Two or more different substances
A mixture of hydrocarbons with similar number of carbon atoms and similar boiling points.
A substance that reacts with oxygen to release energy.
Raw materials used to supply the petrochemical industry.
Liquids used to dissolve other substances
Substances that reduce friction between moving parts
Long chain molecules made from lots of smaller molecules that join together.
Substances that dissolve grease for cleaning things
Complete combustion
Occurs when there is a good supply of oxygen
Incomplete combustion
Occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supplied
Catalytic Cracking
A method where hydrocarbons are heated to high temperatures (around 550°C) and passed over a hot zeolite catalyst.
Steam Cracking
A method where hydrocarbons are heated to very high temperatures (around 850°C) and mixed with steam.
A compound with at least one double bond (C=C).
General formula of alkenes
General formula of alkanes
Testing for alkenes
Bromine solution (bromine water) can be used to test for the presence of C=C double bonds.
Observation during bromine test
Orange bromine water turns colorless.
Complete combustion equation example
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O.
Incomplete combustion equation example
C3H8 + 5O2 -> 3CO + 4H2O.
First alkane
Methane (CH4).
Second alkane
Ethane (C2H6).
Third alkane
Propane (C3H8).
Fourth alkane
Butane (C4H10).
First alkene
Ethene (C2H4).
Second alkene
Propene (C3H6).
Third alkene
Butene (C4H8).
Incomplete combustion
Occurs when there is not enough oxygen present.
Harmful products of incomplete combustion
Carbon (soot) and carbon monoxide.
Crude oil
A mixture of hydrocarbons (mainly alkanes) formed from plankton from millions of years ago.
Fractional distillation
A process used to separate crude oil into different fractions.
A group of similar length chain hydrocarbons.
Boiling point
The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.
Methods for cracking long chain alkanes
Vaporise alkane at a very high temperature and pass over a catalyst. 2) Vaporise alkane at high pressure and a high temperature and react with steam.
Bromine reaction with ethene
Bromine (Br2) reacts with ethene to form a product that changes color.
Color change when bromine reacts with alkenes
Orange to colourless.
A measure of how thick or 'gloopy' a liquid is; viscous liquids aren't very runny.
Correlation between chain length and boiling point
The more carbon atoms in the chain
Correlation between chain length and flammability
The longer the chain
Refinery gas
Used for bottled gas
Gasoline (Petrol)
Fuel for cars.
Chemical feedstock.
Aircraft fuel.
Diesel oil
Fuel for lorries
Fuel oil
Used for heating homes and larger buildings.
Bitumen for flat roofs and road surfaces.
Crude oil source
Remains of microscopic organisms (mainly plankton) that died and were buried in mud millions of years ago.
Fractional distillation process
Heat the crude oil until most of it vaporises and pump it into the fractionating column. 2) The column is hotter at the bottom and cools at the top. 3) Gases rise up the column. 4) The gases cool and condense at different temperatures (their boiling points). 5) Shorter chain hydrocarbons have lower boiling points
Most flammable fraction
Refinery gas.
Why smoking is not allowed at petrol stations
Petrol has a short chain length