bilities, personality, values, attitudes
All fo chapter 4, parts of chapter 2 and 5
Abiloity vs personality
Whata person is capable(Core competency/skills/stengths/talents (You cna change your abilities)
You ahve and hold - you swill speak about "i am proud of..."
3 categories
IQ - cognitive
EQ - emotional
CQ - cultural
Relativlye stable - they dont really dont change mcuh - steady state traits
Effects the way they interact
What influence behaviour smore? Personality or environment
Dispositional, situational and interactionist aproaches
Interactionist - safest and most equitable approach - you ebelive both disposition and situation influence behaviorus
Charlie is pporly behaving because of dispositions or situational (not fair)
Cognitive inteligence
There are many gonitive and iteligence tests
Dan volman - created the best EQ test
Self - awareness and manamegt
Other - Social awareness and relationship management
Self awarnesss - self management - social awareness - relationship management
Measuring high on either of them - behaviours on the side lien words
Youtube video Daniel Goleman and the difference between "IQ" vs "EQ"
Emotional intelligence is 80-90% of leadership
Once your int he job your competing with people who are as smart as you are - iq has a floor effect - there is a apoitn ata which how smart you are stops yru growth
Whata re the 3 dependent variable that are most commnly dependt variable that correlate with ei
Perceptions of leaderhsip
Coping stress
Job preformance
Cultural inteligence
Persoans cabality to work in areas of diversity management (teal - know the diff between sruface diversity and deep diveristy
Surface - able to see diff - honurand respecting
Deep diversity - upbringing, schooling, background of work experience
- harder to work through
Integration questions
Hard thing to develope = synergy, even harder when deep diversity team
Jobs when you need cutkural inteelignece - pr across boreders / regison, negotiations, supply chain, diverse teams
How to measure CQ
1 - startegy
2 knowldge
3 motivation (drive)
4 behavior (action)
Youtube video The Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Difference
Effectiveness workign acroos culturals - success / failure in globar marketplace
hiGH - Intereats and motivation in cross culture
High knowdlege -
Bhaviour - abale to adapt bahviour
**big 5 +7
The five factor model (big 5)
All of of these are relativeky independent (just because you emasure on one doesn’t mena your high on another)
This holdsup cross culturally (hop on a plane and It stil applies
Hh - another point I missed
Behvaiours exhibited by people who measure high on…
Extraversion (intravesion - wrong you are not one or the other)rate you on the scale of ONLY extraversion (don’t use introversion) - how outgoing, social, communicative, assertive ect you are
Love spending time with people
many rechareg by being aroudn people
Highly sociable
Always goin to events ect.
Outgoign, energentic, assetive
Love conversations
They areok with conflict
need time alone
Smaller entwrok
Like teams but don’t need to be in the limelight
**extraversion is very important for career choice - what is most important for asales job
Emotional Stability - Neurotisicm (don’t use that term anymore) the amoutn of emotionla controll
Leaders with this are evry helpful
Calm in a hectic situation
Abke to balance a lot
Able to handle emotions
Stress is there but it doesn’t controll them
Quick to become sad
Quick to say "I cant do it"
Prone to stress
Agreeableness - the degree ove your approachabilitya nd cooperative **persoanlity variable is highly correlated with satisfication btu even more ot organizational commitment (organizational citizenship behaviour) - one thing they higher a lot for
Considerate sypthaetic, compassionate, empathetic, cooperative, eager to help humans
Ocb - high agreeableness
Less sympathetic
**conscientiousness - organized, ihsan, attention to detail, can see big and small picture, dependable, high time amnagement
*predicts preformance across all jobs across all occupeations
*higher degree of contiouentiousness the quicker you can egt a job - going to do what it takes as soon as possible
Self discilined
Solid work ethic
The more you get doen the more your depended on
Responsibility is daunting
Responsibility is stress inducing
Not highly goal oriented
Less driven by success
Open to experience (critical for change maagement - leading and receiving) - degree to which you think flexibly and that you are open to new ideas
Creative imaginative open, curious, innovative
Repepetiive work is the best
Working in the box
Like to work on lower order of needs
+ 7
Locus of controlls - belief that ones behvaiour is controlled by internal or extrernal forces - self initiative - self motivated
High external - arrogance
Which one experiences more stress - external
Stress monitoring - the degree tow hcih people observs na dregulate how the apprea and behave in social settings (Emotional Inteligence - situation sensing / slightly) \
Higher on this - can better read the room - cameloen effect - adapting to the environment
Better you are at self monitoring - better in politics
Not paying attention to social cues -
(LINK TO #6) Self esteem
Self esteem vs efficacy
Teal ebelives the more peieces that you have high self efficay for - higher esteem
+/- affectivity
Are an optimitist or negtisit
Negatists - link to locuz of controll?
*an emotioanl disposition that predicts other egeneral emotional tendencies
Proactive (not reaction - not thinkign about that) do you like to make positive change?
Want to eb a betetr person
You loomf or opportunities - self actualitzation (mezlo)
Core self evaluations - overall view of your worth ***multivareitn
Self esteem
Self efiicacy
Locus of control
emotional stability
Bundle 4
**big 5 +7
The five factor model (big 5)
All of of these are relativeky independent (just because you emasure on one doesn’t mena your high on another)
This holdsup cross culturally (hop on a plane and It stil applies
Hh - another point I missed
Behvaiours exhibited by people who measure high on…
Extraversion (intravesion - wrong you are not one or the other)rate you on the scale of ONLY extraversion (don’t use introversion) - how outgoing, social, communicative, assertive ect you are
Love spending time with people
many rechareg by being aroudn people
Highly sociable
Always goin to events ect.
Outgoign, energentic, assetive
Love conversations
They areok with conflict
need time alone
Smaller entwrok
Like teams but don’t need to be in the limelight
**extraversion is very important for career choice - what is most important for asales job
Emotional Stability - Neurotisicm (don’t use that term anymore) the amoutn of emotionla controll
Leaders with this are evry helpful
Calm in a hectic situation
Abke to balance a lot
Able to handle emotions
Stress is there but it doesn’t controll them
Quick to become sad
Quick to say "I cant do it"
Prone to stress
Agreeableness - the degree ove your approachabilitya nd cooperative **persoanlity variable is highly correlated with satisfication btu even more ot organizational commitment (organizational citizenship behaviour) - one thing they higher a lot for
Considerate sypthaetic, compassionate, empathetic, cooperative, eager to help humans
Ocb - high agreeableness
Less sympathetic
**conscientiousness - organized, ihsan, attention to detail, can see big and small picture, dependable, high time amnagement
*predicts preformance across all jobs across all occupeations
*higher degree of contiouentiousness the quicker you can egt a job - going to do what it takes as soon as possible
Self discilined
Solid work ethic
The more you get doen the more your depended on
Responsibility is daunting
Responsibility is stress inducing
Not highly goal oriented
Less driven by success
Open to experience (critical for change maagement - leading and receiving) - degree to which you think flexibly and that you are open to new ideas
Creative imaginative open, curious, innovative
Repepetiive work is the best
Working in the box
Like to work on lower order of needs
+ 7
Locus of controlls - belief that ones behvaiour is controlled by internal or extrernal forces - self initiative - self motivated
High external - arrogance
Which one experiences more stress - external
Stress monitoring - the degree tow hcih people observs na dregulate how the apprea and behave in social settings (Emotional Inteligence - situation sensing / slightly) \
Higher on this - can better read the room - cameloen effect - adapting to the environment
Better you are at self monitoring - better in politics
Not paying attention to social cues -
(LINK TO #6) Self esteem
Self esteem vs efficacy
Teal ebelives the more peieces that you have high self efficay for - higher esteem
+/- affectivity
Are an optimitist or negtisit
Negatists - link to locuz of controll?
*an emotioanl disposition that predicts other egeneral emotional tendencies
Proactive (not reaction - not thinkign about that) do you like to make positive change?
Want to eb a betetr person
You loomf or opportunities - self actualitzation (mezlo)
Core self evaluations - overall view of your worth ***multivareitn
Self esteem
Self efiicacy
Locus of control
emotional stability
Bulk of midterm questions come from here
All the following descriptiors math the
Core compas - source
Top value - family
Value systems
Broad tendency to prefer certain affairs over others
If you ignore the feeling - can go bad
Enduring beleifes about what's msot important in the world (doesn’t rly change
Ignorign it - only time she sees it is when her execs
Nonnegotioable - deal breakers
Tops 5
People differ on degree to which they poses values
Helps determine fit with other jobs and occumaptions / organizations
Cultural avlue system in organizations -Hofstede
Know your values and know if you fit with the org's values:
Work centrality - how is work valued
Do they live to work, or work to live
Workaholic ect.
Unhealthy ego - live to work
Integration - school of thought - classical
Work non worklife balance
Power distance
The extent to where unequal distribution of power is accepted
Small pd:
Minimum inequality
Superiors is accesible
Power difrentiation is downplayed
Large pd:
Inequality is accepted
C-suite is inaccesible
Reseved parkign spaces with the same on it
Uncertainty avoidance - the extent to which people are unconfrotable with uncertaina dn ambigous situations
Risk taking is valued
More open
Proactive personality
Higher on mazlos needs
Th emore masculine - differentiated gender roles - high or more masculine dominance of man
**glass ceiling final exam
The more feminine the system - the more fluid the gender roles, value system stresses sexual equality
Individual: Stess indipendence, indivdual, inhouse comp for th etop players - still classical - only focus on profit
Collective - all about itnerdependence , loyalty to the clan, healhty group dynamics, building of synergya nd team work - tripple bottom line normaly
Long term/ short term
Short term - really emphisize shrot term gains, immediate gratification short term. Single bottom line
Long term - fostering a helthy culture and concern on impact of future generations. triple bottom line
ATTUTUDES - bundle of 4
I am responsible for only 2 attitudes: job satisfaction/disatisfaction, organizational commitmnet (ocb)
Fairly stable evaluative tendency to respond consisteny to some specific object, situation, person or category of people
Attitude -> thinking
Beheviour -> repsonce
Bleiefe - is an assement of soemthing right now
Belief + values -> attitude -> behaviour
beleif: job is interfearing with family life
Values: family is number 1
Attitude: I don’t like my job anymore
Bahvior: job searching
Quiet quiting : apathy
Whata re the 5 main determinates of job satisfaction/disatisfaction?
-> so what? Whata re the consequnces?
Job staisfaction is a collection of attitudes they ahev abotu their job
-> overall job satisfaction - cumulittive
-> fascit - aspects or parts of a job
Pay - monetaryand non monetary (beneifts and perks
Management/ leadeship
Organizational culture
Organization's sustainability
Organization values - misaligned
Group dynamics int he team
Whata re the 3 types of measures for organizationsal commitments ? -(linkt o contiouentiosness)
Determinants of satisfactions -
Discrpency - discenance - gap betweenw hat tou promised me and what im getting
Fairness: 3 categories of fairness that are problamatic
Distributive, the inequity you feel comapred to someone else - micro
procedural, organizational - macro - system is unfair (conflict of interest ect.)
Interactional, perceieve that ethy are beign disrespected or non listened to
Disposition: personality
Posititve negative affectivity
Big 5 +7
Identify and expalin your choice of 3 from the big 5+7 - would make someone more quickly say "I ahte my job"(Affectivity!!!, Emotional stability,)
Mood and emotions
That is not predisposed - by eevnt
Work factors - ambient forces, extrinsitc, contextual (external)
Career opportunties
Absenteesim -
sick, - legit
somatic nothing physiologicaly wrong
Late -
The more jab disatisfaction, themore tunrover
Looking to leave
Preformace measure:
Doign the bear minimum
Stealing - making it equitable ?
Underpreforming - not doign their jobs and gettign away with it
Overpreforming - downsizing/firing - dont want to be let go
Clock watchers - leavign as soon as they can
OCBs - goign above and beyond their job description
Counterproductive work behaviour
Intetional, verbal or physical behaviour men to harm the organization, cowerkers or beneficiaries like cutomers or clients
Customer satisfaction ro rpofit - tangible organizaion measurs
Drop in profit
Drop in customer satisfaction
Organizational commitment: reflects the strength f th elinkage between the organization and the worker. Attitude
Affective commitment : how idtentified and involved you are. relating; values, culture, service
Continuance commentment: and commitment based ont he cost incured in leaving the organization, monetary or qualitative, opportunity costs
Normatice commitment: idiology or feeling of obligation towards the company - ultimate loyalty. "Icant leave, they depend on me"
Escalation of commitment - the more time, money and effort you put in something, the less likely you are to leave or th emore commited you are