the high body temperature phase in the menstrual cycle is brought by ( )
LH is a ( ) pituitary hormone and stimulates ovulation
fertilization occurs in the ( ) of the uterine tube
fertilization occurs in the ( ) phase of the menstrual cycle
In a 6-week embryo, sex ( ) be identified
ductus deferens is derived from the ( ) duct
the fallopian tube is derived from the ( ) duct
the ventral half of the vagina derives from ( )
mullerian duct
the dorsal half of the vagina derives from ( )
urogenital sinus
the genital tubercle differentiates into ( ) in males
glans penis
the genital tubercle differentiates into ( ) in females
the labia majora derives from the ( )
genital swelling
klinefelter syndrome patients have ( ) external and internal genitalia
frequency of klinefelter syndrome is 1/( ) births.
the first axis developed in the human embryo is the ( ) axis
when the ( ) is formed, the cephalocaudal axis is determined
primitive node
when the ( ) axis is determined, the lateral axis is also determined.
the dorsoventral axis is determined at the ( ) week of development
the notochord induces the neural tube at the ( ) part of the notochord
hepatocytes are derived from ( )
motor neurons are derived from ( )
podocytes are derived form ( )
( ) migrate from the yolk sac
rathk's pouch is developed from the ( )
surface ectoderm
( ) sequence of dorsophilia shows homologies with that of human.
mutation in ( ) gene possibly causes human heart malformation
Nkx 2.5
( ) cell mutations do not transmit to offspring.
( ) cell mutations transmit to offspring
Sonic Hedgehog is produced in ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).
notochord, interstinal portals, floor plate of neural tube, zone of polarizing activity in the limb bud
mutation in the ( ) gene is associated with holoproscencephaly.
mutation in the ( ) gene causes wingless-ness in dorsophila
the TGF-beta family includes ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )
TGF-b1, BMP, Activin, Inhibin
( ) determine the phenotype of covering epithelium
mesenchyme cells
Shh from the notochord is a ( ) factor
the function of FGF is to ( )
stimulate fibroblast growth, induction and maintenance of mesoderm and ectoderm, somitogenesis, and development of various organs.
Shh is secreted from the ( )
Shh induces the ( ) at the ventral region of the neural tube
floor plate
several types of HOX gene products are secreted from the ( ).
neural tube
mutations in the Nkx-2.5 brings anomalies to ( ) structure and function
ductus arteriosus is derived from ( )
left 6th aortic arch
the temporal muscle is derived from ( )
4th branchial arch
the stapes is derived from ( )
2nd branchial arch
maxilla is derived from ( )
1st branchial arch
mandible is derived from ( )
1st branchial arch
the incus derives from ( )
1st branchial arch
the malleus derives from ( )
1st brachial arch
the hyoid derives from ( )
2nd and 3rd branchial arch
trigeminal nerve derives from ( )
1st branchial arch
facial nerve derives from ( )
2nd branchial arch
glossopharyngeal nerve derives from ( )
3rd branchial arch
vagus nerve derives from
4th, 5th, 6th branchial arch
recurrent laryngeal nerve derives from
4th, 5th, 6th branchial arch
the left recurrent laryngeal nerve changes direction at the ( ).
ductus arteiosus
( ) is also known as 1st arch syndrome.
treacher collins syndrome
treacher collins syndrome have symptoms like ( )
cleft lip, branchial cyst, deformity of the ears, deformed manible, hypertelorism.
meckel's diverticulum is detectable between the ( and ).
ileum and umbilicus
the baby's midgut is rotated 270 degrees ( ).
reverse rotation of the midgut results in the small intestine positioned ( ) to the transverse colon.
nonrotation of the midgut results in the small intestine positioned ( ) of the transverse colon.
the ( ) mainly rotates to the ventral and fuse with the dorsal pancreas
ventral pancreas
the umbilical cord contains...
umbilical vein, 2 umbilical arteries, allantois, and vitellointestinal duct
what is the omental bursa?
hollow space that is formed by the greater and lesser omentum and its adjacent organs