**How successful was President Alessandri of the Conservative Party in solving Chile’s economic problems?**President Alessandri was unsuccessful. The attempts to stimulate the economy ended with an unbalanced balance of payments and rise in inflation. |
**What was Frei’s “revolution in freedom?”**An attempt to resolve the extreme inequality in Chilean society without an extreme class struggle. In the reform he was faced with inflation, stagnation, a domestic market too small to accommodate an efficient mass industry, and an industry/agriculture incapable of supplying the basic needs. Frei proposed agrarian reform, tax reform, and other measures to redistribute income to the lower classes. |
**What conditions favored the program for socialism of Allende’s UP (Unidad Popular)?**Political conditions had appeared favorable for Allende because of the assasination of General Rné Schneider in October 1970. General René Schneider was the commander in chief of the army and had kept it neutral just before Allende took office. It was probable that the UP would receive the cooperation of the Christian Democratic Party (who had been left after the UP broke off and formed a coalition with other leftists). |
**How did the UP’s public spending improve the economy in 1971?**It stimulated demand and industrial production.The government instituted a large program for public spending with an emphasis on labor-intensive projects (housing, education, sanitation, health) while also establishing price controls. The price controls were supported by local housewife supported price and supply committees. The rate of inflation fell and real income rose as a result. |
**What was the biggest roadblock to progress and why?**Being unable to satisfy the working class (who wanted structural reform) and the middle class (and their special interests)Chile’s inefficiently managed agricultural production. The agricultural production neither raised enough to feed the country’s inhabitants nor provided employment for the large pool of rural labor. The inability to solve the agricultural crisis was only encouraged by a hostile Congress who forced Allende to operate with the reform laws inherited from the Frei administration (remember! The reforms implemented by Frei resulted in an unhappy and radical group of workers who as a result deviated from Frei towards more radical Communist and Socialist ideals).Allende has liquidated the system of land tenure dominated by large rural estates (latifundio system). Expropriation and redistribution continued but with cost to production. The amount of land under cultivation decreased by 20% and the harvest of 1972-73 was poor. |