Models of memory

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Mental processes that take place in our mind

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Primacy effect

First several words on the list are remembered better than the words from the middle of the list.

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Recency effect

Last several words on list are remembered better than the words from middle of the list.

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Word length effect

Refers to the fact that shorter words are generally easier to remember than longer words.

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Theory Atkinson and Shiffrin - Multi store memory

The key aspects are:

  • Information flows sequentially from sensory to short-term to long-term

  • Short-term is limited capacity, long-term is unlimited

  • Rehearsal is required to transfer from short to long-term memory

<p>The key aspects are:</p><ul><li><p>Information flows sequentially from sensory to short-term to long-term</p></li><li><p>Short-term is limited capacity, long-term is unlimited</p></li><li><p>Rehearsal is required to transfer from short to long-term memory</p></li></ul>
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Sensory Memory

This is the first brief moment when you perceive information through your senses. 1 sec. visual, 2-5 sec. auditory. Everything in perceptual field. Required ATTENTION

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Short Term Memory (Working Memory)

Where you temporarily hold and manipulate small amounts of information for no longer than 30 seconds. Chunking method (breaks down large amounts of information into smaller) REHEARSAL

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Long Term Memory

Refers to the virtually unlimited, permanent storage of information in the brain.

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Multi-Store Model - Strengths

  • One of the most influential memory models

  • Introduced the idea of separate memory stores

  • Rote rehearsal enables transfer of info from STM to LTM

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Multi-Store Model - Limitations

  • Oversimplification

    • Does not pay enough attention to information flow between components

  • Some observed memory phenomena do not fit into unitary store idea

    • Further subdivisions may be needed

  • Emphasizes structure over process

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Serial Position Effect - Primacy & Recency Effects - Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

Aim: Investigate serial position effect with and without filler task

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Method of Glanzer and Cunitz

  • Experiment with repeated measures design

  • 46 army enlisted men participants

  • 15-word lists read aloud

  • Free recall under 3 conditions:

    1. Immediate recall

    2. 10 sec filler task (backward counting)

    3. 30 sec filler task

  • DV: # words correctly recalled

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Results of Glanzer and Cunitz

  • Condition 1: Primacy & recency effects observed

  • Conditions 2 & 3: Primacy remained, recency diminished (more so in 3 than 2)

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Conclusions of Glanzer and Cunitz

  • Supports separate short-term and long-term memory stores

  • STM has ~30 sec duration without rehearsal

  • Rehearsal helps transfer early words to LTM

  • Middle words hardest to rehearse/retain

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Working Memory Model (Baddeley & Hitch)

Short-term memory has 4 parts:

  1. Visuospatial Sketchpad

  1. Phonological Loop

  1. Episodic Buffer

  1. Central Executive -Controls attention

The separate parts work together to temporarily hold and process different types of info (visual, audio, memories).

<p>Short-term memory has 4 parts:</p><ol><li><p>Visuospatial Sketchpad</p></li></ol><ol start="2"><li><p>Phonological Loop</p></li></ol><ol start="3"><li><p>Episodic Buffer</p></li></ol><ol start="4"><li><p>Central Executive -Controls attention</p><p></p></li></ol><p style="text-align: start">The separate parts work together to temporarily hold and process different types of info (visual, audio, memories).</p>
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  1. Visuospatial Sketchpad

  • Stores pictures/patterns you see

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  1. Phonological Loop

  • Stores sounds you hear

  • Has inner voice to repeat sounds

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  1. Episodic Buffer

  • Links visuals, sounds, and long-term memories

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  1. Central Executive -Controls attention

  • Decides what to focus on

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Working Memory Model - Strengths

  • Explains wide range of memory phenomena

    • Not just short-term memory (STM)

  • Multi-store model accounts for aspects

    • Other memory models cannot explain

  • High explanatory power

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Working Memory Model - Limitations

  • Complexity makes it difficult to test empirically

  • Only focuses on STM processes

    • Does not account for:

      • Sensory memory

      • Long-term memory processes

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