Computer Science
An official name that pertains to the world of computers, and coding.
Programming style
A specific way that someone programs
Comments on the code, they don’t execute anything, but are their to improve the readability of the program for anyone looking at it
enables the computer to understand the code
the languages that computers understand, 0’s and 1’s
the process where the interpreter translates the java code into binary
compile-time error
when compiling stops because of an error within the code
logical error
something is incorrect with the logic behind the code, and it doesn’t give the provided output
run-time error
an error that isn’t caught by the compiler, but it produces an error during the execution of the code
string literal(string)
this is a type in java used to represent words, or sentences
escape sequence
a piece of code that begins with a backslash that indicates specific characters
this sets values to a variable
assignment operator
The equal sign, =, that assigns a value to something
used to store information to referenced, so that it can be manipulated in the program
concatenation operator
+ sign that is used between 2 entities to combine them
primitive data
the basic types of data used in java
(int) it represents an integer number
(double) it represents a number that can be positive, negative, or zero and can contain decimals, or be fractions
(boolean) a representation of a value that is either true or false
(char) represents any single character that can be represented on the computer anywhere from special characters, letters, numbers, and spaces
the order of operations in java
strongly typed
meaning that java makes you define the variables data type
has a higher precedence than all the other operators, and is used to convert the output that is produced
increment operator
used to increase the value of a number by 1
decrement operator
used to decrease the value of a number by 1