emotionally swayed
resentful of criticism
better educated than his predecessors
simple in his personal habits
courageous in the face of danger
Government was isolated form the people
Tsars viewed themselves as benevolent patriarchs but they were actually tyrannical
trying to modernise without damaging their autocratic position
tolerated no individual thought
she shot and wounded the gov. of St Petersburg which she admitted to. However, the jury accepted her plea that the act was politically justified so found her not guilty.
Trepov was well known for being exceptionally cruel and flogged prisoners. The defence counsel had brought in political prisoners as witnesses (young, educated men who looked exhausted after imprisonment)
The government never again risked a political case like this again
support came from students
led by the flow of books and articles that were now accessible now that censorship had been relaxed
the growing intelligentsia objected to the treatment of the masses
the most notable group was ‘Land and Liberty’
the strong crackdown in universities, tightening of censorship and the wave of arrests just caused more people to radicalise
‘going to the People’ movement
they believed in agrarian socialism based around the peasants’ commune
Several thousand m/c people dressed up in peasants’ clothes and went into villages
village elders and priests reported them to the police leading to several hundred being arrested
Trial of the 50: 1877, of the populists
Trial of the 193: 1877, of the populists
Some got light sentences or were acquitted, however, the government intervened and exiled many to Serbia
Ait was clear that peaceful persuasion wasn’t going to work as the peasants were too conservative
Land and Liberty reformed with a strong central organisation and a ‘commitment to secrecy and discipline’
cells were formed in villages and supported demonstrations which often turned violent
many also killed informers and despotic officials
political trials were moved to military courts
led to a split in the group
led by George Plekhanov and Vera Zasulich
promoting revolution through peaceful agitation
use terrorist violence to achieve revolution
focussed on the assassination of Alexander II
1879 - condemned him for ‘crimes against the people’
Loris-Melikov, minister of the interior, thought the regime needed to take steps to strengthen the people’s trust in the government He proposed:
abolished the third section and transferred its function to the Ministry of the Interior; focusing on truly dangerous people rather than having thousands under surveillance
proposed more civil rights for the peasants to help make it easier for them to acquire land
proposed that elected representatives of the Zemstva and larger towns form part of a consultative body to help in the making of laws
Alexander gave preliminary approval but it got no further as Alexander was shot