Wilhelm Wundt
Father of psychology, created first lab for psych research, was a structuralist
Edward Titchener
Structuralist, student of Wundt
William James
Wrote first psychology textbook, functionalist
G. Stanley Hall
Wundt’s students, first American with PhD in psych, first lab in America, first president of APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
Denied a psychology degree, first women president of APA
Margaret Floy Washburn
First woman with psychology degree, second women president of APA
Charles Darwin
Theory of natural selection, evolutionary psychology
Dorothea Dix
Advocated for the unfair and inhumane treatment of mentally ill people, created first insane asylums/mental hospitals
Sigmund Freud
Created psychoanalytic theory in psychodynamic approach, unconscious motives
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov’s dog, classical conditioning
Jean Piaget
First psychologist to conduct cognitive study, cognitive psychology, stage theory of child cognitive development
Carl Rogers
Humanistic psychology, understanding people’s personalities
B.F. Skinner
Theoretical approach of Behaviorism, known for operant conditioning
John B. Watson
Founder of Behaviorism, as described in his Psychology review
Observes mind’s structures through individual parts, utilizing introspection
Seeks to understand mental and behavioral processes, understanding the function
Studies whole consciousness including perception, sensation, learning, and problem solving
Behaviors and mental processes are influenced by ego managing id and superego, processes related to unconscious (free association)
Early Behaviorism
Behaviors are learned through experiences, observable, broken into classical and operant conditioning
Humans are naturally good and want to reach potential through free will, goal is self-actualization
Studies impact of person’s culture, nationality, gender, religion, social norms, and other
Evolutionary Approach
Studies how behaviors and mental processes of today exist due to natural selection
Biological Approach
Studies different structures of brain and nervous system, understand biological to psychological links
Cognitive Approach
Attitudes, memories, perceptions, thoughts, and expectations influence behaviors and mental processes
Biopsychosocial Approach
Studies a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and impacts on a person’s health
Study individuals feelings, actions, and characteristics
Help treat people with psychological disorders
Seeks to help people overcome and cope with different life challenges
Focuses understanding how to optimize human behavior in workspace
Understanding how people learn in different settings with different instructional methods
Repeatability of test or study
How well the test measure what it is supposed to measure
Single-blind study
Participants do not know whether they are in the control or experimental group
Double-blind study
Researcher and subjects both do not know who is in which group
Quasi Experiment
Experiments based on non-random assignment/selection
Physical, cognitive, and social changes impact
Hindsight Bias
Tendency to think that one anticipated the outcome of an event after it occurred
False Consensus Bias
Individuals overestimate how man others share opinions or ideas
Confirmation Bias
Individuals focus only on specific information that is consistent with their viewpoint and ignores conflicting information
Experimenter Bias
Researcher unknowingly influences outcome of research
Social Desirability Bias
Participants skew answers to create a more favorable impression of them
Hawthorne Effect
Participant alters their behavior because they are being observed
Descriptive Statistics
Used to organize and describe data
Inferential Statistics
Used by researchers to make predictions about data to determine if data from a sample can be applied to population
Random Sample
Each individual has a equal chance of participating
Stratified Sample
Population divided into different categories and a random sample is taken from each
Sampling bias
Group representing the experiment does not represent the population
Operational definition
Description of something in terms of procedures, actions, or processes by which it could be observed and measured