that liberalism,nationalism, and socialism would lead to revolution and violence.
Stressed freedoms but was divided
Political Liberals
constitutional government, equality before the law, the expansion of suffrage, and civil liberties. Businessmen joined political liberals to secure their economic interest and wanted limited suffrage.
Economic/Classical Liberals
opposed all hindrances to the free operation of the market.
Cultural nationalist
each nation has a distinct identity based on the common language, history, food, culture, and sometimes religion. They used emotionally laden symbols like art, music, legends, education to create their imagined communities.
Political nationalism
love of country and efforts to enhance its power and prestige. Multinational empires wanted independence for subject nationalities.
Generally sought a just society to benefit the common people with a planned economy: to address the issue of poverty. Wanted the abolition or restriction of private property in favor of ownership by communes or by the state in the name of the people.
Count Henri de Saint-Simon(1760,1825)
Specialized in Industrialization science: Proper social organization would require the “Parasites”(the court), aristocracy, lawyers, and churchman to give way to the “doers” like scientists, engineers, and industrialists. Public works improved conditions for the poor. Industrialization aided by science.
Louis Blanc(1811,1882)
More practical Approach: Urged workers to fight universal suffrage and to take control of the state peacefully. Government should set up workshops and factories to guarantee full employment. Played a role in the “June Days” Revolution in Paris in 1848.
Pierre Joseph Proudhon(1809,1865)
Believed property was profit stolen from the worker, who was the source of all wealth. Ideas later influenced by Karl Marx. often considered an anarchist as he greatly feared the power of the state.
Charles Fourier(1772,1837)
Believed in a planned economy and socialist communities. Described Socialist utopia in mathematical detail. Seven utopian communities founded along his ideas; mostly in the US. Early Proponent of early emancipation of women.
Christian Socialism
Began in England in 1848. Believed evils of industrialism would be ended by following Christian principles. Attempted to bridge the gap between Anti-Religious socialism and Christian Social justice for workers.
Friedrich Engles(1820,1895)
Future revolutionary and colleague of Karl Marx who believed the capitalist middle class ruthlessly exploited the proletariat. Accused them of mass murder, robbery, and crimes.Wrote Condition of the Working Class in England(1884). His ideas influenced Marx and later socialists.
Utopian Socialism
Proposed a system of greater economic equality
Scientific Socialism or Marxism
Developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. Communist manifesto(1848) considered the “Bible” of communism. It was intended to replace utopian hopes and dreams with a brutal, militant,blueprint for socialist working class success.
Materialistic Conception of History
emphasizes a key difference between himself and the earlier “utopian socialists.” Far reaching social change involves changing ideas, conditions, social, economic, and institutional structures and processes are required. Theory is dialectical, emphasizes the economic interpretation of history, mainly who controls means of production and distribution, and the class struggle(exploiters and exploited).
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1744,1803)
Theory of Surplus Value: true value of a product is labor and since the worker receives a small portion of his just labor price the difference is surplus value stolen from him by the capitalist.
Theory of False consciousness(Karl Marx)
Marx believed that political system, which legitimized the economic system, and the bourgeoisie, intentionally misrepresents and misinforms the proletariat to keep them from forming a true picture of the system under which they live by which they are exploited.
Violent Revolution
Increasing pay gap between proletariat and bourgeoisie will be so great that the working classes will rise up in revolution and overthrow the elite bourgeoisie.
an atheistic philosophy.
Holy Alliance
Russia, Prussia, Austria agreement to govern based on christian principles.
Outlawed revolutionary forces in the German States.