The Way of Faith and Devolution
this is the way people talk about Judaism or Christianity in Sunday school, or how Hindus sing of their love of Krishna
basically, the nonreligious study of religion
KEYWORD: insider view
A Nondevotional and Nontheological Way
it is the way of religious studies. aim is not to do religion but to study it
KEYWORD: outsider’s view
an analysis of the human PROBLEM
a SOLUTION to that problem
TECHNIQUES for achieving that goal
EXEMPLARS who chart the path toward the goal (saints, gurus, etc.)
the ritual dimension (rites and ceremonies)
the narrative or mythic dimension (myths and other stories related to sacred things)
the experiential or emotional dimension (experience of awe, guilt, bliss)
the social or institutional dimension (religious organizations)
the ethical or legal dimension (laws and moral codes)
the doctrinal or philosophical dimension (creeds, theologies)
the material dimension (prayer beads, icons, temple architecture)
Discourse (written or oral) that concerns issues transcendent to the continent, finite human world
a set of practices who’s purpose is to produce a proper world (or proper human character)
a community whose members construct their identity with reference to such discourses and practices
an institution that regulates discourse, practices, and community (with the goal of reproducing this into the future)