Scientific Revolution

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What was the view of the universe before the Scientific Revolution?

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What was the view of the universe before the Scientific Revolution?

Geocentric view that the earth was the center of a static, motionless universe influenced by Aristotle's ideas.

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What were the causes of the Scientific Revolution?

Establishment of new professorships of mathematics, astronomy, and physics

Navigational curiosity on sea voyages, and development of scientific methodology.

Renaissance rediscovery of ancient mathematics

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What was the impact of navigational problems on sea voyages?

It created a need for scientific advances.

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Who formalized empirical, experimental research?

Francis Bacon.

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Who emphasized deductive reasoning?

Rene Descartes.

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Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?

a Polish Renaissance astronomer who proposed a model of the solar system that placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at its center, Heliocentric theory

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What was Copernicus' book and what did it argue?

On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres (1543), argued for the heliocentric view that the earth revolved around the Sun and that the sun was the center of the universe.

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Why did Copernicus postpone publication of his book?

He feared a backlash by the scientific community.

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What was the impact of Copernicus' theories on Church doctrine?

He did not intend for his theories to challenge Church doctrine.

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What was the major cause of the new world view of the 17th and 18th centuries?

The Scientific Revolution.

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What emerged as a result of the Scientific Revolution?

Secularism and new ideals

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What did Copernicus' theory directly challenge?

View of a geocentric universe

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Who condemned Copernicus' theory?

Martin Luther and John Calvin & Catholic church

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What did the Catholic Church do to those who advanced Copernicus' views?

Persecuted them

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Who was Johannes Kepler?

Proved that the planets move in an elliptical orbit and helped prop Copernicus' work

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What did Kepler mathematically prove?

Copernican theory

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What are Kepler's three laws of planetary motion?

  1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.

  2. As a planet moves around its orbit it sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

  3. More distant planets orbit the Sun at slower average speed

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What is the law of inertia?

Object in motion remains in motion until stopped by external force

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What did Galileo use to validate Copernicus' heliocentric view?


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What did Galileo discover about the moon and other planets?

Not perfectly round like crystal sphere

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What did Galileo discover about Jupiter?

4 moons, refuting impenetrable crystal sphere

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What is the overarching theory that Kepler and Galileo developed?

Explaining order and design to the universe.

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What are the natural laws of motion?

Gravitation, evident in the movement of heavenly bodies and earthly objects.

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What is the significance of the natural laws being unchangeable and predictable?

God's active participation in the natural world is not needed to explain the forces of nature.

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What did Newton's view of natural laws directly challenge?

Medieval beliefs.

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