step 1
fors from a nebular
step 2
force of gravity pulls he gas together to make a prtostar
still step 2
the temp rises and undergoes nuclear fusion
letting out a huge amount of energy keeping the star hot
step 4
hydrogen begins to run out and the star turns into a red gist or a super guiant depending on size
step 3
star enters a longe stable period
the star expands pulling everything inwards
step 5
a small star like our sun.
becomes unstable and elects its outer layer leaving a white dwarf
step 6
small star like our sun
a the dwarf cools it becomes a black dwarf
step 7
big star
expands and expodes into a supernova
step 8
big star
the expanding supernova throws out a layer of dust leaving a neutron star
step 8 still
if the star is big enough it leaves a black hole