Clinical Chem Enzymology

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Enzymes are biological catalyst that increases the rate of a biochemical reaction

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Enzymes are biological catalyst that increases the rate of a biochemical reaction

What are enzymes?

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Do enzymes undergo permanent changes or be consumed after a reaction? Yes/No

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Most enzymes are ______ or conjugated ______

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Enzymes are extremely s______

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temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration

Name four enzyme reaction conditions

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Optimal temperature for most enzymes are under ___

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affect, inactivate

change in pH affects the ionisation state of acidic or basic amino acids This changes the structure and shape of enzyme → ______ or _____ enzyme activity

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active sites

Increasing enzyme substrate means an increase in __________ to convert substrate molecules into products However, limiting point might reach so theres needs to have an excess of substrate

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An increase in substrate concentration means an increased rate of _____ formation, at a constant enzyme concentration

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limiting point

rate of product formation is linear & proportional to the substrate concentration, until a __________ is reached

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Alkaline Phosphatase is membrane-bound ________ on the outer layer of cell membrane

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membranes and cell surfaces of small intestine, kidneys, liver, bone & placenta

Where is Alkaline Phosphatase found on?

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Any of three: catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters at alkaline pH

releases inorganic phosphate from the substrate

requires divalent cations as cofactors

only found in the tissues under normal physiological condition

increased production under specific condition may release it into circulation

Name 3 functions of alkaline phosphatase

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alkaline phosphatase

hepatobiliary disorders: ___________ + other markers of hepatic function

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bone isoenzyme

elevated serum level is common in osteoblast-related disorders

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liver isoenzyme

primary or metastatic cancer with local bile duct obstruction & increasing leakage of _________

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oxidoreductase, anaerobic

Lactate Dehydrogenase is an _________ important in ________ metabolic pathway

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almost all tissue, but significant level in heart, skeletal muscle, liver & kidneys

Where is Lactate Dehydrogenase present in?

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Lactate Dehydrogenase has higher concentration in the ________ than serum

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involved in the anaerobic metabolism of glucose when there is an absence or limited supply of oxygen in tissues

catalyses the reversible conversion of pyruvate to lactate, with the use of NADH

lactate is transported to the liver reversibly converting lactate to pyruvate

Functions of Lactate Dehydrogenase

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