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what domain is most closely related to eukaryotes
6 dimensions of life
metabolism, reproduction, differentiation, communication, movement, evolution
von leuowneck
late 1600s, created microscope to visualize microbes
1865, disproved spontaneous generation, helped create germ theory
used flasks with sterile broth and subjected to various conditions and observed growth (closed, open, open with swan neck)
Koch's Postulates
1. The suspected pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease and absent from healthy animals.
2. The suspected pathogen must be grown in pure culture.
3. Cells from a pure culture of the suspected pathogen must cause disease in a healthy animal.
4. The suspected pathogen must be reisolated and shown to be the same as the original.
Koch also developed
solid media via additon of thickening agent
microbes can oxidize inorganic molecules to generate ATP
Prokaryotic carbohydrates
hundreds of primary monosaccharides (instead of 10)
carbons range from 3-12
7/8C sugars almost exclusively found in prokaryotic organisms
only found in gram negative bacteria
core sugars: KDO and L-glycero D-manno heptose
Teichoic acid
carbohydrate characteristic of gram-positive bacteria
structural component of cell wall
Archaea lipid diversity
have ether linkages between FA tails and glycerol (vs ester linkages for bacteria/eukarya)
-->less fluid
also can have phytanyl side chain (branching on FA)
-->found in really cold enviro to keep membrane fluid
also can have phospholipid monolayer (2 heads, 1 FA section without break)
-->found in really hot enviro for stability
prokaryote lipid diversity
have different FA chains associated with the membrane vs eukaryotes (depending on bacterial enviro)
head groups of glycerol in membrane is very different for prokaryotes vs eukaryotes
sterol like molecules unique to prokaryotic microbes
serves similar function to cholesterol in eukaryotes
provides fluidity and stability to membrane
lipid A (very hydrophobic FA tails, allows to form bilayer)-->found in outer membrane of gram neg bacteria
attached to KDO
inner and outer core (same in all gram negative bacteria)
O antigen-->varies between bacteria based on different sugar groups
L-amino acids
protein synthesis
d-amino acids
special functions (Mainly cell wall structure)
microbe amino acids
22 total (2 more than eukaryotes)
selenocysteine and pyrrolysine
also diaminopimelic acid (not an AA but similar)
has selenium instead of sulfur
antioxidant defense mechanism
unique cyclic structure
some archaea and a few bacteria
methane metabolism
diaminopimelic acid
found in bacteria and plants
not incorporated into any proteins
key cell wall component for bacteria
precursor to biosynthesis of lysine
Bond between phosphate and pentose sugars in nucleic acids
phosphodiester bond
Microbial DNA
in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes DNA is antiparallel and doublestranded
eukaryotes have one/multiple linear chromosomes
prokaryotes have a singular circular chromosome with all genetic info
viruses can have DS-DNA, SS-DNA, SS-RNA, or DS-RNA
5 kingdoms
Monera (includes bacteria and archaea), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
germ theory of disease
idea that infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms
prokaryotic cells appeared
3-4 billion years ago
eukaryotic microbes evolved approximately
2 billion years ago
eukaryotes and prokaryotes branch from
common ancestor
all prokaryotes are
eukaryotes can be
unicellular or multicellular
microbes and nutrient balance
decomposition and nitrogen fixation
major discoveries
scientific method
medical microbiology development
microbiological techniques
applications for biotech
uptake of nutrients from the environment, their transformation within the cell, and elimination of wastes into the environment
cell is an open system
chemicals from the environment are turned into new cells under the direction of preexisting cells
formation of a new cell structure such as a spore
cells communicate or interact primarily by means of chemicals that are released or taken up
cells contain genes and evolve to display new biological properties
microbes compose
the majority of biomass on earth
microbe roles in agriculture
n2 fixation, nutrient cycling, animal husbandry (rumen breakdown of cellulose)
microbe roles in energy/environment
biofuels--fermentation of corn to ethanol
microbial mining
The oxidation of inorganic compounds to yield energy used to reduce carbon dioxide.
nh3-->No2 (-) --> no3 (-)
nitrogen fixation
n2 + 6H-->2nH3
5 categories of bacteria
1. chlamydias and spirochetes
2. gram positive bacteria
3. endospore producers
4. gram-negative bacteria
5. cyanobacteria
3 groups of archaea
methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles
microbes can generate energy via
extreme heat-adapted organism
bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at temperatures between 0 C and 25 C.
carbohydrates can have a
aldehyde or ketone group
example of hopanoid
Adenine and Guanine
double ring structure
cytosine, thymine, uracil
deoxyribose vs ribose
deoxyribose lacks an oxygen atom on the second carbon in the ring (h vs OH)
bonds between nitrogenous bases
hydrogen bonds
six Is of microbiology
inoculation, incubation, isolation, inspection, information gathering, and identification.
placing some of a sample with microbes into media that will allow microbes to grow
3 methods of inoculation
inoculating loop and spread on solid media (allows for colony isolatioN0
place sample into broth culture
inoculating cells 9eg. chicken egg)—>viruses only grow within other cells
isolating individual colonies
a singular cell will undergo binary fission to form a macroscopic colony
each colony is clonal and every cell in colony is genetically identical
techniques for isolation
streak plating and pour plate (loop dilution)
streak plating
A technique for isolating individual colonies from a mixed culture by spreading a diluted sample over the surface of an agar plate using an inoculating loop.
Allows for dilution of number of cells and space in between individual colonies.
3 total spreads with flames in between
pour plate/loop dilution
A method for isolating colonies by diluting a sample in molten agar and pouring it into a petri dish, allowing colonies to grow throughout the medium.
2 dilutions
The process of examining cultures for characteristics such as colony morphology, color, and growth patterns
macroscopic characteristics
shape, color, edges, size, consistency, height
if there is a second colony type confined to one area—>contamination
if the 2 species are spread throughout the plate, suggests original sample was mixed culture
microscopy types
bright field, dark field, phase contrast, fluorescent, confocal, scanning EM
phase contrast
good for cells that are more transparent (eg. animal/plant)
fluorescent microscopy
involves dye that recognizes structure on bacterial surface
uses special microscope
confocal microscopy
cross-sectional images of whole specimesn
scanning EM
surface view of bacteria
good for biofilms—>impact in environmental and healthcare settings
simple/negative stains
differential stains
structural staining
simple staining
using one dye to observe cells after fixing with heat or chemicals
eg. crystal violet—>peptidoglycan binds well
negative stain—>doesn’t bind bacteria bc of charge interactions; bacteria appear clear against dark background
differential staining
involves using multiple dyes to distinguish between different types of bacteria
gram, acid fast, endospore staining
gram staining results
positive is purple, red/pink is negative
acid fast staining
acid fast = red
non acid fast = blue
mycobacterium cannot be stained with gram, but can be with acid fast
structural stains
used to visualize specific structures within cells, such as endospores or capsules.
capsular stains
capsules are made of thick carb layers which prevent stain entry
stain generates halos around cellsf
flagellar stains
detect motility
Gram Stain steps
crystal violet stain
gram’s iodine (mordant)
alcohol (decolorizer)
CV stain
binds to peptidoglycan
gram’s iodine (mordant)
locks CV into cells
alcohol (decolorizer)
penetrates outer membrane of gram neg, cell loses CV
a counterstain that colors gram-negative bacteria pink after decolorization.
gram stain preparation
take loop from broth culture and smear on slide OR take loop of water, spread on slide, sterilize loop, touch to colony, and spread into water
let slide air dry
fix microbes to slide (pass through flame)
gram neg vs pos
gram + have thick layer of peptidoglycan vs thin layer for gram neg
gram negative also have outer membrane which has LPS
information gathering
biochemical differences
media types
enriched, differential, selective
enriched media
has something extra added to support growth of organisms that need external supply
eg. blood or specific AA
differential media
bacteria show different appearance and color when grown on media
eg. MacConkey media—>bacteria that use lactose turn pink/red
selective media
only allows certain bacteria to grow (eg. selecting for antibiotic resistance to verify plasmid incorporation)
chocolate agar
used for fastitidious bacteria
blood is added to hot agar which lyses RBCc and releases heme
eg. haemophilus influenzae
doesn’t have ability to synthesizie porphyrin ring (needed for heme—energy metabolism)
needs to have from enriched media such as chocolate agar
fastidious bacteria
have certain nutrient requirements and require enriched media
Immunological gathering
staining or agglutination
immunological staining
antibody molecules bind to specific regions of bacterial cells (epitope)
antibody is labeled with fluorescent molecule for visualization
immunology agglutination
antibody binds to antigen on bacterial cell surface and agglutinates many bacteria together—>clumping in tube
synthetic media
components are highly specified and defined (doesn’t occur in nature)
complex media
exact chemical composition not defined
most general purpose media is complex
blood agar
can show zones of clearing around bacteria (some bacteria secrete enzymes to lyse RBCs)
Beta is complete hemolysis
alpha is incomplete lysis—>shows greenish tinge around cells
gamma is no lysis of RBCs by bacteria
some plates can have media that is selective and differential
EMB plate
inhibits growth of gram + bacteria
differentiates gram negative as well
lactose fermenters are purple with green sheen
coliforms are red
gram negative that aren’t coliforms look clear
carbohydrate fermentation media
contains sugars that can be fermented, converted to acids, and a pH indicator to show this reaction
fermentation media ex
liquid growth media with only 1 sugar (has smaller tube inverted within)
add phenyl red dye—>red at neutral/alkaline conditions, yellow at acidic
if bacteria ferment sugar and make acid, this pH change will cause media to turn yellow
if CO2 is produced during sugar processing—>gas bubbles appear in small tube
can repeat for all monosaccharides
identification using
Bergey’s model of Determinative Bacteriology
cell characteristics
reproduction, heredity/DNA, growth and development, responsiveness, transport, metabolism and enzymes