the odyssey

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what kind of structure does Homer’s books take?

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what kind of structure does Homer’s books take?

two shorter stories and then the longer/ main one

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what is a Homeric hero motivated by

nostos, kleos, and time

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what does nostos mean

the desire and duty to return home

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what does kleos mean


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what does time mean


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how does Odysseus come from noble birth

He’s the son of Laertes, King of Ithaca

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what is Aeolia

the home of Aeolus

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what is Cyclops’s island

where the Cyclops Polyphemus lives

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what is Circe’s island called


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what is xenia (note: huge theme in the Odyssey)

the guest-host relationship

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whats the opening passage called

the proem

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what does the proem tell us

Odysseus will learn from his travels but will also suffer, and that the men bought their own doom

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why is it ironic that all other warriors are either dead or home safely, except odysseus?

He’s known for being resourceful, yet hasn’t been able to return

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we learn that Odysseus is our main character late in the intro, why?

it may represent the fact that he has to be careful in who knows who he is, having disastrous consequences when he slips out his real name

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how is Telemachus initially shown

lacking spirit and helpless against the suitors but he is still a good host

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how do the suitors and Telemachus differ

the suitors are rude and loud, whereas Telemachus is respectful

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what do we learn about Telemachus

he’s filled with uncertainty, being raised with a father neither dead nor alive

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why does Athene help Telemachus the way she does

out of devotion to Odysseus

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why is Telemachus sent to go on a journey and look for his father

to build Telemachus’s reputation, allowing Odysseus to come home to a ‘worthy’ son, and let Telemachus know that he is his father’s son

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how is Penelope first shown

to be still deep in her grief

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who are we introduced to in the end of book 1?

Eurycleia, Odysseus and Telemachus’s nurse

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how are we first introduced to Odysseus

here he is at Calypso’s island, whining and sobbing, different from how we’d expect this great and strong hero to be

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how is Calypso presented

a good hostess, who genuinely seems to love Odysseus

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what is the word for when a story is slowed down


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Homeric epithets

a word that describes a person or thing

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what’s an example of a Homeric epithet

bright-eyed Athene, or noble Odysseus

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what was the point of Homeric epithets

it helped bards memorize the poems and helped the audience know who was who

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Calypso offered Odysseus immortality and rejects it, what does this show us?

he’s truly devoted to getting back to his family, a heroic trait

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when Odysseus appears in front of Nausicaa what do we appreciate about him

even while naked and half-dead, he still tries to be courteous and appropriate

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how does the theme of identity show up in Nausicaa and Odysseus’s encounter?

he chooses not to state who he is or that he’s married - we can see Nausicaa is attracted to him and by omitting details he is further convincing her to help him

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what’s the difference between Nausicaa and Telemachus

she’s honoured and a worthy daughter, whereas Telemachus worries he will shame his hero father

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what is Scheria

Nausicaa’s and King Alcinous’s island

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who is insulted by Odysseus’s refusal to take part in the Phaeacian games


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what happens after Euryalus and Odysseus’s conflict and why is it interesting

Euryalus gives Odysseus a personal apology, something rare in Greek literature

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in book 8 we are given a simile about Odysseus’s tears, what does it tell us (it’s about a woman weeping with her arms around her husband fallen in battle)

even though he is a victor, his grief is associated with a victim. She has lost what she loves most, as has Odysseus - deprived of his home, wife and child

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how does Agamemnon and Odysseus’s families contrast

Clytemnestra is unfaithful and kills Agamemnon, while her sister, Helen, causes a lot of destruction due to adultery. Penelope, however, suffers but remains faithful

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what’s something interesting that Calypso points out

she notes how goddesses are punished for loving mortals while gods do the same thing

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how does Queen Arete differ from normal representation of women in greek epics

she is the one Odysseus has to ask for help rather than the king, and she’s able to settle ‘men’s debates’

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what are books 9-12

a flashback of the last 10 years, from when Odysseus left Troy till he crashed at Calypso’s island

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after escaping an ambush in Troy, what pushes them off course

the North wind and current

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what are the three stories in this book

the lotus-eaters and the escape from Troy are the shorter ones, while the Cyclops are the main one

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why might Odysseus’s encounter with Polyphemus be so popular?

it’s when Odysseus is at his most charismatic/ shows his human traits and flaws

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the Phaeacians and Cyclops’s used to be near each other, how do they differ?

the Phaecians show good hospitality where the cyclops don’t, and Scharia is civilised

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how does Odysseus’s change from Cyclops island to how we see him in Scharia

he’s far less arrogant and adventurous, now he just wants to see his family, he’s also alone in his journey now

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what are the three stories of book 10

their trip(s) to Aeolus, their encounter with man-eating giants, and Circe’s island

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in book 10, what do we start to notice from the men

some jealousy and spite, with Eurylochus in particular causing trouble

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what sort of emotional state is Odysseus in in book 10

not well, he considers suicide but thinks he needs to suffer quietly, a typical trait in epic heroes

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when do we see Odysseus’s leadership not be great in book 10

the men have to remind Odysseus they should leave, they have to step in for him

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what shows Odysseus’s dedication to his family in the underworld

when Calypso offered him immortality, he had already seen the underworld, already saw what mortality means, and still chose to reject it

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what does Achilles tell Odysseus

that he regrets everything and that the underworld is boring

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in book 12, how does Odysseus show foolishness

by ignoring Circe’s warning to not arm himself and try to fight Scylla

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what does Eurylochus do in book 12

he convinces the crew to kill the sheep, causing Zeus to kill them as they sail away

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what does book 17 highlight

how unkindly slaves, poorer or elderly people are treated. It also shows what happens when society is left to itself

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in book 19, the aged Odysseus sees Penelope. What does he think of her and the suitors

he doesn’t blame her at all for it

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in book 22, Odysseus shoots Antinous (one of the suitors) in the neck, what’s interesting about Homer describes it

it’s described as tender, showing compassion for his pitiable death

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after is Antinous is shot and the suitors realise their are no weapons, what does Eurymachus do

he asks them to be spared, saying it was entirely Antinous’s doing, offering to give many gifts to make up for their behaviour

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what does Athene do in book 22

she protects Odysseus and ensures the suitors miss

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who does Telemachus spare

Phemius and Medon

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what does Eurycleia do after the suitors have been killed

he triumphs at the suitors defeat and Odysseus tells him it’s horrid to cheer over the slain

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how does Penelope react in seeing an undisguised Odysseus

she doesn’t believe it’s truly him and is in great shock, he recognises she’s been through a lot just as he has

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