encoding information (DNA)
chemical messaging (mRNA)
cofactors/metabolic intermediates
energy currency (ATP)
Pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose)
Nucleotide base
1 or more phosphate groups
Pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose)
Nucleotide base
1' carbon does NOT denote the carbon to which the base is attached (Holmstrom REALLY wants us not to think about it like that.) 1' carbon follows the 1' carbon of a Fischer projection sugar, containing an aldehyde group. The =O is converted to an -OH group, and hemiacetal synthesis causes ring closure, to which the 1' carbon has an attached OH as well as an ester bond.
Carbon labelling just follows around the ring clockwise.
Different conformations of the deoxyribose sugar (endo/exo)
Rotation of phosphodeoxyribose bonds (both of the 5' carbon bonds are flexible)
Rotation about phosphodiester bonds between attached phosphate groups.
Free rotation about the n-β glycosidic bond.
deaminating agents (nitrous acids/nitrites) cause loss of a base's exocyclic amino group
alkylating agents cause modification of bases that disrupt base pairing and base stacking interactions 3)***Oxidative damage: oxidation of deoxyribose/caused by reactive oxygen species: hydroxyl radicals are the most prevalent effectors.
Defense: E. coli methylates its own genome to distinguish against foreign DNA
Distinction between old/new DNA: the longer DNA exists, the more methylated it becomes. This allows E. coli to recognize younger vs. older DNA within its genome.
Add all components to DNA soup
Heat reaction to denature and separate target DNA strands
Cool reaction to allow primers to bind to DNA template
Using available dNTPs, Taq (DNA) polymerase catalyzes synthesis of target sequence
Repeat until desired amplification is achieved.