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The conviction that accurate knowledge of the world can be acquired by observing it.
Observer Bias
The phenomenon where expectations can influence observations, potentially altering reality.
Scientific Method
Procedures and rules for how we observe the world and address observational problems.
A prediction that expresses what should happen if something is true.
Scientific Skepticism
The practice of not getting attached to a prediction and maintaining an open mind.
Operational Definition
A description of a psychological property in measurable terms.
Internal Validity
The attribute of an experiment that allows it to establish causal relationships.
External Validity
The attribute of an experiment where variables can be described in a way that represents the real world.
Type 1 Error
Concluding there is a causal relationship when there is not; also known as a false positive.
Type 2 Error
Concluding there is not a causal relationship when there is; also known as a false negative.
Frequency Distribution
A graph showing the number of times a measurement occurs for each value.
Positive Correlation
A relationship where the value of one variable increases as the other variable increases.
Negative Correlation
A relationship where the value of one variable increases as the other variable decreases.
Spurious Correlation
A situation where it appears there is a causal relationship, but there is none.
Control Group
In an experiment, the group that does not receive the treatment being tested.
Experimental Group
In an experiment, the group that does receive the treatment being tested.
The process of combining data from multiple published studies to obtain a more precise result.
Informed Consent
The verbal agreement to participate in a study after being fully informed of the risks involved.
CCAC Three Rs Tenet
Replacement, Reduction, Refinement; ethical principles guiding the use of animals in research.