when a ruler has complete rule over their people
checks and balances
branches of government to distribute power
divine right of kings
when a King believed his power as ruler was given by God
edict of nantes
a document allowing protestants of France to become equal with Catholics
thirty years war
longest and most destructive war in Europe
louis xiv
sun king, king by divine right
residence of louis xiv and his family
peter the great
Russian leader went down as a fantastic leader
emperor or king
catherine the great
empress of Russia, overthrew peter
english civil war
parliament vs. royalists fight for freedom
charles I
king of england, scotland and ireland, led the civil war
oliver cromwell
english politician who led the army
association whose goal is to maintain peace
charles II
king of scotland
james II
charles younger brother, king of scotland
glorious revolution
chain of events leading to the deposition of james II
william and mary
had joint reignover england, scotland, ireland
thomas hobbes
creator of social contract
john locke
enlightenment thinker “life, liberty, property“
natural rights
rights we were born with
social contract
agreement of our rights in the enlightenment age
age of enlightenment
movement when people were trying to separate from the government
meaning “philosopher“ in french, enlightenment thinkers
Baron de Montesquieu
created separation of powers
believed that only an enlightened monarch could bring change
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
philosopher who influenced the age of enlightenment, reconceived the social contract
Mary Wollstonecraft
created the rights of women, was a woman’s activist
a women’s informal education
separation of powers
legislative, executive, judicial
belief in divine right and that everything is given by God
enlightened absolutism
monarchs influenced by enlightenment, which gave them more power