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How successful was President Alessandri of the Conservative Party in solving Chile’s economic problems?
President Alessandri was unsuccessful. The attempts to stimulate the economy ended with an unbalanced balance of payments and rise in inflation.
Richard Nixon
With authorization from ________ and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger the CIA spent $ 8 million from 1970- 73 to destabilize the Chilean economy.
How did the Cuban Missile Crisis alter the United States’ policy in Latin America?
As the US desired to encourage the reform movements, it secretly financed the Christian Democrats as an alternative to the social revolution. As a result, the Christian Democrats were supported enough by the US (with a strong backing by conservative parties) to enable Frei to win the 1964 election.
Unidad Popular
Allende only received 36 % of the vote [of Socialist, Communist, and Radical Parties in the ________] as candidate of the left coalition.
price controls
The ________ were supported by local housewife supported price and supply committees.
General René Schneider
________ was the commander in chief of the army and had kept it neutral just before Allende took office.
What was Frei’s “revolution in freedom?”
An attempt to resolve the extreme inequality in Chilean society without an extreme class struggle.
What was the effect of Frei's "revolution in freedom?"
In the reform, he was faced with inflation, stagnation, a domestic market too small to accommodate an efficient mass industry, and an industry/agriculture incapable of supplying the basic needs. Frei proposed agrarian reform, tax reform, and other measures to redistribute income to the lower classes.
How much support did Allende have upon his election in 1970?
Allende only received 36% of the vote [of Socialist, Communist, and Radical Parties in the Unidad Popular] as candidate of the left coalition. The right was unable to join with the left in response to the extreme ideals of the Unidad Popular. The election was taken to Congress where the issue was publicized and resulted in Allende being approved as president.
What conditions favored the program for socialism of Allende’s UP (Unidad Popular)?
assasination of General René Schneider in October 1970. General René Schneider was the commander in chief of the army and had kept it neutral just before Allende took office. It was probable that the UP would receive the cooperation of the Christian Democratic Party (who had been left after the UP broke off and formed a coalition with other leftists).
What groups and conditions did not favor the UP?
It did not have a majority in Congress: both the judiciary and the Controlaría General (the government’s fiscal arm) opposed Allende’s reform.
What was the biggest roadblock to progress and why? (1972 - 1973)
Being unable to satisfy the working class (who wanted structural reform) and the middle class (and their special interests) Chile’s inefficiently managed agricultural production. Allende has liquidated the system of land tenure dominated by large rural estates (latifundio system).
What happened on June 29, 1973 ?
The balance of forces in the military shifted towards the conservatives and a premature coup was defeated by loyal troops (to Allende) by General Prats.
How did the workers react to June 29, 1973?
Workers: After the defeat, workers called for the occupation of factories and distribution of arms among them.
How did Allende react to what happened on June 29, 1973?
Allende: Allende took to increasing efforts to reach a compromise with Christian Democrats, relying on armed forces to maintain law and order.
How did the armed forces react to what happened on June 29, 1973?
Armed forces: The armed forces raided factories in search of illegal weapons while making no effort to disarm rightist paramilitary groups.