President of the United States during the market revolution; inaugurated on March 4, 1829; coined the "self-made man" because of his rise from humble beginnings.
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A political party that resented the "social gap". They wanted little government intervention in the economy. They were largely supported by entrepreneurs, rural farmers, and slaveholders.
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Five Civilized Tribes
The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Indians living in N. Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.
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Henry Clay
A politician from Kentucky who ran for president during the 1824 election, but lost. He was placed in John Quincy Adam's cabinet as Secretary of State. he faced off against Jackson again in 1832 as a member of the Whig party but was defeated.
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John C. Calhoun
The leading theorist of nullification who evolved form a nationalist into a sectionalist. Drafted "Exposition and Protest" secretly during his term as Vice President in 1828.
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Martin van Buren
A senator from New York belonging to the Democrat party in 1828. He represented a new wave of "self-made" politicians and coined political parties as being desirable for they allowed a check on those in power and offered voters a real choice in elections. Elected as president in 1836 and had to deal with the subsequent fallout of the Panic of 1837.
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Nicholas Biddle
Pennsylvanian who was the head of the National Bank during the Jackson Presidency.
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A nineteenth-century political party that believed in federal involvement in economic activity (the American System) through federal banks, protective tariffs, and aid to internal improvements. They were supported by established businessmen, bankers, and farmers along canals and rivers.
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American System
A three-pillar plan created in response to the War of 1812 which prompted an outburst of nationalist pride, in which there was the establishment of a new national bank in 1816, a tariff on imported manufactured goods to protect American industry, and Federal financing for major transportation options like canals and roads.
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Bank War
A war between President Jackson and Nicholas Biddle in response to the federal bank.