What is the order of priority for groups
Carboxylic acid > Sulphonic acid > anhydride > Ester > acid chloride> acid amide > cyanide > isocyanide > aldehyde > ketone > alcohol>thiol>amine
Chotu Sonu And Esha Always Need Alu Kachori On Amavasya surely.
Give the suffix, formulae and prefix of : Alcohols
Prefix: hydroxy
Suffix: -ol
Formulae: -OH
Give the suffix, formulae and prefix of : Aldehydes
Prefix: formyl or oxo
Suffix: -al
formulae: -CHO
Give the suffix, formulae and prefix of : Ketones
Prefix: oxo-
Suffix: -one
formulae: C=O
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Nitriles
Prefix: cyano
Suffix: nitrile
Formuale: C=-N
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Ethers
Prefix: aloxy
Suffix: (nothing)
Formulae: -R-O-R
Give the suffix,formulae and prefix of : Carboxylic acids
Prefix: carboxy
Suffix: oic acid
Give the suffix formulaeand prefix of : Carboxylate ions
Prefix: (nothing)
Suffix: -oate
Formulae: -COO^-
Give the suffix ,formulae and prefix of : Ester
Prefix: alkoxy carbonyl
Suffix: -oate
Formulae: -COOR
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Acyl halides
Prefix: halacarbonyl
Suffix: -oyl halide
Formulae: -COX
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Amines
Prefix: amino-
Suffix: -amine
Formulae: -NH2, -NH, -N
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Amides
Fromulae: -CONH2, -CONHR, -CONR2
Give the suffix formulae and prefix of : Nitros
Prefix: nitro
Suffix: (nothing)
Formulae: -NO2
Name these compounds