notes on intro to sociology textbook's introduction (terrible, magnificent sociology by lisa wade)
What does distress caused by exclusion necessitate in human beings?
Cooperation, which enabled humans to survive for centuries.
Why is the concept of being an individual considered faulty?
Because we are constantly influencing and being influenced by our environment.
What do sociologists use to prove hypotheses in their research?
Collective qualitative and quantitative data through sociological research methods.
Who brought quantitative research to America, officially rooting sociology in the scientific method?
W.E.B. Du Bois.
What is the central goal of sociological research?
The betterment of society.
What essential element is crucial for the creation of good sociological theory?
What is sociological imagination?
The capacity to consider how people’s lives are shaped by the social facts that surround them.
What are social facts?
Products of human interaction that exert a persuasive or coercive power on individuals.
What are research ethics?
The set of moral principles that guide empirical inquiry, including respect, justice, and beneficence.
Who coined the term 'social facts' and when?
Emilé Durkheim in 1895.
What is public sociology?
The work of using sociological theory to make societies better.
What does qualitative research methods focus on?
The careful consideration and discussion of non-numerical data.
What is sociological sympathy?
The skill of understanding others as they understand themselves.
What is the significance of social patterns in sociology?
They are explainable and foreseeable similarities and differences among people influenced by social conditions.
Who were Maxine Baca Zinn and Bonnie Thornton Dill?
Women of color who developed standpoint theory together.
What did Harriet Martineau contribute to sociology?
She wrote the first manual for studying society scientifically and 'Society in America' in 1836.