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Ad Hominem
attacking a person’s character instead of substance
Appeal to authority
believing something is true because a person is an unqualified authority
appeal to emotions
use emotions rather than logic
appeal to the masses
peer pressure (bandwagoning)
false cause
connecting two events that aren’t related - assuming one event causes another
false choice/false dilemma
oversimplifies a complex issue by only showing two options
false equivalence
saying two things are the same when they are not
red herring
bring outside information/change subject - used to distract
single cause
oversimplifies complex issue to a single cause
slippery slope
action will lead to negative and unlikely outcomes
misrepresent opponents argument to attack it - over exaggerate
hasty generalization
generalize people or objects due to a small sample
circular reasoning
only have one point - circle back to the same reason - evidence = claim
ad hominem:
"You can't trust John's opinion on climate change because he's just a teacher."
appeal to authority:
"We should believe the new diet works because a Taylor Swift endorses it."
Appeal to emotions:
"Don't let your child suffer, donate to the Fight Against Kid Hunger today!"
Appeal to the masses:
Everyone is buying this phone, so it must be the best choice for you too!
False Cause:
I wore my lucky socks, and then it rained, so my socks must have caused the rain.
False Choice/False Dilemma:
You're either with us or against us.
False Equivalence -
A teacher’s workload is the same as a soldier who is deployed at war
red herring -
In a debate about climate change, a politician starts talking about job creation instead of addressing environmental issues."
single cause -
Climate change is solely caused by human activities
Slippery Slope -
"If we allow students to retake tests, pretty soon, they’ll expect unlimited retries on everything, and then no one will study at all!"
strawman -
Someone argues for more spending on education, and the opponent says, 'My opponent wants to throw money at schools without any accountability!'
hasty generalization -
I met two people from that city, and they were both rude; therefore, everyone from that city must be rude."
circular reasoning -
"We know that the law is just because it is the law.