Need to affiliate
The desire to associate with other people
Interpersonal attraction
Social attraction to another person
A mutual exchange of feelings, thoughts, or things between people
The process of revealing private thoughts, feelings, and ones personal history to others
Social exchange
Any exchange between two people of attention, information, affection, favors, or the like
Social exchange theory
A theory stating that rewards must exceed costs for relationships to endure
Comparison level
A personal standard used to evaluate rewards and costs in social exchange
Feelings of connectedness and affection for another person
Deep emotional and/or sexual feelings for another person
The determination to stay in a long-term relationship with another person
Romantic love
Love that is associated with high levels of interpersonal attraction, heightened arousal, mutual absorption, and sexual desire
Companionate love
A form of love characterized by intimacy and commitment, but not passion
Fatuous love
Love characterized by passion and commitment, but not intimacy
Consummate love
A form of love characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment
Evolutionary psychology
The study of the evolutionary origins of human behavior patterns
Prosocial behavior
Any behavior that has a positive impact on other people
A specific type of prosocial behavior motivated primarily by improving the circumstances of others
State in which people, when faced with someone who is suffering, experience a feeling state that parallels that of the person in distress
Bystander effect (bystander apathy)
The unwillingness of bystanders to offer help during emergencies or to become involved in others problems
Diffusion of responsibility
Spreading the responsibility to act among several people; reduces the likelihood that help will be given to a person in need
Antisocial behavior
Any behavior that has a negative impact on other people
Any action carried out with the intention of harming another person
The deliberate and repeated use of aggression (whether verbal or physical, direct or indirect) as a tactic for dealing with everyday situations
Innate impulse that directs or motivates behavior
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
States that frustration tends to lead to aggression
Social learning theory
A theory that combines learning principles with cognitive processes, socialization, and modeling, to explain behavior
Positive or negative attitude toward an entire group of people
Social stereotypes
Oversimplified images of the traits of individuals who belong to a particular social group
Discrimination (in social behavior)
Unfair actions based on stereotyping and prejudice
Subtle acts of discrimination that may not be intended to hurt the victim but rather reflect a lack of awareness or sensitivity
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination directed against someone based solely on their race
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination directed against someone based solely on their gender
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination directed against someone based solely on their age
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination directed against someone based solely on the belief that heterosexuality is better or more natural than homosexuality
Placing ones own group or race at the center-that is, tending to reject all other groups but ones own
Explicit prejudice
Prejudice that is conscious and clearly and publicly expressed
Implicit prejudice
Unconscious prejudiced thoughts and feelings about members or other groups
Blaming a person or a group for the actions of others or for conditions not of their making
Displaced aggression
Redirecting aggression to a target other than the actual source of ones frustration
Status inequalities
Differences in the power, prestige, or privileges of two or more people or groups
Authoritarian personality
A personality patter characterized by rigidity, inhibition, prejudice, and an excessive concern with power, authority, and obedience
An unwanted positiveness or certainty in matters of belief or opinion
Beliefs that outgroups are less human and deserve the discrimination that they are subject to
The tendency to apply social stereotypes to ones self
Stereotype threat
The anxiety caused by the fear of being judged in terms of a stereotype
Equal-status contact
Social interaction that occurs on an equal footing, without obvious differences in power or status
Superordinate goal
A goal that exceeds or overrides all others, a goal that renders other goals relatively less important
Individuating information
Information that helps define a person as an individual, rather than as a member of a group or social category
Just-world beliefs
Beliefs that people generally get what they deserve
Self-fulfilling prophecy
An expectation that prompts people to act in ways that make the exception come true
Social competition
Rivalry among groups, each of which regards itself as superior to others
Relationships deepen through self-disclosure, which follows a reciprocity norm
Low levels of self-disclosure are met with low levels in return; moderate self-disclosure elicits more personal replies
It differs from sympathy/compassion on the effect of a component
An empathetic response involves feeling and emotion that is the same as the victim; A sympathetic/compassionate response instead involves an effective response that would be more similar to concern or caring for the victim
Three decision points must be passed before a person gives hope
noticing, defining an emergency, and taking responsibility/ selecting a course of action
Aggression can be reduced through equal
status contact, the pursuit of superordinate goals, and through direct instruction (in diversity training sessions, for example)