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The relatively stable set of traits that affect the way one interacts and influences behaviour. Can include values and motives.
The capabilities one has and holds.
What are the 3 categories of abilities
What is another word for capability
Core competency/skills/strenghts/talents
Can one change their abilities?
What are the 3 approaches to accessing employee performance?
What is the safest and most ethical approach to assessing employee performance?
Interactionist - believe in both dispositional and situational influence on behaviour.
IQ - Cognitive ability
Capacity to learn end process information (reading, comprehension, mathematical patterns, spatial patterns) GMAT LSAT MCAT
EQ- Emotional Inteligence
Ability to identify emotions and manage those emotions
4 kinds of EQ
Developed by: Daniel Goleman 2003
Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Self Management, Relationship management
What are 3 things that positively correlate with emotional intelligence?
perceptions of leadership
Coping with stress
job performance
What did Daniel Goleman say about EQ and IQ?
Eq makes up about 80-90% of leadership. At some point, IQ stops your growth and EQ is what can drive it forward. Once you are on the job you are competing with people of the same iq as you.
CQ- Cultural inteligence
Persons ability to work in areas of diversity.
What are the two types of diversity?
Surface - able to see differences and respect them.
Deep - (upbringing, schooling, background) non necessary visible differences that affect values, views and thinking. - This is harder to work through
What is hard to develop and and even harder to develop in deep diverse teams?
How does one measure CQ?
CQ - Strategy - how a person interprets and understands cultural experiences
CQ- Knowledge - understanding of how cultures are similar and different
CQ - Motivation - interest in experiencing other cultures and interacting with
CQ- Behaviour - ability to modify their own verbal and non verbal behaviour to be appropriate for different cultures
What is another term for CQ - Motivation?
What is another word for CQ- Behaviour?
Cultural inteligence will predict what?
Your success in diversity-related situations like the global market.
What is the personality model?
Big 5+7
Which five factors of the personality model hold up across cutlures?
Emotional Stability
Open to experience
Explain contentiousness
organized, ihsan, attention to detail, can see big and small picture, dependable, high time amnagement
Which of the big five is most likely to get you job the fastest?
Which personality variable is highly correlated with satisfaction and organizational commitment?
Which of the personality principles is critical for change management?
Open to experiences
Locus of controll
belief the ones behaviour is controlled by internal or external forces
Self monitoring
the degree to which people observe and regulate how they apear in social settings
Which personality factor would help a politician?
Self Monitoring
Self esteem vs Self efficacy
Belief in self, belief in self in specific tasks
± affectivity
Optimist / Negatisit
What other personality factor relates to affectivity?
Locus of controll
Do you like to make positive change? Develop one self? ect.
Core self evaluations
Overall view of your self-worth
Self efficacy
Locus of control
emotional stability
What descriptors make up the core compass/source?
Value systems
What are the 5 biggest aspects of the value system
Broad tendency, enduring beliefs, nonnegotiables, difference, organizational fit
What are the 6 Hofstede Cultural Value systems in organizations?
Work centrality - value of work
Power distance - power distribution/use
uncertainty avoidance - risk taking comfort
masculity/feminity - gender roles / sexual equality
Individualism / collectivism - team loyalty vs in house comp
long term/ short term
what 2 cultual value systems relate tot he triple bottom line?
long term, collectivism
what probelm do ogarnizations with a ndividualism value system suually ahve?
only focused on profit
describe attitudes
fairly stable evalutative tendency to respond to something ina consistent manner.
what are the 2 attitudes
Organizational commitment and job satisfaction
what determins job satisfaction
all facists of the job
Discrepancy - the dissonance between what you promised and is happening
disposition - personality (affectivity)
mood and emotion - not predisposed - determined by events
work factors - ambient forces
what are the 3 catergories of afireness?
distributive - inequity compared ot soemone else
procedural - systemic
interactional - perception of interpersoanl relations
are work factors internal or external?
what are 4 examples of work factors?
career opportunities
What are teh 6 consequesnces of job disatisfaction?
preformace measure
counterproductive work behvaiour - sabatoge
customater satusfaction and profit - tangible organization measures
what are the 4 types of preformance emasure job disatisfaction consequences?
doing the bare minimum
expalain esclation of commitment
the more time, money and effort you put in something, the less likely you are to leave or th emore commited you are
What is and OCB
organizational citizenship behvaiours - actions out of the job description
what are teh 3 organizational commitment attitudes?
Affectice commitmitment - identified (values, ebelifs, culture, service)
continuance commitment - cost in leaving (monetary or qualitative, opprtunity ect.)
normative commitment - idiology or obligation
equation of attitude
beleife + values → attitude - > behaviour