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difficulties in defining intelligence
plomin et al
gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
intelligence, ideology and power
middle class have power to establish definitions of intelligence
abilities that middle class already have
measuring intelligence
IQ tests
some suggest IQ tests are not a valid measure of intelligence
specifically not suitable for different social groups
validity of IQ tests
klineberg and vernon
don’t measure pure ability = inappropriate for non western people
genes, the environment and intelligence
due to both genetic and environmental factors
partly inherited
partly environmental
jensen, herrnstein, murray, eysenck - argue intelligence is largely inherited
differences in IQ scores due to genetic differences
60 - 80% of intelligence is genetically based
critics: argue genes largely determines intelligence is an ideology
benefits rich and powerful by justifying inequality is inevitable
genes, intelligence and the cognitive elite
herrnstein and murray
overestimate the extent to which intelligence is determined by genetic factors
some suggest no more than 40% of intelligence is inherited
various forms of intelligence
innate abilities cannot be separated easily from the effects of environment or socialisation
don’t take account of effects of inherited wealth, high incomes, cultural and social resoirces, and process of socialisation in bolstering intelligence test results
existence of elite is neither natural nor inevitable
the environment and intelligence
argue it’s not possible to estimate the degree to which intelligence is determined by genetic and environmental factors
wide range of environmental factors can affect performance in IQ tests
other critics: argue IQ scores can be raised with tuition and practice and social factors
approaches to the heredity and environment debate