Abstract Thinking
the ability to visualize things in one’s head; don’t need to see them to be able to discuss them
when an individual change their existing schema in light of new info; develops a new schema
committing to an identity after exploration; looking for what fits and choosing one
the transitional period between childhood and adulthood, characterized by significant physical growth, cognitive development, and social changes, marked by the onset of puberty as its starting point
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
traumatic events experienced in childhood that can negatively impact long-term mental and physical health
believing objects have “life”
Anxious Attachment
seeks excessive closeness and fears abandonment; results from inconsistent contact from caregiver; type of insecure attachment
when a child fits new information into existing ways of knowing
Attachment Styles
the emotional bond and pattern of behavior that develops between an infant and their primary caregiver, typically the mother
Authoritarian Parenting
a strict, high-demand parenting style with low responsiveness; set high behavior standards, involve strict punishments, and have little to no communications
Authoritative Parenting
balanced parenting style combing high demands with high responsiveness; parents have limits, but allow room for communication and are more flexible
independence - caregivers encourage independence and self-sufficiency, allowing for a positive sense of self; occurs from 18 months to 3 years of age; second stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
Avoidant Attachment
avoids closeness and dependency; results from too much contact from caregiver; type of insecure attachment
Chronological Development
the study of how individuals change and grow throughout their lifespan, focusing on the sequence and timing of developmental milestones as they age
changes over time that influence development; system of ecological systems theory
Concrete Operational Stage
children have expanded schemas that classify into larger classes based on a number of characteristics; can focus on more than one feature of the problem; understand conservation and mathematical transformations; occurs from 6 to 12 years of age
and understanding described by number, mass length, area, volume, etc
Continuous Development
the development of a schema that develops gradually as a cumulative process
Critical Periods
periods of time when skills and behaviors, such as visual perception language acquisition, and intelligence can be acquired most efficiently
Cross-Sectional Study
a research design where data is collected from different groups of people at a single point in time, allowing researchers to compare different variables across various demographics
Crystallized Intelligence
accumulated store of knowledge and verbal skills; increases with age
a generalized decline in cognitive abilities, including memory, reasoning, and language, severe enough to interfere with daily functioning, caused by various neurological conditions
regret - dissatisfaction, disappointment about life, feelings of futility; occurs during late adulthood/old age; eighth stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
lack of commitment or exploration; not looking for what fits
Discontinuous Development
the development of a schema that emerges at specific times in distinct stages with differences
new stimulus increases strength of habituated response
Disorganized Attachment
displays inconsistent and contradictory behaviors; results from inconsistent caregiving and never knowing what to expect from the caregiver
Ecological Systems Theory
explains how an individual’s development in influences by different environmental systems, from immediate surroundings to broader cultural contexts; extend outward like a rippling effect
period of childhood when a child can’t see from another person’s perspective; occurs during the beginning of the pre-operational stage
Emerging Adulthood
a phase of the life span between adolescence and full-fledged adulthood, usually ranging from about 18 to 29 years old
Erik Erikson
asserted that development is profoundly influenced by experiences with others throughout 8 stages of life; Neo-Freudian
indirect environments that affect the individual; can affect microsystems
Familial Identity
the part of a person’s identity that is shaped by their relationships with their family members, including their values, beliefs, and experiences within the family unit
Fine Motor Coordination
small, detailed movements that develop proximodistal after gross motor skills
Fluid Intelligence
ability to reason speedily and abstractly; decreases during late adulthood
committing to an identity without exploration; just choosing one without looking for what fits
Formal Operational Stage
don’t need concrete objects to think abstractly; have deductive logic and a potential for mature reasoning; develop metacognition; occurs from 12 years of age to the rest of life
Gender Roles/Identity
one’s personal sense of gender
care - unselfish concern for welfare of others and future generation; occurs during middle adulthood; seventh stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
Gross Motor Coordination
large, obvious movements that develop cephalocaudal before fine motor skills
Growth Spurt
cause many aspects of a child’s mind and body to suddenly grow, typically during the ages of 10 to 16 years; brain development, mood swings, behavior changes, etc
guilt - parental over-control stifles spontaneity and sense of purpose; fear of punishment; occurs from 3 to 6 years of age; third stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
response decreases with repeated stimulation; the more a stimulus is presented, the weaker the response becomes
Harry Harlow
experiment with monkeys to prove the importance of an emotional bond between newborns and their caregivers; infants prefer comfort over nourishment when frightened or stressed and deprivation of attachment has long-term negative effects on behavior
Hypothetical Thinking
the ability to think about a possibility, alternative, etc; what-ifs; develops during the formal operational stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
Identity and Role Confusion
sense of self is fragmented and the individual is confused about their role in society; occurs during adolescence; fifth stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
Imaginary Audience
belief that others are constantly watching and judging; normal sign of development; figuring out social dynamics and awareness; putting yourself in others’ shoes
when a child develops strong attachment early on in life; occurs during the critical period of development
Industry (Competency)
competence - adequacy in basic social and intellecutual skills; acceptance by peers; pride; occurs from 6 years of age to puberty; fourth stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
inadequacy - lack of self-confidence; feelings of failure and inadequacy; occurs from 6 years of age to puberty; fourth stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
purpose - initiate activities and develops a sense of social responsibility; promotes self-confidence and creativity; occurs from 3 to 6 years of age; third stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
Insecure Attachment
emotional bonds between caregivers and child characterized by anxiety or avoidance
wisdom - sense of wholeness; satisfaction with life and accomplishments, wisdom, and insight; occurs during late adulthood/old age; eighth stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
love - establishing lasting and meaningful relationships, connectedness, commitment, and closeness to others; balance work and relationships; occurs during early adulthood; sixth stage of Erikoson’s stages of social development
isolated - fear of rejection or excessive self-preoccupation; unable to form close, meaningful relationships; denial of intimacy needs; occurs during early adulthood; sixth stage of Erikoson’s stages of social development
Jean Piaget
considered the father of modern developmental psychology; unfolded cognitive development into a series of four stages as the brain develops
Lev Vygotsky
emphasized that learning and knowledge is co-constructed and occurs through interactions with others; social learning is essential for development of children
Lifespan Development
follows an individual over time to determine change and growth or stability in behavior from conception to death
Longitudinal Study
a research design where the same group of participants are studied repeatedly over a long period of time
the broader cultural and societal influences that affect an individual’s behavior
Mary Ainsworth
studied infants’ reactions when placed in strange situations; attachment theory
occurs as a result of biological growth process and their orderly changes in behavior
when females have their first period and begin their first menstruation cycle
cessation of menstruation; women begin to stop having their periods
Mental Symbols
internal cognitive symbols that represent reality to help a child process and understand the world around them
the connections between microsystems
the immediate environment in which an individual interacts (family, school, peers)
insecurity - anxiety, fear; can carry this throughout life; first stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
actively exploring identities without commitment; still trying to look for what fits
the biological and genetic factors that influence a person's traits and behaviors
the environmental factors that influence a person's development and personality
Object Permanence
understand that objects/people still exist even when they are hidden from sight; develops during the sensorimotor stage between 6-8 months of age
Occupational Identity
an individual’s sense of self and identity based on their chosen occupation or profession
Parallel Play
playing next to each other, but not interacting or playing with each other; practice independence; overtime, evolves into more interactive and cooperative play; occurs during the pre-operational stage
Permissive Parenting
a lenient parenting style and low demand with high nurturance and communication; little discipline, guidance, or control
Personal Fable
belief in one’s uniqueness and invulnerability; main character dynamic
Possible Selves
an individual’s envision future selves, including aspirations and fears
Pre-Operational Stage
children have a better understanding of symbols and language; think objects have life (animism); have schemas classified based on one trait; occurs from 3 to 6 years of age
Pretend Play
when children use objects, actions, etc to represent something else; nurture creativity and social understanding; occurs during the pre-operational stage
Primary Sex Characteristics
ovaries and testes; develop during puberty
when children develop their primary sex characteristics, females have their first cycle of menstruation (menarche), and males begin to produce sperm (spermarche)
Racial/Ethnic Identity
how individuals perceive and related to their racial and ethnic background
babies are born with these, but lose them later in life; include rooting, sucking, grasping, moro, and Babinski
Religious Identity
connection to religious beliefs and practices
the idea the something can be reversed into its original state; develops during the concrete operational stage
turning away when cheek is stroked
support provided by more knowledgeable individuals (parents or peers) to help achieve tasks they cannot complete alone; collaborative dialogues
systems that an individual develops for understanding a situation; a way of knowing
Secondary Sex Characteristics
deepening of voice, increase in body hair, and development of breasts; develop during pubescence
Secure Attachment
a strong, emotional bond where the individual feels confident and supported by their caregiver
Sensitive Periods
period of time when skills and behaviors, such as motor skills, some aspects of personality (temperament), and a second language, can be acquired most efficiently
Sensorimotor Stage
when children develop coordination of sensory input; occurs between birth and 2 years of age
Separation Anxiety
distress experienced when separated from a primary caregiver
Sexual Orientation
attraction to others based on gender
inadequacy - overly restrictive caregiving leads to feeling inadequate and a lack of control; occurs 18 months to 3 years of age (toddlerhood); second stage of Erikson’s stages of social development
Social Clock
societal expectations for achieving life milestones; a timetable
when males begin to produce sperm
the concept that certain personality traits or characteristics of an individual tend to remain relatively consistent and unchanging over a significant period of time
Stage Theory of Psychosocial Development (Erikson)
states that development is profoundly influenced by experiences with others and that each stage of development has an adequate and inadequate resolution for moving forward
Systematic Thinking
allows an individual to think without the need for concrete objects and allows for abstract thinking as well; develops during the formal operational stage