History Final

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Physical scarcity

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Physical scarcity

Water is hard to find in Africa and often far from the homes of people. 60% of the population in the middle east and north Africa live in water stressed areas.

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Access to water & Poverty

Since most people live in poverty in Africa they can’t afford water pumps, filtration, transportation to water holes. Therefore they are drinking unsafe water from far away or not drinking enough at all

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Arab Spring

  • A series of uprisings in the middle east to overthrow oppressive governments

  • Started when Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire to protest the police officers who shut down his fruit stand.

  • After he died street protests began to storm Arab nations

  • Event lead to lots of changes in government that weren’t necessarily good.

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Iran vs. Saudi Arabia

  • Both want to be the central power in the middle east so they are battling to be that center nation

  • Religious differences set them apart Iran is Shia Muslim and saudi arabia is Sunni Muslim

  • USA, Israel, Egypt, UAE, and Bahrain side with the Saudis

  • Iraq and Russia side with Iran

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Hinduism Origin

In the Indus River Valley

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After you die you reincarnate into a new life the cycle of birth, life, death is called samsara.

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  • An action, word, or deed

  • If you accumulate good karma your soul is rewarded in the next life

  • If you have bad karma you are reborn into a lower caste

  • If you have good karma you could be reborn into a higher caste

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The religious and moral law governing individual conduct.

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  • Reaching spiritual perfection

  • The ultimate goal: When your soul is free from the life cycle.

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British East India Company Involvement

  • 1600s: Set up trading ports in Bombay, madras, and Calcutta

  • Was the leading power in India until 1858

  • Until the early 1800s BEIC ruled with little interference from Great Britain

    • Owned an army led by British officers

    • Staffed with Sepoys “Indian soldires”

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Sepoy Rebellion

  • 1857: Sepoys heard the cartridges for new Enfield rifles were greased with pork and beef

    • Cow is sacred to Hindus and Muslims do not eat pork

  • 85-90 Sepoys refused the cartridges

  • They were jailed and shackled

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Indian National Congress

  • Led by Jawaharlal Nehru

  • Supported the wants of Hindus

  • Wanted greater Indian representation in government

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Amritsar massacre

  • 1919: 10,000 Indians flock to Amritsar to peacefully protest

    • Intended to fast, pray, and listen to political speeches

  • British soldiers opened fire at a contained crowd

    • Great Britain Report: 400 Indians killed

    • Indian Report: Over 1,000 Indians killed

  • Result: Millions of Indians go from loyal subjects to nationalists - want independence.

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Mohandas Gandhi

  • Leader of the movement for Indian independence.

  • Protested with civil disobedience.

  • Idea: Deliberate & public refusal to obey an Unjust law; always nonviolent

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Caste System

  • Brahmins

    • Priests and Teachers

  • Kshatriyas

    • Warriors and Rulers

  • Vaishyas

    • Farmers, traders, and merchants

  • Shudras

    • Laborers

  • Dalits (outcastes)

    • Street sweepers, Latrin cleaners

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Early Independence

  • After WWII gave up the colony of India

  • India was no longer profitable for Britain because of protests

  • Indian Nationalists had succeeded in building enormous support for independence

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Narendra Modi

  • Current Prime minister of India

  • Puts Hindu nationalists at the top and doesn’t really represent Muslims

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Gujarat Riots

  • Started when 60 Hindus died in a train fire and Muslims were blamed for their deaths

  • Violence broke out and many muslims were killed.

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Modern Issues of india

  • poverty

  • Hindu population vs. Muslim population

  • Pollution

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Partition Of India

  • 1947: India is split and India and Pakistan officially form separate countries

  • Cyril Radcliffe

    • British Official in charge of partition lines

    • Never visited the border or knew cultural differences

    • Outdated maps

    • Simply took a pencil and drew lines

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  • Kashmir was originally supposed to be its own country but chose to be part of India in 1947

  • India and Pakistan have been fighting over it ever since

  • India revoked Independence from the nation since it is mostly populated by Muslims

  • Pakistan is taking India to UN criminal court for this

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General Zia ul-Haq

  • Military general who organized a coup for prime minister bhutto

  • Led a campaign to introduce Islamic law and create an islamic system in pakistan

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  • From 1989-1996 Afghans endured anarcy and violence

  • Backed by Pakistan, Taliban contolled Kabul- Imposed extreme vision of Islamic law

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Abdul Qadeer Khan

  • Leader of pakistans nuclear weapons program

  • Developed Pakistans nuclear weapon despite an international agreement to limit arms development.

  • Sold bomb making equipment and gave technical advice to Libya, North Korea, and Iran

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War in Afghanistan

  • Pakistan offered refuge to the taliban post 9/11 attacks

  • They his in the mountainous border between afghanistan and pakistan

  • In 2011 Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by seal team 6

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Slave trade

  • African prisoners of war were traded to the british in exchange for weapons

  • They were used to farm cash crops in the US

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Middle Passage

Journey African slaves would take from Africa to the Americas. They had to endure dieses, maltreatment, depression, etc.

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European Interest

  • Industrial competition, raw materials

  • Rivalries grew in Europe. Increase in nationalism in European countries

  • Spread christianity

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Struggle of new nations in Africa


  • Brutal revolt against French settlers

  • French leaving left crisis in Algeria-Arabs-little technical training/management experience


  • Over-dependence on export crops

  • Arbitrarily drawn boarders

  • roads and railroads need modernization

  • Large population

Struggle: Some wanted to keep personal privileges, control of resources, political power

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Policy of legal racial segregation

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Pass Act

Law that required nonwhites to carry a pass that authorized their presence in restricted areas.

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The Bantu Authorities Act

Political rights were restricted to residential zones

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Nelson Mandela

Leader of the ANC who eventually became the first black president of South Africa. Went to jail for 27 years but continued the fight from the inside.

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King Leopold II

  • Belgian King who took control of the Congo River Basin

  • He forced African slaves to harvest rubber so he could sell it and get rich

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Economic sanctions

  • US corporations announced they were leaving South Africa

  • Over 70 major corporations left

  • Trade restrictions by other countries

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Rubber Production

The Congolese were forced to harvest the rubber for profit of King Leopold. This was very difficult and if certain quotas weren’t hit they would be brutally punished. Hands cut off.

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  • Hutus: Mainly peasant farmers and the majority of the country

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  • Tutsis: Mainly aristocratic cattle hearers and made superior by Belgians. They are also the minority

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International Response to genocide

  • Very few countries did very little to help

  • The UN tried to fight the interhamwe but were overpowered so pulled out

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Rwanda Genocide

  • Started when president Habyraimana died after his plane was shot down.

  • Hutus thought it was tutsis and tutsis thought it was hutu rebels

  • Radical hutus began the genocide

  • 1994: 3 months around 800,000 tutsis and moderate hutus are killed

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Paul Kagame

  • Current president of Rwanda

  • Use to be apart of the RPF

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Economic scarcity

There is not enough money circulating through all of Africa so some areas have entirely more and more job opportunity than others.

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