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Group of people sharing the same culture and typically interacts in a definite territory.
People's way of life which includes behaviors, values, beliefs, and symbols.
Material Culture
Attires, tools, weapons, architectural designs, religions implements.
Nonmaterial culture
belief systems, values, norms, or expected behaviors.
ideal behaviors acceptable and admirable to the set standards
Rules on what to do or what not to do
the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
Inherited or given at birth
personally acquired for achieving something
Theory of symbolic interactionism
the self is created, developed, and changed through human interaction
Three main reasons of symbolic interactionism
our socio-cultural context affected who we are or what we think.
Three main reasons of symbolic interactionism
We need others to affirm or reinforce who we think we are
Three main reasons of symbolic interactionism
our notion of what is personally important to us is also influenced by the current trends of what was important in our society.
George Herbert Mead
Theory of symbolic interactionism
Ruth Fulton and Margaret Mead
Culture and Personality
Culture and Personality
The self is dependent on the cultural practices and socialization process of a certain group.
Clifford Geertz
One of the most important and widely known anthropologist of the late 20th century. Symbolic and interpretive anthropology
Symbolic and interpretive anthropology
Culture as compilation symbols with meanings which are made, communicated and negotiated.
Charles Horton Cooley
American Sociologist. Looking Glass self
Looking Glass Self
A process by which a person develops his self-image based on how others treat him.
Three phases of looking glass self
How one imagines how he appears
Three phases of looking glass self
How one imagines how others will judge his appearance
Three phases of looking glass self
How one perceives other's judgements to be such as pride or shame.
Subjective proccess
Looking glass self is a?
Erving Goffman
Modern American Sociology. Dramaturgical analysis
Dramaturgical Analysis
The study of social interactions in terms of theatrical performance.
Theory of Cultural Determinism
Human nature is determined by the ideas, meanings, beliefs, and values learned as members of a society.
It can be based on blood relations, like sibling relations (consanguineal), by marriage (affinal), or social, which are relationships not falling under the first two but you still consider them as family.
Regulate the flow of resources and services ensuring that everyone gets a fair share of goods or that a person in need will get the service he/she needs in order to address a necessity. Can also regulate the price of products and control the demand.
Usually composed of various organizations ensuring peace and order by legitimizing the use of power of certain people or groups.
Headed by the president and who is in charge of enforcing the law
In charge of creating, amending, or repealing those laws. House of representatives/ Senate.
Provide proper interpretation of the laws and ensure that they are following the Constitution and Human Rights.
Ensure that the knowledge of the past and the culture of society gets transmitted from one generation to another. Aims to produce people who can live harmoniously in the given social environment as well as be productive citizens for the economy.
Organized set of practices, symbols, and artifacts regarding the belief of the supernatural
Why people believe in supernatural
Explanation of Unexplainable. Meaning and purpose of life. Continuity of relationship with the people that we care about even after death among others.
Supernatural being
Being that is better and more powerful than any creature in the natural world.
Supernatural or above natural
all that cannot be explained by the law of nature
Teaches and reinforces values, norms, and morals in partnership with the family and the school
Mass/Social Media
Plays a role in self-concept development as well. The more often these ideals are presented, they affect our self-identity and self-perception.
Mass Media
Technological devices that reach a larger number of people
Social Media
Computer based technology that allows users to create and distribute information as well as participate in social networking. Has the tendency to reinforce use and can boost self-esteem.
Health Services
well-being is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors of society. Good living conditions are fundamental to well-being (generally includes global judgements).
Satisfying human desire of entertainment, amusement, and play among others. Consists of activities or experiences carried on within leisure.
time available for ease and relaxation
Any type of organised physical activities.