American Revolution

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Travel Time between Europe and America

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8th grade 2024 full complete study guide for American Revolution

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Travel Time between Europe and America

44 days

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Taxed Products under the Sugar Act

molasses, coffee, wine

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Colonists' Outcry after Stamp Act

"Taxation without representation"

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Role of Daughters of Liberty

Encouraged using own materials, weaving cloth and the first Americans to make their own goods

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Decline in British Exports

fell by 40%

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Cost of Tea at Tea Party

$1 million and $3 million in today's money

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Colonists Disguised as

Narragansett Indians and Mohawks Indians

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1st Casualty of American Revolution

Crispus Attucks

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Lawyer Defending British Soldiers

John Adams

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Punishment for British Tax Collectors

Marked with a letter on thumb representing their crime and would be tarred and feathered

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Pamphlet Inspiring Declaration

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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Why was Common Sense written

Written to fight back against British taxes and inspired people to see unfairness in it

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Idea for Declaring Independence

Richard Henry Lee of Virginia

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Painter of Signing of Declaration

John Trumbell

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This portrait was on the the back of what Federal note today?

$2 dollar bill

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Location of Declaration Signing

Philadelphia Independence Hall

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President of Second Continental Congress

John Hancock

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Why did John Hancock sign his signature so big?

make a statement, show his support, and make it known he was the President of the Continental Congress.

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Author of Declaration

Thomas Jefferson

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Why was Thomas Jefferson picked?

excellent writer, brilliant thinker, from Virginia (largest colony), highly respected political leader, 33, though bad at public speaking

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Declaration Committee Members

Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson

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Time to Write Declaration

2 weeks

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Adoption Date of Declaration

July 4, 1776

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Declaration Location (where is it resting)

National Archives

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Room in Museum with Declaration

the Rotunda for the charters of freedom

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Documents in National Archives

Declaration, Preamble, 7 articles, Bill of Rights

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Name for important documents

Charters of Freedom

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Sections of Declaration

Preamble, Right of People, Tyrannical Acts, Efforts to Avoid Separation, Colonies Declared Free

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Preamble: announced the reasons for the document; defined why it was writing and its purpose

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The Right of the People to Control their Government

Rights of the People: John Locke's inalienable rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; a government's power comes from the consent of the governed

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Tyrannical acts of the British king (king George)

Grievances Against Britain (King George): listed unfair acts of the British King (27 grievances; used strong verbs)

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Efforts to Avoid Separation

Efforts from the Colonies to Avoid Separation: 1775 Olive Branch Petition (rejected by the King); a list of actions to rectify, remedy the situation

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Colonies Declared Free and Independent

Actual Declaration: wanted independence because they felt they had no other choice; wanted the ability to wage war and agree to peace, to make alliances with other nations, to set up an economy, make laws, and seek membership in world organizations

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Start Date of American Revolution

April 19, 1775

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Poem about Battle of Lexington

The shot herd round the world

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Who wrote The shot herd round the world?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What was the name of the bridge, leading into Concord, that allowed the Colonists to fend off the British assault?

Old North Bridge

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Loyalists and tories

English name for colonial subjects loyal to the king

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Creation of Continental Army

June 14, 1775

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Quote "Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes"

Israel Putman

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Why did Israel Putman say this?

The troops needed to conserve the ammunition and more accurate shot

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Tax Difference

British citizens taxed 25% higher

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Average Ratio of muck balls that hit their target


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Battle of Bunker Hill Location

Breed's Hill in Boston Massachusetts

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European Fighters for British

German Hessians

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Doctor/General at Battle of Princeton

Hugh Mercer

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Turning Point Battle

Battle of Saratoga

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Why was the turning point the Battle of Saratoga

6,000 British surrendered. French came to aid the colonist and one year later so would Spain.

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What was the name of the medical procedure used at Valley Forge to slow down or stop the spread of Smallpox?

Mass Inoculation (vaccine)

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What group of people introduced inoculation to the colonists?

African Slaves

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Did inoculation work?

Yes, before inoculation 4/10 people died and after inoculation 1/50 died.

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What was the main reason that Benedict Arnold became a traitor/turncoat?

Disliked alliance with French (other reason was he was passed over for many promotions)

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Chemical for Invisible Ink

Liquid Iron sulfate

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Quote "I have not yet begun to fight"

John Paul Jones

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Why did John Paul Jones say this?

To show that he was not ready to surrender to the British. Challenged by Captain Pearson showing resolve of americans. This happened as his ship (bonhomie Richard sank and he jumped ship to take over British Serapis)

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Who was known as the Swamp Fox?

Francis Marion, elusive guerrilla fighter

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Why was he called the Swamp Fox

known as the swamp fox because of his tactics of ambushing the British from marches of south and then retreating. (never led group larger than 70) faded into the swamps and forest like foxes

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How would a frontier Guerrilla fight their enemy

Frontier Guerillas would use hit and run tactics by attacking an enemy and then retreating immediately (not part of a regular army)

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Battle of Yorktown Date

September 28, 1781-October 19th

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After Cornwallis (British leader) surrendered, what song did the British military band play?

The World Turned Upside Down

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Where was the treaty signed?

Palace of Versailles and in the Room of Mirrors

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What is the official date that the Treaty of Paris was ratified?

September 3, 1783

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What did Great Britain need to recognize the united states as?

an independent nation

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What did Britain give up to the colonists?

all of the lands between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River, from Canada South to Florida, (does not include Florida or Canada just up to the border)

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What did the U.S agree to return to the loyalists?

returned all rights and property taken from the loyalists during the war

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Where did loyalists/tories escape to?

escaped to nova scotia so when they got their land back the colonists were mad at them

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where are the grand banks?

newfoundland island

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Who(S) began the formal peace negations (treaty) with the British?

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay

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When did the formal peace negotiations with British begin? (begging of process to treaty)

September 27th, 1782

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What is John Jay known for?

1st Chief justice

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How many loyalists escaped to British Canada?

80,000 black and white loyalists left the us to British Canada .

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What did Britain and the U.S both not do (in terms of the treaty) ?

Both of them didn’t ever fully live up to the treaty (both were very broke)

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Where was the U.S given the right to fish off of?

Canada's Atlantic coast near newfoundland and nova scotia

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What did each side (British and Colonists) have to do for each other?

repay the debts they owed each other

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What did the British have to return to the colonists?

Any enslaved person (hard to live up to/didn’t do)

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What it is Valley Forge?

The winter in Valley Forge was where the American fighters (colonists) learned how to fight and recoup their plans

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Government is establish for the benefit for all people

This was part of the constitution

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Governments are created by an agreement between God and kings

This was not part of the constitution

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People tend to change governments too quickly without much thought

This was not part of the constitution

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A government should be changed when it no longer serves the basic need of the people

This was part of the constitution

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The people who will be governed by a government should establish it

This was part of the constitution

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The basic reason for forming a new government is to divide property equally among all people

This was not part of the constitution

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All people have certain basic rights that no government can take away

This was part of the constitution

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Kings and Aristocats have more rights that common people

This was not part of the constitution

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The king of England has tried to compromise with the colonists

This was not part of the constitution

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The king has not responded to the colonists repeated attempts to make their grievances known to him

This was part of the constitution

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The colonists declare their continued loyalty to the king

This was not part of the constitution

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The colonists are to be independent states

This was part of the constitution

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rule by a tyrant with absolute power – it means “master”

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Baron Frediech Von Steuben

he was a Prussian and he was a great military leader along side George Washington, he was outcasted for being gay, helped train colonists with discipline at valley of forge

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George Washington

led groups in valley forge, great political and military leader

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Nathaniel Greene

Military leader and great strategist, he was one of the most respected leaders and has the town Greenville named after him

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What did John Paul Jones that he had to change his name (originally just John Jones)

Killed a sailor (self defense apparently) and fled to Virginia for freedom.

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When was NO taxation without representation said?

This was said BEFORE the war and before the taxes were emplaced the no is cut out after the taxes were placed in.

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