Freedom of Political Speech
Freedom of Speech Original Intent
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Speech Today's SCOTUS Interpretation
How many limits to Free Expression?
Harm to One's Reputation
Falsehood, Communication to 3rd Party, and Actual Damage
Three Criteria for Defamation
NY Times v Sullivan
SCOTUS ruled that "public figures" must prove a 4th condition
Malicious Intent
NY Times v Sullivan 4th Condition
spoken defamation
written/posted standard
Symbolic Speech
Non-verbal Expression
Tinker v Des Moines
SCOTUS rules that public school students may violate dress codes to make political statements
Causing Substantial Disruptions
Exception to Tinker v Des Moines
Bethel v Fraiser
Exception to Tinker v Des Moines: Obscenities
Morse v Fredrick
Exception to Tinker v Des Moines: Advocating Illegal Substances
Mahanoy School District, PA v BL
SCOTUS rules that public schools cannot punish students for what they post on social media when not on school grounds
Bullying and Threats
Exceptions to Mahanoy School District, PA v BL
Texas v Johnson
SCOTUS rules that flag burning is a legitimate form of political protest
Black v Virginia
SCOTUS rules cross burning is not protected as free speech but rather an instrument of terror
Economic Expression
Destruction of US Currency/Coins, False Advertising, and Advertising Limits (Tobacco Products)
Grokster v MGM
Violations for illegal music and movie downloading equally exist for file sharing websites as well as consumers
Exception to Grokster v MGM
Sexual Harassment
Verbal comment that is: 1) Sexual in Nature, 2) Unwanted, and 3) Consistent
Sexual Harassment is based on the perception of...
National Security
Pose a clear and present danger to the US Gov't through words spoken or actions taken
Schenck v US
Clear and Present Danger Doctrine
Article 3, Section 3
Only Crime Mentioned in the US Constitution
Assisting the enemies of one's own nation
encouraging violent action against ANY level of US Gov't and based on perception not intent
Public Safety
expression which poses a threat to citizen safety
Fighting Words
Words likely to Provoke "imminent lawless action"
Brandenburg v Ohio
Fighting Words Courtcase
Communicating threats of personal violence
Elonis v US
SCOTUS ruled that threats made on Social Media are not illegal if the intent does not exist
sexually explicit content in the media
Miller v California
SCOTUS ruled that sexually explicit material may be banned if it meets 3 criteria:
Sexual Content must be intended and obvious
Sexual Content must be ACTUAL sexual conduct which offends community standards
The sexual content must have NO scientific, political, artistic or literary value.
Motion Picture Association of America
Federal Criminal Exception to Miller v California
Child Protection Act
Defines CP as the "sexualization" of anyone under the age of 18
The Communications Decency Act
Extends the federal ban on CP to the internet
Reno v ACLU
SCOTUS ruled that parts of the Com. Decency Act violated the 1st Amendment bc. it didn't define intent
Indecent is Protected
Obscene is NOT
Brown v EMA
SCOTUS ruled that violate media content in video games and films are not to be categorized as obscene
Very Broad
Freedom of the Press is ___ _____ compared to most nations
Freedom of Information Act
Guaranteeing the Public's "Right to Know"
Prior Restraint
Censoring the media before a story is released (4 Exceptions)
US v NY Times
National Security Prior Restraint at WarTime
Incite Violence
If a news report will....
CP Reporting
Hazelwood v Kuhlmeir
If a school principal objects to a school funded newspaper
Time, Place, and Manner
Demonstrations are Limited by the Following Permit Restrictions:
Demonstrations may NOT be limited by the Following Permit Restrictions:
Synder v Phelps
SCOTUS rules that the 1st Amendment protects demonstrations w/ offensive speech EVEN if it causes great emotional distress
American Nazi Party v Skokie, IL
Synder v Phelps Precedent Case
Gun Regulations are typically at the ____ level.
National Firearms Act
Outlaws Fully Automatic Weapons (Machine Guns)
Except with an ATF Permit
Outlaws Sawed-off Shotguns
Gun Control Act
Signed by LBJ in response to the JFK assassination.
Requires mail/online order firearms to be delivered to an FFL Dealer before transfer to a US Citizen
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Requires a background check before the purchase of a handgun
Assault Weapons Ban
Outlawed 19 types of Semi-Automatic, military style, assault rifle (expired 2004)
Safer Communities Act
Enhances Background Checks for Firearm Purchases (Juvenille Records)
Federally Criminalizes Straw Purchases
Clarifies FFL Dealer Definition
Boyfriend Loophole closed/Banned gun ownership for ppl with a Domestic Violence Record
US v Miller
SCOTUS Upholds the National Firearms Act
Wash DC v Heller
SCOTUS rules laws banning handguns outright for law abiding citizens are unconstitutional AND the 2nd amendment guarantees the right to a personal firearm apart from militia
McDonald v Chicago
SCOTUS incorporates the DC v Heller ruling to the states
NY Rifle and Pistol Association v Bruen
SCOTUS rules the 2nd Amendment includes the right to carry a gun outside the home
Posse Comitatus Act
a federal law preventing the US military from acting in domestic law enforcement, except as determined by congress
Riots, Natural Disasters, Post-Nuclear Attack, War on Drugs, and Post Terrorist Attack
5 Congressional Exceptions to Posse Comitatus Act
Martial Law
can be declared by either governors or presidents (INSURRECTION ACT)
Search Warrant
Probable Cause
good reason to believe a crime has been committed
a sworn statement that is signed by a law enforcement officer, attesting to facts and circumstances justifying a search
Terry v Ohio
SCOTUS rules that police pat downs may occur under two conditions:
Suspicious Behavior
Concealed Weapon Probability
Tennessee v Garner
SCOTUS establishes police guidelines for the use of "deadly force"
New Jersey v TLO
SCOTUS rules that public school searches may occur with either:
Student Consent
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable Suspicion
a level of suspicion which is less than probable cause
Riley v California
SCOTUS rules that vehicles may be searched under any of the following conditions:
Traffic Ticket
Probable Clause (Plain View)
Consent of the Driver (NOT OWNER)
Drivers/Passengers AND entire contents of the vehicle
Extent of Vehicle Searches
Riley v California Exception
Rochin v California
SCOTUS ruled that body searches may include the following if necessary:
Strip Search
Body Cavity Search
Body Fluid and Breath Test
Forced Surgery
Body Searches may not include....
The greatest search powers of any law enforcement agencies in the US
Search Warrant, Probable Cause, or Consent
ICE and TSA does NOT need:
Implied Consent
Search Powers of ICE and TSA are derived from...
Mapp v Ohio
SCOTUS ruled that evidence illegally seized by law enforcement is not admissible in the US courts
Inevitable Discovery
Exception to Mapp v Ohio