Actions happening right now: Hablo español (I speak Spanish).
General truths or facts: El sol sale por el este (The sun rises in the east).
Habitual actions: Voy al gimnasio los lunes (I go to the gym on Mondays).
Near future events: Mañana tengo una reunión (Tomorrow I have a meeting).
Actions happening at the exact moment of speaking: Estoy estudiando (I am studying).
Ongoing actions in progress: Estamos viendo una película (We are watching a movie).
Temporary situations: Está viviendo en Madrid este año (He is living in Madrid this year).
Actions that started in the past and continue into the present: He vivido aquí por cinco años (I have lived here for five years).
Completed actions with relevance to the present: He terminado mi tarea (I have finished my homework).
Recent past actions: Hoy hemos ido al cine (Today we went to the movies).
Past habitual actions: Cuando era niño, jugaba en el parque (When I was a child, I used to play in the park).
Descriptions in the past (people, weather, time, emotions, etc.): Hacía frío y llovía (It was cold and raining).
Ongoing past actions that were interrupted: Leía cuando sonó el teléfono (I was reading when the phone rang).
Completed actions at a specific time in the past: Ayer fui al supermercado (Yesterday I went to the supermarket).
Actions that happened once or a limited number of times: Te llamé tres veces (I called you three times).
A series of past events: Me levanté, me duché y salí (I got up, showered, and left).