Qualitative Research Methods
The purpose is to give an insight to behaviours, they emphasize:
- Reliability
- Validity
- Generalizability
The methods can partake in method triangulations for richer data.
+ Rich Data
+ Detailed explanation for behaviours.
+ Useful for complex behaviours.
- Time-Consuming
- Data analysis may prove difficult.
- Data interpretation may be subjective.
Researcher(s) enters a sitaution without manipulation and observes a hebaviour of interest precisely and objectively while producing field notes.
Participant Observations
Researcher is a part of the participants being studied.
Non-Participant Observation
Researcher is not a part of the sample being observed.
Covert Observations
Participants are not aware they’re being observed.
Overt Observations
Participants are aware they’re being observed.
Collect data by asking questions orally either in person or online.
Structured Interviews
Exact questions in exact order, like surveys and questionnaires.
Semi-Structured Interviews
Similar to an informal conversation that follows an interview schedule.
Unstructured Interviews
Only the topic is specified and the participants are allowed to speak freely.
Focus Group Interviews
Interview between several participants, 8-12, at the same time.
One-on-One Interviews
In-depth investigations of a person, group or event over a long period of time using method triangulation, which is oftentimes longitudinal and in participant’s natural environment.