Amnion: protected embryo in fluid filled cavity
Allantois: waste disposal
Yolk sac: nutrients
Chorion: gas exchange
Extra cells under epiblast form posteriorly in the area opaca epiblast called Kollers sickle
The cells at the front of the kollers sickle are Precoursors of secondary hypoblast
These precursors connect with hypoblast if islands creating blastoceaol like spaces as well as forming the hypoblast
Where gastrulation takes place
Equivalent to the blastopore lip
As cells form primitive streak they create a depression called primitive groove within the streak, homologous to blastopore
Begins at posterior end
It elongates via convergent extension doubling the length and halving the width
Serves as a gateway for cells into deep layers of the embryo
Defines major axis by extending posterior to anterior
Center of hensens node has a funnel shaped depression that cells enter into embryo with forming notochord
At the head of the primitive streak
Functional equivalent of dorsal lip
Gives rise to prechordal mesoderm, notochord,
Cells that Ingres form the heart and kidneys
Cells that dont ingress and are close to the streak form neural plate and farther ones form epidermis
Cells enter through primitive streak and under go EMT via ingression
Streak elongates to head as cells continue to migrate inward towards the center (convergent extension)
Secondary hypoblast migrates inward from pmz which also helps elongate streak
Retraction of hensons node leaves the mesoderm offset from the epiblast which is set to become the notochord
Notochord: a tube used to specify neural tube formation
The neural tube is used as a signaling point to create the neural groove which acts as a precursor to the neural tube
Somites form in the esoteric and are blocks of mesoderm that lead to skeleton and muscle
Establishment of germ layer needs to happen prior to gastrulation
Cell specification is done after migration through PS and controlled through inductive influences
Cells migrating anteriorly an form endoderm and head mesoderm as well as notochord
Cells passing through posteriorly give rise to the majority of the mesodermal tissues
First cells through he sends node form endoderm of foregut
Next cells passing through form chordamesoderm
Head process and notochord
as the egg is developing in the hen it is rotated a bunch which shifts the lighter components to the top due to gravity creates the PMZ, where the primitive streak begins, and lies below one side of blastoderm
Unknown how blastoderm forms pmz, however blastoderm with marginal zone is sufficient to form primitive streak
The pmz acts as a Vg1 expression center which is apart of the the signaling pathway
Needed in formation of the pmz which is the starting point for elongation of the primitive streak
Hensons node acts the chord in expression pathway
Chord in expression works in elongation of the primitive streak moving it antioriorly
Beta catenin is expressed in entire marginal zone while vg1 is only expressed posteriorly making the pmz
Primarily retaliated by paracrine factors nodal and transcription factor Pitx2
SHH protein activates cerberus(head forming factor) which acts with BMP stimulating nodal which regulates the left side of the body. Nodal activates Pitx and also acts as a repressor for snail while a signal called lefty acts as a barrier for cerberus keeping expression on he left side of the body
Experiments that change expression of nodal and Pitx2 causes asymmetry in balances and randomizes it causing problems.