What pair of scientists determined that the experiments done by another pair of scientists was acutally fission and not the synthesis of another form of barium?
Frish and Meitner
To build the world's first nuclear weapons
the devices had to designed
What is the largest single source of background radiation to humans?
Who was the Berkeley professor who discovered plutonium in 1941?
glen t. seaborg
TLDs or ThermoLuminescent Dosimeters are commonly used in the radiation industry. These are used in higher risk areas. TLDs are useful as they provide qualitative data in the dose given by what type(s) of radiation?
Element Uranium-238 has how many neutrons?
What syndrome can be psychosomatic.
acute radiation sickness/poisoning
Which type of radiation travels the furthest?
Who wrote the now famous letter to Roosevelt urging him to research the use of fission as a weapon? This later was later signed by Albert Einstein.
Leó Szilárd
enrico fermi
what scientist was a leader in fission research and eventually carried out the first sustained and controlled nuclear fission reaction?
The only difference between a nuclear reactor and a coal-fired power-plant is?
the source of heat
Average background radiation measured at any given spot on Earth is most commonly measured at
45 cpm
What building material has the highest addition to background.
Which radiation can penetrate the furthest through material?
Spent fuel is a problem because
gathering large amount of radioactive materials in one place increase the risk to damage to the environment if it is released
If the particle that starts a nuclear reaction is also one of the products
chain reaction
Why are atoms electrical neutral?
same amount of protons and electrons
Isotopes are
atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons
Biological change revels itself when...
effects due to radiation is noticeable i.e. cancer
When using scintillation to calculate the amount of radium in a soil sample
why must the sample be canned and then shelved for at least 14 days?
The first ever nuclear explosion was carried out at what location?
Alamogordo Bombing Range
What are the 3 "time frames" of biological radiation damage?
physical chemical biological
The two types of ionizing radiation are?
particulate and electromagnetic
What is the smallest single source of radiation when calculating annual background?
nuclear reactors
When calculating the amount of radium in a sample of soil the can is placed in the scintillation system. This system records the counts for 10 minutes. What type of radiation is being counted?
What pair of scientists were responsible for carrying out the first fissions of uranium?
Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann
Gamma radiation is made up of
a high energy photon
The enrichment of uranium utilizes what physical property of the Uranium gas (uranium hexafluride)?
An atom with an electrical charge is referred to as a(n)
The implosion device was more complicated than the uranium gun design. This device was tested before it was used in World War II. What was the name of this weapon?
fat man
All radioactive isotopes will eventually become?
Which type of particle is supposedly made of two (2) up-spin quarks and one (1) down-spin quark?
Human sources of background radiation mainly come from
In any radioactive decay the orginal nuclide is called the
The largest nuclear weapon ever built
but was never directly tested
In any radioactive decay
the resulting nuclide is called the
The "fat man" nuclear weapon was dropped on what city?
The uranium required to carry out fission is U-235. This isotope exists in very small quantities naturally. To be utilized it must be enriched. This process first began at what location in the United States.
oak ridge TN
The difference in the mass of a proton and electron is extremely small. However that slight difference in mass is equal to a huge amount of energy. This idea is founded by what famous equation?
The three main sources of background radiation are
cosmic, terrestrial, and internal
Compared to film badges TLDs would be used in situations where the risk is
TLDs work on the same principle as the irradiation of salt. As the salt gains the energy from the radiation it turns brown. Once heated the salt returns to its original color and...
release light
An electroscope (ion chamber) uses a charged metal foil to show the effect of radiation. As the gas in the chamber becomes ionized the foil moves closer to the starting post. This design is the bases for what modern detector?
spark chamber
Gamma radiation is produced from
alpha and beta decay
In our modern model of the atom electrons are considered
subatomic particles
Which pair of individuals was responsible for the military and scientific aspects of the Manhattan project?
robert oppenheimer and enrico fermi
Who was the early Greek thinker who first give us the idea of an atom?
A nuclear reactor with a steam generator and multiple water loops is most accurately described as a(n)
pressurized water reactor (pwr)
Approximately how many nuclear tests did the United States conduct between 1945 and 1992?
As the density of the tube used in collimation increases what can be said about the counts per minute?
The final end product of the nuclear fuel cycle contains what compound of uranium?
Nuclear power plants get their energy from
What are the Front End of the nuclear fuel cycle?
mining and enrichment
Who was credited for the discovery of Radioactivity in his research of X-Rays. He also photographed his wife's handand this was the first of x-ray image of a human.
The "uranium gun" bomb was a simple design
by comparison
Beta + radiation is produced from
proton -> neutron
Which syndrome is observed at doses between 300 and 800 rads
hematopoietic syndrome
There are two possible points of origin of radiation they are?
cosmic rays and raw materials
Beta + radiation is made up of
Cosmogenic sources of radiation include what nuclides?
beryllium-10 and aluminum-26
The majority of the nuclear power plants in the United States are of which design(s)?
pressurized water reactor (pwr)
A specific arrangement of protons and neutrons is referred to as a(n)
As the density of the material used in backscattering increases what can be said about the counts per minute?
As the distance between the source and detector increase what can be said about the counts per minute?
What are the possible effects to an irradiated cell?