AP Am. Gov. Important Court Cases

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United States v Lopez

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United States v Lopez

Congress passed Gun Free School-zone act.

Lopez said it’s unconstitutional and congress exceeded its authority under the commerce clause.

5-4 decision saying it was unconstitutional.

2nd amendment

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Engel v Vital

6-1 can’t hold prayers in school

Establishment clause

1st amendment

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Wisconsin v Yoder

Unanimous, can’t force Amish kids to go to school past 8th grade

Free exercise clause

1st amendment

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Tinker v DeMoines

7-2, Student rights can’t be limited unless it interferes with the requirements of appropriate discipline in school

Free speech clause

1st amendment

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Schenck v United States

Unanimous, wartime allowed free speech to have greater restrictions (Schencks arrest was constitutional)

Schenck was handing out pamphlets telling others to resist the WW2 draft.

Free speech clause

1st amendment

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New York Times v United States

6-3 the US government had not met “the heavy burden of showing justification for the enforcement” of prior restraint, so the NYT can continue publishing the papers.

Pentagon papers were leaked and NYT published them

Right of free press

1st amendment

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McDonald v City of Chicago

5-4 states can’t impede on the citizens born rights written in the constitution

Chicago made a law impeding on the right to bear arms

Due Process

14th amendment

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Baker v Carr

6-2 redistricting questions are justiciable (meaning they are legal questions the courts can resolve rather than political questions left to legislators)

Equal Protection

14th amendment

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Shaw v Reno

5-4 race can’t be the primary consideration when redistricting (Gerrymandering = not okay)

Equal Protection clause

14th Amendment

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Marbury v Madison

Unanimous, Congress does not have the power to pass laws that override the Constitution

Judicial Review

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Brown v Board of Education

Unanimous, separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional

Equal Protection

14th amendment

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