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Structures that connect limbs to the axial skeleton.
Pectoral Girdle
Composed of scapula and clavicle; connects upper limbs to the torso.
Pelvic Girdle
Formed by coxal bones and sacrum; supports lower limbs.
Shoulder blade; provides attachment for muscles and articulates with the humerus.
Acromion Process
Part of the scapula; forms a protective cover and attaches to the clavicle.
Scapular Spine
Divides the posterior surface of the scapula into supra and infraspinous fossae.
Coracoid Process
A projection on the scapula; serves as an attachment point for muscles.
Glenoid Cavity
A shallow socket in the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerus.
Bone that articulates with the acromion and manubrium of the sternum; connects the arm to the body.
The bone of the upper arm; articulates with the shoulder and elbow.
Projections on the humerus; include greater and lesser tubercles for muscle attachment.
Intertubercular Groove
A groove on the humerus that houses the tendon of the biceps brachii.
Rounded part of the humerus that articulates with the radius.
Spool-shaped part of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.
Projections on the humerus for ligament attachment.
Forearm bone on the thumb side; involved in wrist movement.
Forearm bone on the little finger side; forms the elbow joint.
Trochlear Notch
A notch on the ulna that fits over the trochlea of the humerus.
Olecranon Process
The bony prominence of the elbow, part of the ulna.
Carpal Bones
Eight bones in the wrist; arranged in two rows.
Carpal Tunnel
A passageway in the wrist; contains tendons and nerves.
Five bones that form the palm of the hand.
Pelvic Girdle
Composed of coxal bones and sacrum; supports the lower limbs.
A socket in the pelvic girdle that articulates with the head of the femur.
The thigh bone; the longest bone in the body.
Projections on the femur for muscle attachment; include greater and lesser.
The kneecap; a sesamoid bone that protects the knee joint.
The larger bone of the lower leg; supports most of the body's weight.
The smaller bone of the lower leg; stabilizes the ankle.
Seven bones in the foot; include the navicular, talus, and calcaneus.
Five bones that form the middle part of the foot.
Bones of the toes; each toe has three phalanges except for the big toe, which has two.