APUSH Period 9 IDs

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Reagan Coalition

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Reagan Coalition

various groups, including more conservative democrats and the working class, who came together to support Reagan's policies on issues such as tax cuts, deregulation, and a robust national defense.

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Liberalism vs. conservatism

liberals: generally supported government intervention in the economy and social issues such as civil rights and environmental protection conservatives: favored limited government involvement in the economy and social issues, and emphasized individual responsibility and traditional values.

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Social safety net

a collection of programs and policies that are designed to provide assistance and support to individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship or other forms of social disadvantage (ex. unemployment insurance, food assistance, housing subsidies, and healthcare coverage, among others)

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New Right

characterized by a conservative ideology that emphasizes individualism, free markets, and limited government intervention in the economy

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Mikhail Gorbachev

a Soviet politician of the Soviet Union, known for his policies of perestroika and glasnost, his leadership lead to the end of the Cold War

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the policy of openness and transparency implemented in the Soviet Union in the 1980s under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev

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aimed to reform the Soviet economy and political system by introducing elements of capitalism and democracy (means “restructuring” in Russian)

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a socialist political party and revolutionary movement in Nicaragua that overthrew the dictatorship and governed the country until 1990.

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economic policies implemented that were characterized by a focus on reducing government spending, lowering taxes, and deregulating industries, ideally to stimulate economic growth and create jobs by increasing investment and productivity

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Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981

a law passed by the U.S. Congress that was designed to stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes, particularly for businesses and high

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“Evil Empire”

used by US President Ronald Reagan in a speech in 1983 to describe the Soviet Union, which he believed was a threat to freedom and democracy

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Military spending in the 1980s

Reagan administration implemented a policy of "peace through strength," which led to a buildup of the military and increased defense spending

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Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”)

proposed missile defense system by the United States during the Cold War that aimed to use ground and space

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Iran Contra Affair

a political scandal that involved the secret sale of weapons to Iran, which was under an arms embargo, in exchange for hostages and the diversion of the proceeds to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua

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short for "young urban professionals", a cultural phenomenon characterized by their affluent lifestyles, career

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Migration to Sun Belt

primarily due to the region's warm climate, booming economy, and job opportunities in industries such as technology, aerospace, and defense

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HIV/AIDS crisis

a global epidemic that primarily affected the LGBTQ+ community, intravenous drug users, and hemophiliacs, characterized by fear, stigma, and discrimination toward those affected

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Crack cocaine epidemic

the widespread surge in the use and distribution in the United States; disproportionately affected low

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Fall of Berlin Wall

in 1989, German citizens were distracted, ending communist oppression in Germany

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Boris Yeltsin

Russian politician who served as the first president of Russia after the collapse of the Soviets

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Saddam Hussein

Iraqi president until removal by the US, invaded Kuwait, leading to the first Gulf War

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First Gulf War

sparked by the invasion of Kuwait, Iraq vs. US and many others in order to protect oil

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American Involvement in Somalia

provided military and economic assistance to counter Soviet influence

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American Involvement in Yugoslavia

provided financial aid to stabilize the economy and avoid the expansion of Soviet control

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Good Friday Agreement

declared Nothern Ireland within the UK and remained that way until a majority of residents wished otherwise, creating peace in this region

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Ross Perot

independent presidential runner, based in responsibility, government reform, and opposition to free trade agreements

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Newt Gingrich

speaker of the house, a prominent conservative voice that faced backlash due to his personal ethics, asked to resign after controversy in his personal life

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Contract with America

a political manifesto that outlined tax cuts, welfare reform, and balanced budget amendments

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North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

reduced trade barriers between US, Canada, and Mexica to create a healthy North America

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Clinton impeachment

charges of perjury and obstruction of justice due to lying under oath about his relationship with white house intern Monica Lewinsky

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Microsoft and Apple

created more advanced and portable technology and invention of the world wide web

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Outsourcing of manufacturing work

changing economy of the late 20th century, less need for factory jobs

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2000 presidential election

bush vs. gore, bush was elected despite losing the popular vote; determined by the Supreme Court

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Compassionate conservatism

seeks to address issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare through policies that emphasize personal responsibility and community engagement, rather than simply relying on government programs; emphasizes the importance of charitable giving, faith

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Ralph Nader

consumer protector and environmental activist, known for criticizing the automobile industry’s reluctance to put safety features in place

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Dick Cheney and Karl Rove

political figures most notable for national security and conservative policies

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domestic terrorist who carries out a series of bombings over two decades, targeting universities and airlines

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Oklahoma City bombing

McVeigh and Nichols (anti

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9/11 attacks

attacks on the world trade center and Pentagon killed nearly 3000 people, launched War on Terror

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Osama Bin Laden

founder of Al-Qaeda

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terrorist group responsible for 9/11

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the militant Islamist group that originated in Afghanistan and was temporarily overthrown by the US

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Enhanced interrogation tactics

sparked by terrorist attacks of the early 2000s

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Patriot Act

declared a closer watch on the American public and free speech (targetted phone calls and internet searches)

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Department of Homeland Security

Combines agencies such as immigration and customs, border control, and coast guard to prevent terrorism

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Climate change

it’s real!

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Hurricane Katrina

a deadly natural disaster that’s amplitude iscredited to climate change effects

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Great Recession

the real estate “bubble burst” that was supported by risky mortgages, due to forclosure (solved by billions in government bailout)

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