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Betty Friedan's best-selling book of the 1960s observed that

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Betty Friedan's best-selling book of the 1960s observed that

many middle-class housewives and mothers felt frustration and a lack of fulfillment.

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The principles on human rights articulated by President Bush are most similar to

the ideas expressed by President Woodrow Wilson during and after the first world war.

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Which of the following events most directly led to President Bush's belief that the new world was emerging?

The end of the Cold war with the Soviet Union

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Which of the following best illustrates the conservative backlash of the late 1960s and early 1970s?

The presidential elections of 1968 and 1972

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Which of the following describes a similarity between the arguments made by Rossinow and Bermen in the excerpt?

Conservation had a widespread impact beyond the election of Reagan

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Which of the following claims is supported by the arguments of Rossinow and Merman?

The influence of cultural debate persisted through politics in 1980.

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All of the following characterized the economy during the Carter administration

Except..increased union membership

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Which of the following best explains a reason for the end of the cold war in the late 1980s and early 1990s?

Economic problems in the Soviet Union undermined its ability to control its territory and engage in international conflicts

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The remarks in the excerpt were most likely given in response to which of the following?

Political scandals resulting from the president's illegal campaign activity.

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The "strained" bond referenced in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following?

Decreasing public trust in the federal government.

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The "graying" of America since the 1970s is widely seen as threatening which of the following?

The long-term viability of the social security system.

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The new conservative movement most consistently criticized modern liberalism by claiming that it.

.threatened traditional visions of morality

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The ideas expressed in the excerpt overlook which of the following contexts defined immigration to the United States during the period from 1980 to 2000?

Immigrants were arriving from different countries than in previous periods

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he major trend depicted in the graph most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the late twentieth century?

Wages stagnated for most Americans

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Kent Stated University was the site in 1970 of which of the following events?

An antiwar demonstration in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard

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During the 1970s and 1980s, the New Right appeal strongly to all of the following groups except those who were

urban African Americans

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Which of the following economic changes occurred during the Reagon administration?

Growth in service sector employment coupled with a decline in manufacturing

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Which of the following arguments at the time most directly challenged the viewpoint in the image?

Tax cuts and reducing the influence of government would benefit the public

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The Reagan Revolution of the early 1980s entailed

tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and increases in defense spending

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Throughout the presidential elections campaign of 1980, Ronal Reagon's view of the best economic policy to pursue was based on his belief that

Excessive taxation left citizens with less money to save and invest

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The growth of activism by religious conservatives in the second half of the twentieth century occurred most directly in response to the

challenging of social norms by youth movements

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In her influential 1962 work, silent spring, Rachel Carson warned

about the dangerous impact of pesticide

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The Stonewall riots of 1969 were significant because they

led to the birth of gay rights organizations around the country

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The purpose of the excerpt could best be used to support which of the following explanations for why policies used to combat terrorism were controversial?

Some Americans worried that the freedoms of US citizens might be violated by the efforts to stop terrorism

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Which of the following best explains a conclusion supported by the point of view expressed in the excerpt?

Terrorism challenged national security agencies

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Which of the following explanations for US foreign policy debates after September 11, 2001, could the situation described in the excerpt best be used to support?

The nation security efforts to prevent terrorism were controversial

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The ideas expressed in the excerpt are most strongly situated within which of the following contexts?

The continuation of interventionist foreign policies following the end of the Cold War

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Which of the following demographic changes occurred in the US in the 3 decades after 1965?

An increase in the proportion of people over the age of 65

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The cartoon was primary a response to the.

Growing debate over the vietnam war

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The 1979 incident at Three Mile Island had which of the following effects?

It increased support for the movement against nuclear power

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Which of the following best explains an effect on the US by the patterns depicted in the maps?

Wages for working and models class people began to stagnate

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From 1994 to 1996, Reagan administration officials secretly sold arms to Iran to illegally finance

a rebellion against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua

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Trust in the effectiveness of the US government declined in the 1970s most directly in response to the

revelation of political scandals in the executive branch

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The presidency of Jimmy Carter was plagued by which of the following foreign policy issues?

The taking of american hostages in Iran

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The effects of deindustrialization of the 1970s included all of the following EXCEPT...

an increased US share of the world market in manufacturing

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The George W. Bush administration created which of the following executive agencies?

Department of Homeland Security

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Which of the following actions by later presidents was most consistent with the goals of the Reagan revolution?

Bill Clinton's support of the Welfare program

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In which of the following ways did the Reagon administration implement the "anticommunist ideology" described in the excerpt?

Conducting a buildup of nuclear and conventional weapons

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Mexican American activism in the 1950s and 1960s was most directly inspired by which of the following?

The tactics and goals of the African American Civil Rights movement

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In Miranda v. Arizona the Supreme Court Ruled that...

arrested persons must be informed of their rights

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The National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed in 1966 in order to ...

challenge sex discrimination in the workplace

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During his presidency, Nixon did which of the following?

Ended American participation in the war in Vietnam

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Which of the following best supports Crtichlos's assertion about the Republican Party?

The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan as President

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The success of the new conservative movement in achieving its goals was most challenged by

the ongoing popularity of many social welfare programs

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The excerpt most directly reflects which changed in US society during the 1970s and 1980s?

The rise of political activism among evangelicals

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The position on defense spending advocated by the Moral Majority and similar groups during the 1980s indicated that they would have been most likely to support

the Cold War rhetoric used by Republicans

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Which of the following best explains a historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s that the excerpt does not address?

Economic booms encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt Regions

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The ideas in the excerpt overlook which of the following contexts that defined immigration to the US during the period from 1980 to 2000

Immigrants were arriving from different countries that in previous periods

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The excerpt would be of limited use to a historian seeking to explain the political position common in the 1990s that the US should

reduce the influence of new immigrant cultures

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Which of the following factors contributed most to the major trend depicted in the graph?

The declining number of manufacturing jobs in the US

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The events discussed in the excerpt led to which of the following political changes?

Republicans overcame divisions within their party with Ronald Reagan's election as president in 1980.

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As characterized by the excerpt all of the following were goals of the Reagan administration EXCEPT ...

promoting equality for gay and lesbian Americans

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Members of which of the following groups were most likely to have voted for Reagan in the 1980 election?

Members of the evangelical Christian churches

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Which of the following developments during the Reagan administration could best be used as evidence to support Jacoms and Zeilser's argument that Reagan's ideology "was hard to translate into a lasting shift to the right in American politics"?

The continued funding of Social Security programs due to public popularity

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Which of the following claims is supported by the arguments made by both Rosssinow and Berman?

The influence of cultural debates persisted throughout politics in the 1980s

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Which of the following best describes a difference between the arguments made by Rossinow and Berman in the excerpts?

Berman focuses on the economic factors that contributed to Reagans election, while Rossinow focuses on the creation of social consensus as strengthening conservative political power

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WHich of the following contributed most directly to the trend described in the excerpt?

The spread of computer technology and Internet use

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WHich of the following earlier trends was most similar to the pattern described in the excerpt?

The development of Atlantic world commerce in the 1600s and early 1700s.

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Which of the following developments contributed most directly to the conditions described in the excerpt?

The growth of suburban housing on previously undeveloped land.

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Carson's argument in the excerpt most strongly influenced the..

Passage of new laws to reduce pollution

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Which of the following most directly contributed to the situation described in the excerpt?

The market revolution

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The growing number of women in the workforce in the second half of the twentieth century most directly contributed to...

increased social anxieties about the decline of the traditional nuclear family

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  1. During the first half of the nineteenth century, some women increasingly "bolster[ed] the household income" as described in the excerpt by..

Obtaining positions in textile mills

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The perspectives expressed in the public service announcements suggest that the popular interest in environmental issues such as smog control emerged most directly from..

A greater awareness of the impacts of abuses of natural resources.

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The methods used to express the ideas in the public service announcements have the most common with those of female activists who..

Engaged in Progressive Era reform movements

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Throughout US history, which of the following groups most typically opposed the perspectives expressed in the public service announcements?

Business executives concerned about economic growth.

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Which of the following most directly represents an attempt to put the principles stated in the excerpt into action?

Participating in peacekeeping intervention in the Balkans to stop ethnic cleansing.

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Which of the following events most directly led to President Bush believing that a new "world order" was emerging?

The end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

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The principles on human rights articulated by President Bush are most similar to...

the ideas expressed by President Woodrow Wilson during and after the First World War.

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WHich of the following groups was LEAST likely to have contributed to the trend in CHicago's population from 1890 to 1940?

Immigrants from eastern and southern ASIA

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. Which of the following factors was most likely responsible for the change in CHicago's population from 1950 to 1990?

Migration to the suburbs and surrounding regions.

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One effect of the population changes that occurred nationwide from 1950 to 1990 was the...

Increased economic influence of the SOuth and West

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Which of the following factors most likely contributed to the trendy in CHicago's population from 1890 to 1940?

Job opportunities in industry

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"Reganomics", or supply-side economics, led to which of the following?

Large increases in the incomes of wealthy Americans

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The 1970's and 1980's saw an increase in all of the following EXCEPT

the percentage of two-parent households

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Which of the following was a long-term reaction to the actions of the youth addressed in the excerpt?

The emergence of a conservative backlash against perceived cultural decline

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The sentiments expressed in the excerpt are best explained in connection to which of the following broader developments during the period?

A weidenting political and cultural gam between young people and earlier generations

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Betty Friedan is best known for her ...

criticism of traditional gender roles

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The decade of the 19070s was marked by all of the following economic conditions in the US EXCEPT?

Increased labor union membership among autoworkers

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George W. Bush administration created which of the following executive agencies?

Department of Homeland Security

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In the early 1960s, Malcolm X challenged the leadership of MLK in the Civil rights movement by arguing that

... African Americans must defend themselves against racism by using violence if necessary

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The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly reflected..

Divisions among Civil Rights activists over strategies and goals

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Based on the excerpt, which of the following was Moody most likely to support as the most effective means of challenging racial discrimination?

Engaging in direct action

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Which of the following statements would best describe the point being made in the cartoon above about Richard Nixon's administration

Nixon was reversing progress toward integration made in the 1960s.

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Which of the following best explains a regional pattern of union membership in the early twenty-first century as depicted in the maps?

Heavy Industries in upper Midwest states experienced decline

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Which of the following best explains the cause of overall changes to union membership in the early twenty-first century as depicted in the maps?

Service industry positions overtook manufacturing employment

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The most significant cause of the 1973-1974 embargo by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) was...

US's support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War

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Upon becoming president, Gerald Ford announced, "Our long national nightmare is over". He was referring to


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The point of view expressed in the cartoon best reflects which of the following perspectives was common at the time?

Liberal ideas favoring protections for individuals and the environment

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One of the goals of Reaganomics was to

encourage private investment through tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy

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One of the immediate consequences of the Tet offensive in 1968 was

that popular support for the war decline in the US

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The case of University of California Regents v Bakke concerned which of the following issues?

The constitutionality of policies made to correct racial injustice

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Which of the following developments best explains the passage of the excerpted law?

Presidents deepened US military engagement in Vietnam without a declaration of war

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WHich of the following groups in the American workforce has experienced the greatest percentage of growth since 1950?

Service Workers

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The festival near Woodstock, New York, in 1969 most closely associated with the


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The ideas in the excerpts best reflect which of the following about US foreign policy during Reagans administration?

Conservatives were willing to increase government spending in order to support Cold War military interventions

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The 1962 book that helped launch the national environmental movement was... Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

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Which of the following describes the trend in crude oil imports to the US between 1970 and 1980 as depicted in the graph?

Crude oil imports rose rapidly then declined to about 2 billion barrels in 1980.

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Which of the following would Schlafly and her supporters most likely identify as a long-term cause of the problems discussed in the excerpt? Increased political and cultural liberalism

Increased political and cultural liberalism

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Which of the following explains the context for US economic development between 1950 & the early 1970s (US imports of crude oil graph)

Low unemployment encouraged American optimism about economic growth

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