Psychology IB paper 2 human relationships SL/HL APFC stands for Aims, Procedure, Findings and Conclusion.
Which two theories can be used for the role of communication in relationships?
Oxytocin, four horsemen of the relationship apocalypse
What research method was used by Ditzen (2009)
Lab experiment
Which two theories can be used to explain the change and end of relationships?
Fatal attraction theory, the four horsemen of the relationship apocalypse
Different from voicing a complaint or offering a complaint, criticism is an attack on the individual themself rather than on any specific behaviour.
Contempt is treating the other person with disrespect, using sarcasm and ridicule as well as body language (like scoffing or eye rolling) to mock them
Typically a response to criticism, defensiveness is an attempt to shift blame onto the other person and a refusal to take responsibility for personal actions
The listener withdraws from the interaction, shuts down, and stops responding to their partner
Who came up with the four horsemen theory?
What research method did Gottman and Levenson (2000) use?
Observation (overt, controlled, non-participant)
Who invented fatal attraction theory?
What is fatal attraction theory?
The theory that the traits that initially attracted us to our partner may end up becoming the reason that the relationship ends
What are the three common characteristics seen in ‘fatal attraction‘ breakups?
Fun to foolish
Spontaneous to unpredictable
Strong to domineering
Which study can be used to explain fatal attraction theory?
Felmlee (1995)
Felmlee (1995) APFC:
A: To investigate the fatal attraction hypothesis
P: 301 college students self-reported the qualities that had first attracted them to a recent partner and then to list the qualities that they least liked in that person
F: 29.2% of breakups were “fatal attractions“
C: Lends support to the fatal attraction hypothesis
Felmlee (1995) critical thinking
-Only a very small percentage of participants (less than 30%) actually experienced fatal attraction so it may not even be a significant factor
-Felmlee was trying to prove her own theory. There was no theoretical triangulation used to explain the results.
-Self-report methods may lack internal validity
-Quite reductionist
What research method was used by Felmlee (1995)?
Which piece of research can be used to support the idea that men and women use communication differently?
Tannen (1990)
Which two theories can be used for biological explanations for the formation of relationships?
Sexual selection and neurochemistry cocktail
Wedekind (1995) APFC:
A: to determine whether MHCs would affect mate choice
P: 49 females were asked to sniff three shirts from males with different MHC genes, three shirts from males with similar MHCs and one control shirt. The 44 males who provided the shirts were asked to refrain from smoking, alcohol, spicy food, and sex for two days.
F: women scored male body odours as more pleasant when MHCs were different from their own.
C: supports the idea that partner selection can be influenced by biological factors.
What research method did Wedekind use?
Quasi-lab experiment
Fisher et al (2005) APFC:
A: To investigate specific neural mechanisms associated with romantic love
P: 10 women and 7 men who were intensely in love for an average of 7.4 months participated in a semi-structured interview and a Likert-type “passionate love scale“ questionnaire. Then they were scanned in an fMRI machine.
F: There was increased activity of areas in the brain associated with dopamine neurons when they looked at pictures of their loved one. Data supported a correlation between attitude to their lover and brain activity.
C: According to Fisher, love is not an emotion but a motivation system that enables lovers to mate. The results support our knowledge of the role of dopamine in forming romantic bonds.
What research method was used by Fisher?
Quasi experiment
What is a cognitive explanation for the formation of relationships?
The idea that internal mental processes such as perception and decision-making play a role in the formation of relationships.
What are two cognitive explanations for the formation of relationships?
Halo effect and similarity attraction hypothesis
Dion (1972) APFC:
A: To investigate the role of the halo effect in choosing a partner
P: 30x male and 30x female uni students from the US. They were told they were participating in a study about “accuracy of people perception“.
P: each participant was shown a picture of one conventionally attractive, one unattractive and one control person. They used a six-point scale to rate 27 behaviours and attributes including sociability, altruism and intelligence. They also responded to a survey about who was most likely to be happy in marriage and overall.
F: Attractive people were predicted to be more happy, more successful and have positive personality traits.
C: The halo effect had occurred. The positive trait of attractiveness was generalised to other attributes.
Dion (1972) critical thinking
-Attractiveness is subjective and hard to judge on first impressions, low temporal validity, small sample size
-Random assignment to same gender vs opposite gender conditions and similar results in both
-Supported by other research: Patry found that jurors were less likely to believe an attractive person was guilty, Batres found that good-looking people are assumed to be more intelligent and have positive personality traits
What research method did Dion use?
What research method did Markey and Markey use?
What is proximity theory?
The theory that people have a greater tendency to form relationships with individuals that are close by.
What research method did Festinger use?
Observation (overt, naturalistic, non-participant)
What research method was used by Moreland and Beach, 1992?
Field experiment
What research method did Levine use?
What study can be used as supporting research that Eastern and Western people have different priorities in romantic relationships?
Ye et al (2006)
What did Ye et al’s content analysis of Chinese and American online dating profiles (2006) find?
More Chinese profiles talked about their financial status, physical appearance, health conditions, education and morality
American profiles focused on personality and hobbies (both in terms of description of self and what they’d desire in a potential partner)