From MaritNy on Quizlet
Disease causing organisms
Direct contact (Herpes and smallpox - touching the infected area)
bodily fluids (HIV)
Animal Vectors (Rabies)
Blood Contact (Hepatitis)
Swallowed (Salmonella)
dry thick tough region of dead surface cells
protects external structures
biochemical defence - lysosomes (enzymes which break down pathogens)
pH is slightly acidic not optimal for bacteria (the glands secrete lactic acid)
Dry, hard to reproduce/ competition
No openings continuous
normally in the openings (eyes, nose, ears)
sticky, traps pathogens
5.5 pH, not optimal for pathogens
cillia to aide the removal of pathogens
prevents excess blood loss and limit pathogenic access broken blood vessel triggers clotting factors.
Clotting factors cause platelets to become sticky and adhere to the damaged region.
Clotting factors also initiate localised vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow.
Clotting factors also trigger the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin (activating the enzyme)
thrombin catalysis fibrinogen to fibrin (soluble to insoluble)
the fibrin forms a mesh of fibers around the cluster of platelets and traps blood cells, forming a clot.
when the region is repaired - plasmin is activated to dissolve the clot.
Atheromes (fat deposits) develop in the arteries are reduce the lumen size.
this increases pressure, damaging the arterial wall, which is repaired with fibrous tissue, reducing the elasticity of the vessel wall
lesion called atherosclerotic plaques form in lesions
if the plaque ruptures --> blood clotting forming thrombus
if thrombus ruptures it can block smaller arterioles.
chemotaxis attracts the phagocytes to the area of invasion through:
proteins produces by the pathogen and phospholipids released by the damaged cells.
the phagocyte attaches to the pathogens' surface protein and engulfs it (endocytosis)
vessicle is called phagosome
lysosomes enter the phagosome and break down the pathogen, waste products removed through exocytosis.
B-cells: produce antibodies, helper T-cells release chemicals that can activate B cells to produce antibodies.
antigen presenting cells migrate to the lymph and ctivate specific helper T cells
The helper T cells release cytokines to activate the particular B cell capable of producing antibodies specific to the antigen.
the activated b cell divides and differentiates to form short-lived plasma cells that make a high amount of a specific antibody. these antibodies target the antigen
a small % of the activated B-cell develops into memory cells
4 polypeptide chains to form y-shaped molecules
the ends are where the antigen binds (called the variable regions)
the rest of the molecule is consistent w all antibodies
each type of antibody recongnises a unique antigen
looked at penicillin
Noticed how eye mucus defence did not kill all pathogens.Found penicillin on accident, saw how it killed disease. The essence was extracted, which had no effect on animals but just prokaryotes. -Infected mice with bacteria (strepococus), half were given penicillin and they survived. Then tested on sick humans, most survived.
this testing is not allowed today