What are the names of the two kingdoms after the division?
Kingdom of Israel to the North and Kingdom of Judah to the South
In which geographic region (between the two kingdoms) is Jerusalem in?
Located in Modern day Israel/the Middle East
Which line of kings continue to descend from the line of King David - the Northern or Southern Kings?
The Southern Kings, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin
Where is the temple located?
Located in the South and the North cannot access it
Who are the Kings of Judah descendants of?
Descendants of David (Davidic Covenant)
Do the Assyrians attack the Northern or Southern Kingdom?
Attack the Northern kingdom
About how many tribes of Israel are taken into exile by the Assyrians?
10 tribes were taken captive.
Do the Babylonians attack the Northern or Southern Kingdom?
Southern Kingdom
In how many waves do the Babylonians exile the Jews?
Three waves
What of great significance is destroyed in third wave of exile?
The city fell in the third wave and the temple was destroyed
What is the prophets primary role in the biblical story?
Prophets are communicators of God’s message and call the people back to their faithfulness
What are the names of the four major prophets?
Major prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
What is the difference between a major and minor prophet in the Bible?
Major prophets have longer books and minor prophets have shorter books
Is Daniel one of the four major prophets?
Who is the "Ancient of Days" in Daniel 7?
“Ancient of Days” is God
What does the term "Son of Man" refer to in Daniel 7?
Son of Man represents Jesus
Who defeats the Babylonians and issues an edict of religious tolerance, allowing the Jews to return to the promised land?
King of Persia, Cyrus, defeats the Babylonians and allows the Jews to return to their promised land
What has happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom at this point?
Most had disappeared or been taken over by other peoples
What are the 3 rebuilding projects in the promised land and who are they each led by?
Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah
Why are the Maccabees revolting? Who are the revolting against?
They are revolting against the Syrians to regain their homeland.
What is the name of the horrific Seleucid King that brings a great persecution on the Jewish people during this period?
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
What are the names of these 5 Jewish groups that existed at the close of the Old Testament period?
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, and the poor.
strict, external observance of all religious laws.
wealthy class, chief priests, but denied angels and afterlife.
broke conventional Judaism and turned backs on
militant Jews, they were more of a terrorist group than religious
the poor
largest group and a bit of every group