sign test
nominal data, related design, difference
wilcoxon test
ordinal data, related design, difference
related t test
interval data, related design, difference
nominal data, unrelated design, difference
nominal data, correlation
mann whitney
ordinal data, unrelated design, difference
unrelated t test
interval data, unrelated design, difference
spearmans rho
ordinal data, correlation
pearsons rho
interval data, correlation
0.05 level of significance
5% due to chance
95% due to researchers manipulation
prevents type 1 or type 2 error
0.01 level of significance
1% due to chance
99% due to researchers manipulation
causes type 2 error
0.10 level of significance
10% due to chance
90% due to researchers manipulation
causes type 1 error
Any 'thing' that can vary or change within an investigation. Variables are generally used in experiments to determine if changes in one thing results in changes in another.
descriptive statistics
a way of analysing quantitative data through the use of graphs, tables and summary statistics to identify trends and draw meaningful conclusions
measures of central tendancy
Give us information about the most typical values in a set of data - mean, median, mode
measures of dispersion
Looks at the spread of values, i.e. how far values vary and differ from one another - range, standard deviation
Laboratory Experiments
Take place in HIGHLY CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS. Doesn't necessarily have to be a 'laboratory', just has to be highly controlled. Researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on the DV.
Field Experiment
Takes place in a natural, more everyday setting. Not literally in a field, in the field. Researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on the DV.
Natural Experiment
Environment is natural as in field experiments, but also the change in the independent variable is also natural. The IV is not brought about by the researcher; it would have happened even if the researcher was not there.
Our right, enshrined in law under the Data Protection Act, to have any data protected Participants should have the right to control information about themselves but if that's not possible, confidentiality should be maintained.
protection from harm
Participants should leave the experiment in the same state they entered. They should not be subjected to physical or psychological harm, including embarrassment, stress or being placed under pressure.
Qualitative data
When data is expressed in words and may take the form of a written description of the thoughts, feelings and opinions of participants
Quantitative data
When data is expressed numerically, i.e. in numbers or quantities. This data is open to being statistically analysed and can be converted into graphs, charts etc.
correlational hypothesis
Still has to clearly state the relationship between variables and can be directional or non-directional
There is no IV and DV but the co-variables have to be clearly operationalised
Correlation coefficient ('r'):
A number produced between -1 and +1 after statistical analysis of a correlation. This number represents the direction and strength of a relationship between co-variables.